
Raw squeezed rice noodles: A bowl of "steamed" flour is enough to make you remember Nanning

author:Gui XiangYuan Wei Ji talked about food

Raw squeezed rice noodles are very low-key! So low-key that if you have not been to Nanning, you do not know its existence!

In Guangxi, rice noodles are a kind of gourmet snack that people can often see on the daily table, which can be used as a meal, as well as breakfast and supper. The flavors of each place are different, each has its own characteristics, and it is dazzling.

Raw squeezed rice noodles: A bowl of "steamed" flour is enough to make you remember Nanning

It can be said that in Guangxi, if you eat rice noodles at every meal, after a month, you can eat rice noodles that are delicious without repetition! Nowadays, the most famous and popular in the country is Liuzhou's snail powder, which has retreated to the second place is Guilin rice noodles! These two kinds of rice noodle snacks are relatively recognizable and are deeply liked by people.

In Guangxi, there are three kinds of recognized and famous: Liuzhou snail powder, Guilin rice noodles, and Nanning old friend powder!

But the scope is narrowed down to each county, town and township, that is the fight of the gods. Why? It's just that there are too many rice noodles, and each place will have its own characteristic raw materials, adding unlimited flavor and characteristics to rice noodles.

Raw squeezed rice noodles: A bowl of "steamed" flour is enough to make you remember Nanning

For example, another rice noodle snack in Nanning: raw squeezed rice noodles!

Nanning, the capital of Guangxi, has the reputation of "green city", evergreen all year round, and the climate is suitable. It is a beautiful city, it can be said that it is full of food and wonderful. One of the rice noodle snacks: raw squeezed rice noodles, enough to subvert your taste experience!

The first time Wei Ji ate raw squeezed rice flour was in the row of business rooms in the hospital opposite the main entrance of the Nanning Flour Mill, a humble storefront, and a few simple tables were placed on the side of the road, facing the No. 3 bus stop. At that time, Wei ji went out every day to move bricks by taking the No. 3 car, remembering that it seemed to be driving from the cannery to Nanhu Park, anyway, it was going through Chaoyang Park.

Before going out, you have to eat a bowl of raw squeezed rice noodles. Every time you get closer, you will smell a faint "steamy" smell wafting from the shop. It's a seductive taste bud and a "steamy" taste!

Raw squeezed rice noodles: A bowl of "steamed" flour is enough to make you remember Nanning

What is raw pressed rice flour? What's unique about it?

Raw squeezed rice noodles, generally referred to as raw squeezed flour, the traditional place of origin is Nanning Pumiao Town, it is said to be the place of origin, but in the Nanning area is can see its traces, it was at the beginning of the Zhuang family a national cuisine, like Shanglin, Hengxian, Wuming, Pumiao, Mashan, Du'an, Fusui, Chongzuo, and Baise urban area and Pingguo These places are sold with raw squeezed powder, and the taste is very good, very delicious.

People who have eaten raw squeezed rice noodles know that its taste is particularly soft and slender, especially fragrant (of course, this is the commonality of Guangxi rice noodles). In fact, the most distinctive thing about raw squeezed rice noodles is that it is slightly sour, and it is also a source of extraordinary enjoyment for people's taste.

This slightly sour taste is not given by adding vinegar or adding any ingredients, but the rice flour itself is slightly acidic, that is, raw squeezed rice flour is fermented rice noodles! This acid, which is naturally formed during the processing of rice noodles due to the production of a yeast that can help food digestion, is the taste of the rice noodles themselves.

Therefore, "to eat raw squeezed rice noodles, you have to eat this 'steamy taste', that is the authentic taste of raw squeezed rice noodles." ”

Raw squeezed rice noodles: A bowl of "steamed" flour is enough to make you remember Nanning

In the past, in the Zhuang family's festivals (such as the "March 3rd", "September 9th", "September 15th" these traditional festivals of the Zhuang people), in addition to the song and dance, the costumes are cheerful, the chicken, duck and fish meat is prepared to fill a large table, and the production of raw squeezed rice noodles is an indispensable project.

The process of making raw rice flour is still somewhat complicated.

Soak the aged rice overnight in advance, then grind it into rice milk, drip the water, wrap it in a cloth, put it in the fire chamber, and bury it with grass and wood ash for two or three days, so that the rice milk naturally ferments slightly, with a little sour taste. On the day of the festival, the main family will support a large pot to boil hot water and squeeze the powder.

Raw squeezed rice noodles: A bowl of "steamed" flour is enough to make you remember Nanning

Raw squeezed rice noodles, of course, handmade, the fermented rice milk into a paste into the press, hand-pressed press (the bottom of the press has a dozen leaks), after the water boiled, hold the squeeze handle of the press, press down, you will see a thin rice line flowing out of the press, gracefully and flexibly in the boiling water flying tumbling, boiling for a moment can be served bowl and eat.

The most classic is to add a large spoonful of minced meat, add a spoonful of soy sauce paste (soy sauce), put some chopped lettuce leaves, pour a large spoonful of minced meat, sprinkle with green onions, add some oil tofu, pour a spoonful of bone broth, and eat! It is really appetizing (especially the minced meat, which must be chopped with semi-fat and lean pork, stir-fried and then added to the broth and boiled for a long time, the aroma is overflowing and mouth-watering).

Raw squeezed rice noodles: A bowl of "steamed" flour is enough to make you remember Nanning

At first glance, raw squeezed rice noodles and other powders are nothing special, the ingredients are also similar, this is to eat to understand, not "steamed" is not delicious! For Wei Ji, the ingredients for eating raw squeezed rice noodles must have perilla leaves, which is even more delicious!

There are many raw rice noodle shops in Nanning, and every time Wei ji goes to Nanning, he will eat a bowl, otherwise he will always feel regretful. Maybe that "sloppy" taste has gone deep into the memory of Wei Ji's taste buds! Not eating is not enough to relieve hunger!

Raw squeezed rice noodles are so flavorful, the key is the fermentation of rice milk, each shop that operates raw squeezed rice noodles will have its own unique secrets, but the taste is mainly sour, and the most important thing must be a little bit of steamy, not "steamed" is not authentic. However, this "dirty" taste will be far away for people who are not used to it.

As long as you smell the "dirty" smell wafting out of the store, you will take a detour, right?

Raw squeezed rice noodles: A bowl of "steamed" flour is enough to make you remember Nanning

N years ago, I heard a joke that someone went to Beijing to open a raw rice noodle shop, and on the day of opening, it was ordered to close down, on the grounds that the store was selling expired food, and it was reported...

In fact, in addition to the strange taste, this sour taste really can not be equated with "expired", because in the process of raw squeezed rice noodles, rice milk uses natural fermentation, no artificial chemicals are added in the process, even yeast is not put, and there is no existence of hanging white blocks, in other words, compared to rice noodles made from the industrialization process of rice flour factories, raw squeezed rice noodles are more natural.

And raw squeezed rice noodles and Yongcheng (Nanning) are a perfect match! In the hot summer, the appetite is not strong, a bowl of raw squeezed rice noodles with a sour taste, eating people is full of thai, help digestion, but it is good for the body. Every time Wei Ji is finished eating and then squeezed the bus, in that canned bus, it is difficult to get motion sickness. I have to say that the magic of raw squeezed rice noodles!

Raw squeezed rice noodles: A bowl of "steamed" flour is enough to make you remember Nanning

However, over the years, raw squeezed rice flour is also improving, after all, not everyone can accept this sour taste, in order to survive and business needs, many stores also compromised to deal with this sour taste, they let the rice milk fermentation time longer, so that the yeast in the end of the growth of the production, rather than in the peak period, so that the taste is much weaker.

Some stores do not even have this sour taste, just take the gimmick of raw squeezing, which also makes more people who come to Nanning accept, but for the people of Lao Yongcheng, for people like Wei Ji who have Nanning memories since childhood, can it be called raw squeezed rice noodles without this sour taste? Isn't that ridiculous?

Therefore, now in Nanning to find an authentic raw squeezed rice noodle shop or can only rely on luck, after all, Wei Ji has been away from Nanning for many years, every time you pass, it is not so easy to eat a bowl of raw squeezed rice noodles with a sour taste.

Raw squeezed rice noodles: A bowl of "steamed" flour is enough to make you remember Nanning

When you go to Nanning, you can't miss raw squeezed rice noodles!

Meet raw squeezed rice noodles meet you! All the best to meet!

This is Nanning! Discover the food, tell the story of the food, feel the food!

I am Wei Ji, writing food with warm words, thank you for reading attention!

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