
Cysticers inhabit the brain of men for more than 20 years, and drum doctors and experts outside the gods staged "brain catching insects"

author:Purple Cow News

Yangzi Evening News Network February 9 news (correspondent Wang Juan reporter Yu Dandan) from Anhui 50-year-old male patient Lao Tang (pseudonym), half a month ago due to sudden convulsions at night, mouth foam, more than 20 minutes to restore consciousness, the family rushed to dial 120 to send it to the local hospital, the doctor considered that it was a seizure, after the Cranial BRAIN MRI and other examinations, the doctor told him that his bilateral cerebral hemispheres have multiple huge mass lesions, and the specific diagnosis can only be determined after craniotomy exploration. After the family inquired from many sources, they came to the Neurosurgery Department of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital for further diagnosis and treatment.

Cysticers inhabit the brain of men for more than 20 years, and drum doctors and experts outside the gods staged "brain catching insects"

With more than 20 years of headache history, drum doctor experts finally found the culprit

After learning more about the condition, the patient's wife told the doctor that before the seizure, the patient had a history of intermittent headaches of more than 20 years, and was given oral painkillers to relieve after visiting the local hospital, but did not pay attention to it. And patients like to eat pork, for decades three meals a day without meat and unhappy, prefer the local "brine meat", often in order to save trouble without cooking directly to eat. Ni Hongbin, director of the Department of Neurosurgery of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, first considered cerebrosystiasis through medical history inquiry, clinical manifestations and imaging examination. Since the lesion is located in the important functional area of the bilateral cerebral hemisphere, the slightest carelessness of surgery can cause paralysis and aphasia, so the patient was discussed in general and a very detailed surgical plan was formulated before surgery.

On January 23, the intracranial massectomy was carried out in close cooperation with the anesthesiology department and the nurses in the operating room, and Chief Physician Ni Hongbin and Deputy Chief Physician Wang Bin performed microsurgery for the patient, carefully separated the arachnoid membrane into the sulcus, protected the brain tissue in the functional area, and reached the brain to see the cysticers envelope. Experts intently drag the cysticercosis, along with the envelope, out of the brain. After the operation, the patient was awake without any neurological impairment, and the CT lesion completely disappeared upon re-examination.

The success of this brain "insect catching" is the result of the micro-invasion surgery concept and multidisciplinary close collaboration of the neurosurgery department of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, and the success of the neurosurgical medical team under the leadership of Professor Hang Chunhua.

Cysticers inhabit the brain of men for more than 20 years, and drum doctors and experts outside the gods staged "brain catching insects"
Cysticers inhabit the brain of men for more than 20 years, and drum doctors and experts outside the gods staged "brain catching insects"

The mystery is revealed: pork tapeworm!

After the operation, the pathology department performed a slice test on the insects to confirm that the type of insect was pork tapeworm.

It turned out that the tapeworm caused inflammation in Lao Tang's brain, producing a placeholder effect, causing him to have intermittent headaches, epilepsy and other symptoms all the time. The mystery is finally revealed!

So the question is, how do bugs get into the head? Professor Ni Hongbin, deputy director of the Department of Neurosurgery and director of the Brain Tumor Center of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, introduced: Cyst worms are the worms of pork tapeworms, which are normally parasitic in pigs, and people mistakenly eat pork products containing insects, such as eating half-cooked roast meat, or cutting meat raw and cooked knives, cutting boards are not separated, clean meat is contaminated, after the eggs are eaten in the stomach, under the action of gastric juice and intestinal fluid, the larvae are hatched, and the larvae burrow into the intestinal wall tissue and are brought to the whole body by blood. Cysts can parasitize people's hearts, brains, eyes, resulting in serious damage to brain tissue and brain center, headaches and weakness, limb movement disorders, the most serious is secondary epilepsy, unclear vision of the eyes, and even blindness. After suffering from this disease, there is great pain, many sequelae, and treatment is very difficult.

Professor Ni Hongbin reminds: Remember to pay attention to the following points in the prevention and treatment of cerebral parasitic diseases:

1, do not eat lettuce, raw meat, before meals and after the toilet to wash hands, in order to prevent accidental eating of insect eggs.

2, raw and cooked cutting board and knife should be separated, raw meat and cooked food should be isolated.

3, cooking must be cooked meat, the meat in the cysticercosis can be killed by boiling water for 5 minutes; but low temperature freezing has no killing effect on most parasites (especially eggs).

4. Once the onset of the disease, it is necessary to be admitted to the hospital for treatment in time.

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