
Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

author:Eat all over Nanning
Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles
Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

Once Yongning, now Nanning.

Yongning is located in the southeast of Nanning, bordering Qingxiu Xianhu to the north and Wuxiang New District to the west. The Yongjiang River meets the Bazhi River, the largest tributary in Nanning, and enjoys the reputation of the "East Gate" of the capital Nanning.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

However, in the hearts of most young people in Nanning, there are very few memories of Yongning. In the face of the misunderstanding of the outside world, it never explains too much, only reveals an indescribable smile to you, and it is a school of its own outside the boundaries.

But in fact, Yongning is not strange and more charming than you think.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

Taste is remembered, and it is more durable and solid than other sensory memories. And taste memory is not only the memory of taste, it can hear, see, smell, smell, taste, consciousness, the five senses, all of them.

The taste buds are the key to unlocking the memory dust; raw squeezed rice noodles are the keys to opening the Yongning area.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

Many people drive to Yongning, in fact, to come to the birthplace of raw squeezed rice noodles - Pu Temple, and eat a bowl of authentic raw squeezed rice noodles.

Raw squeezed rice noodles are known in Zhuang dialect as "powdered rice", so named because rice is fermented and gives off a natural sour taste.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

In Pumiao, casually walk into a street noodle shop, old signs, not very bright storefronts, sour and sour taste can float out from the storefront from the street to the alley, this is the breath of historical precipitation, but also the taste of Pumiao.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

The Yan family on the banks of the Eight Foot River takes the boat as their home and the fish as their livelihood. Floating on the surface of the water, they have a tradition of eating rice since ancient times, and the rice dumplings that have been sold in the streets and alleys for hundreds of years are the smell of the teeth and cheeks of the yan family.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

Although there is no longer the breath of their former life on the river, only some moored old ships and hurried cargo ships occasionally paddle through the river, and the quiet surface of the river hides the feelings of the old Yongning people and the ancient taste of fragrant dumplings, just like the thousand-year-old Yongning that it snakes through.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

Perhaps in the eyes of the new Nanning people, Yongning is famous for food, but in the eyes of the old Yongning people, food is only a small corner here, and it carries almost all of their lives.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

The eastern part of Wuxiang Avenue is where the Bazhi River and the Yongjiang River, the largest tributary of Nanning City, meet, and there is also an eight-foot bridge on the river, and the early Eight-Foot River Bridge was built of stone, and each stone was chiseled into the shape of an axe, which was very strong.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

With the change of the city, the eight-foot bridge was repaired and expanded on the basis of the original, and at the same time, the Wuxiang New Area and the Pumiao Temple were divided into two, and the Wuxiang New District in the west was lined with high-rise buildings, and the Pumiao Temple in the east was still a look of the 80s and 90s.

Old architecture, history, and lifestyle are all understated and restrained, as if they were another world, where time becomes slow and comfortable.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

After crossing the Eight Foot River, walk along Pujin Road not too far to reach the Five Sacred Palaces.

WushengGong, which is also one of the five famous temples in Guangxi, was built in the eighth year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty and is a typical Lingnan style. The temple enshrines the five folk holy gods of the Northern Emperor, the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of Dragons, Fu bo and the Three Realms, hence the name "Five Sacred Palaces". On weekdays, locals come here to burn incense and pray to the Buddha for Blessings, and the incense in the temple has continued for more than 300 years and is still flourishing.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

Every year on the twelfth day of the third month of the lunar calendar, it is the most lively time for the Five Palaces Temple. Legend has it that in the past, there was a charitable mother-in-law wearing flowers on her head, and every time she saw someone in difficulty, she would send a bowl of fragrant rice porridge, and after the old woman's death, the world built a temple in honor of her, called "Hua Po Temple", which is now the Pu Temple.

So on the twelfth day of the third month of the lunar calendar, people gathered "thousands of rice" to boil porridge, and the flower woman played by a respected local artist distributed it to passers-by in front of the Five Holy Palaces.

"Flower porridge, rolling." Eat slowly, blessed... Eat the flower porridge, a blessed life! ”

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

Pujin Park is located immediately to the right of the Five Holy Palaces, and it is recorded that the park was built in 1937 and consists of Gong'e Ridge, Golden Pillow Peak, Loutai Ridge and Silver Pillow Peak, and burning incense in the adjacent Five Holy Palaces and then climbing the mountain seems to have become a fixed match for locals.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

Walking down the dilapidated mottled riding floor, pedestrians are in pairs.

The dilapidated signs, the yellowed brick houses are still the same as in the past, and those shops that are common in weekdays will feel like a world apart at this moment, as if they have traveled to a certain day in the last century, and the human touch of Yongning has slowly emerged.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

Even in today's fast-paced day, pu temple is still three days a polder, every polder day, large and small vendors from all directions gathered to the peace market, filled the streets and alleys, come to catch the polder people are also in an endless stream, meet acquaintances smiling and greeting each other.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

For children who grew up in Yongning, the Pumiao Bridge hides countless of their secrets.

Because the bridge is painted with rainbow-colored paint, when young people are studying, romantic young people always go to the rainbow and blow the river breeze for a walk, and see the river surface is like a shimmering silver belt, wrapped around the Pu Temple.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

After leaving home, the Rainbow Bridge is still the unchangeable belief in their hearts, and the direction of the Rainbow Bridge is the direction of home.

The inhabitants live an unhurried way of life, maintaining their own pace in the migration of time, blending in with the old city, loving and watching over each other. They use their lives to tell their love for this land.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

This ancient land on the banks of the Eight Feet River has precipitated the pride of history.

Every urban area has its own pride, and the pride that belongs to Yongning District is not only a strong sense of humanity and simple residents, but also an intangible cultural heritage that awakens the masses of national culture.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

In 2006, yongning's "Zhuang Eight Sounds", which has been passed down for hundreds of years, was included in the list of intangible cultural heritage protection in the autonomous region. Teams of eight tones, large and small, appear at various folk festivals in Yongning, as if this has become an indispensable part of their lives.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

The so-called inheritance is the persistence of old traditions and the insight of new cultures. With the spread of the news, the old artists collided and blended the eight tones with different cultures, deriving new and more artistic cultures, and the innovation was very local.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

There are many more folk artists, who are just countless ordinary people living here, but they treat Cantonese opera, Shigong opera, tea picking opera, mountain opera, tea picking dance, Shigong dance, spring cow dance, spotted dove dance, and mussel crane dance as simple as breathing.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

For them, national culture never needs to be artificially hyped, it is deep in the pulse of this land, has been spread to every inch of their lives.

It is this proud cultural heritage that makes Yongning people exude love for life from the inside out.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

An uncle who was passing by saw me holding a camera and asked, "Are you also here to eat raw squeezed rice noodles?" ”

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

Perhaps, there is only one reason for us to go to Yongning, but there are thousands of reasons for those old Yongning people to stay in this land. At the same time, they also hope that under the profound cultural heritage, Yongning can become newer and more modern.

Yongning is not just raw squeezed rice noodles

" Focus on Life · Read the city of Nanning


TYPESET Typesetting: SODA


Duo Ang Culture, Nanning Circle

© This article is originally produced by the Life Chronicle team

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