
Seeing the patch on Guo Rujing's sofa, Du Yuming said: Principal Jiang, Guo Xiaogui is definitely a Communist Party

author:Vaguely speaking history

During the period of the new-democratic revolution, for the sake of revolution, the Communist Party of China sent a large number of Party members to engage in clandestine revolutionary activities in the Kuomintang-ruled areas and the Japanese-occupied areas. These party members, who were engaged in clandestine revolutionary activities in the enemy areas, were often referred to as underground parties. During the period of the New People's Revolution, our Party once had a large number of outstanding underground Party members. These underground parties have made outstanding contributions to the cause of the revolution under extremely difficult circumstances. Some underground party members endured humiliation and burdens, and some underground party members gave their precious lives. In the history of our party, there have been outstanding underground parties such as Li Kenong, Hu Di, Xiong Xianghui, Shen Jian, Chen Zhongjing, Yan Baohang, and Luo Qingchang. In addition to the above excellent underground party, our party once had an underground party lurking in the top of the Kuomintang, Guo Rujie.

Seeing the patch on Guo Rujing's sofa, Du Yuming said: Principal Jiang, Guo Xiaogui is definitely a Communist Party

In November 1948, the Kuomintang and the Communists launched a strategic decisive battle on the Huaibei Plain with Xuzhou and Bengbu as the core, which we called the Battle of Huaihai and the Kuomintang called the Battle of Xu beng. The Battle of Huaihai was the largest battle during the Liberation War and a strategic decisive battle that determined the future and destiny of China. In order to win the battle, the People's Liberation Army invested a total of 600,000 troops in the Central Plains Field Army and the East China Field Army, and the Kuomintang invested 800,000 troops.

On November 1, 1948, the 150,000-strong army of the People's Liberation Army secretly pounced on the Xuzhou area without the knowledge of the Kuomintang. Xuzhou Washu rushed to battle without any preparation, and was soon defeated by the People's Liberation Army, and Huang Baitao's corps was surrounded. After that, the Huang Wei Corps, which came to reinforcements, was also surrounded. Huang Baitao's corps and Huang Wei's corps were defeated one after another, and Du Yuming, deputy commander of Xuzhou, led 300,000 troops to flee south. Du Yuming's army also did not escape from Ascension and was surrounded by the People's Liberation Army around Chen Guanzhuang. In the case of desperation, Du Yuming could only choose to surrender.

The Battle of Huaihai lasted two months, and the People's Liberation Army annihilated Huang Baitao's Corps, Huang Wei's Corps, and Du Yuming's troops, and the People's Liberation Army captured and reorganized more than 550,000 Kuomintang troops. The Battle of Huaihai was not only the largest campaign during the Liberation War, but also the one that annihilated the most enemies. After the war, the south of the Yellow River to the north of the Yangtze River was basically liberated. In the Battle of Huaihai, Chiang Kai-shek's troops were basically wiped out, and it was only a matter of time before the Chiang Kai-shek clique perished.

Seeing the patch on Guo Rujing's sofa, Du Yuming said: Principal Jiang, Guo Xiaogui is definitely a Communist Party

From the beginning of the campaign until the end of the Huaihai Campaign, every move of Chiang Kai-shek and Du Yuming seemed to be in the hands of the PLA, which took the lead everywhere. In fact, the PLA did grasp the military actions of Chiang Kai-shek and Du Yuming, and the PLA prepared itself in advance for every step. The reason why the PLA was able to take advantage of the opportunities everywhere and grasp the military behavior of Chiang Kai-shek and Du Yuming was not only because the party's correct leadership and the correct command of the PLA commanders and fighters were also because the PLA had accurate information in advance. It was the underground party Guo Rujie who provided intelligence to the PLA. At that time, Guo Rujie was the director of the Third Department of the Ministry of National Defense of the National Government and the chief of the general staff of Xuzhou.

The third department of the Ministry of National Defense is the War Department, which actually holds the command of millions of Kuomintang troops and is also the most important institution for Chiang Kai-shek. Guo Rujie's ability to become the director of the War Office shows that he has entered the highest level of the Nationalist government, is already at the core of the Kuomintang's power, and has become Chiang Kai-shek's most trusted person. As an underground party, how could Guo Ruzhi enter the highest echelons of Kuomintang power?

Guo Rugui was born in 1907 in Tongliang County, Sichuan (now part of Chongqing), and was the cousin of the Sichuan warlord Guo Rudong. In 1926, at the age of 19, Guo Ruzhi was admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy with excellent results and became the fifth cadet of the Whampoa Military Academy. The fifth phase of Huangpu is also a period of talents, Xu Guangda, Zhang Zongxun, Song Shilun, Yang Zhicheng, Liao Yunzhou, Zheng Tingji, Qiu Xingxiang, etc. are all guo Rujie's classmates. Guo Ruzhi was born in Huangpu and was a student of Chiang Kai-shek's concubine.

Seeing the patch on Guo Rujing's sofa, Du Yuming said: Principal Jiang, Guo Xiaogui is definitely a Communist Party

After Guo Rujie entered the Whampoa Military Academy, he was deeply influenced by the Communist Party members Xiao Chunu and Yun Daiying, and he liked to read the works of Chen Duxiu and Li Da. After a long period of study and social practice, Guo Rujie gradually accepted communism and realized that only communism can make China truly rich and strong. Guo Began to yearn for the Communist Party and hoped to one day become a glorious Communist Party member. When Guo Rugui learned that his friend Yuan Jingming had joined the Communist Party of China, he hoped that Yuan Jingming would introduce him to the party. In the face of his friend's request to join the party, Yuan Jingming had some hesitation, mainly worried about Guo Rugui's identity. Guo Rudong's cousin Guo Rudong was a warlord in Sichuan and was the object of the revolution at that time. Yuan Jingming naturally did not dare to hastily introduce Guo Rugui to the party, and needed to test Guo Rugui for a while.

Although Guo Rujie did not immediately join the party, he did not lose heart, but actively enriched himself. On April 12, 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched the April 12 counter-revolutionary coup in Shanghai. Wu Yuzhang found Guo Rujie and asked him to graduate early and return to his hometown in Sichuan to find a way to prevent Guo Rudong from attacking Wuhan. Although Guo Rudong expressed his disapproval of Yang Sen, he showed loyalty to Chiang Kai-shek. Guo Ruzhi remained in Guo Rudong's military camp and tried his best to expose Chiang Kai-shek's betrayal. On July 15, 1927, Wang Jingwei publicly launched the July 15 counter-revolutionary coup in Wuhan, and the Great Revolution was completely defeated. Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei began to massacre communists on a large scale. Under these circumstances, Guo Rugui still did not dispel the idea of joining the Communist Party. In May 1928, under the introduction of Yuan Jingming, Guo Ruzhi finally joined the Communist Party of China and became a glorious Communist Party member.

After Guo Rujie joined the Communist Party, although he remained in Guo Rudong's army, he was very dissatisfied with The Increasingly Reactionary Guo Rudong. The increasingly reactionary Guo Rudong was appointed commander of the 20th Army and actively cooperated with Chiang Kai-shek's "Qing Communist" activities. Although Guo Rudong did not hand over Guo Rujie, he did not dare to take him in again, and decided to send Guo Ruzhi to Japan to study. Guo Rujie lost contact with the party organization and decided to go to Japan to learn his skills. After that, Guo Rujie voluntarily broke away from the party organization. After liberation, Guo Rugui once recalled:

"It doesn't hurt to want to go to Japan to hide, but to learn some real skills in Japan, the contribution to the revolution may be even greater in the future." At that time, I thought I had a plan, but I didn't know that this became a turning point in my political life, and I took a detour of more than ten years. ”

Seeing the patch on Guo Rujing's sofa, Du Yuming said: Principal Jiang, Guo Xiaogui is definitely a Communist Party

After arriving in Japan, Guo Rujie was admitted to the Japanese Non-Commissioned Officer School. Guo Rugui studied conscientiously and trained hard in the military academy, constantly honing his skills. Because Guo Rujie was a Chinese, he was ostracized and insulted by the Japanese at the Japanese non-commissioned officer school. In the face of the insults of the Japanese, Guo Rujie strengthened his belief in learning and was determined to learn knowledge to attack the Japanese in the future. After the outbreak of the September 18 Incident, Chinese students were excited and applied to withdraw from school and return to China. Guo Ruzhen also dropped out of school and returned to China, ending a six-month study abroad career.

After returning to China, Guo Rugui applied for the Chinese Army University, but was rejected by the school on the grounds of "not obeying orders and withdrawing from school without authorization". However, later, Guo Ruzhi still got the opportunity to retake the exam and was able to enter the Army University. The Chinese Army University is a military academy for the Nationalist government to train senior generals and staff officers, and Chiang Kai-shek is the president. Guo Ruzhi once again became a student of Chiang Kai-shek and once again became a "protégé of Tianzi". During the three years that Guo Rujie studied at the Army University, he had excellent results in various subjects and had unique insights, which were deeply appreciated by Yang Jie, the former president of the Army University. After graduating from the Army University, he was unwilling to serve in the army and became an instructor of war history at the Army University.

At this time, Guo Ruzhi already possessed three "academic qualifications" from the Whampoa Military Academy, the Japanese Non-Commissioned Officer School, and the Army University, and twice became Chiang Kai-shek's "protégé." In the eyes of outsiders, Guo Rugui is regarded as the concubine of Chiang Kai-shek and the rising star of the Kuomintang. After the Xi'an Incident, Guo Rugui was recommended by his classmates to serve as the chief of staff of the 14th Division and participated in the "Lushan Officer Training Corps". The 14th Division was Chen Cheng's concubine unit, and Guo Rugui became Chen Cheng's protégé. After the July 7 Incident, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out in full swing, and Guo Rugui led the army to participate in the Battle of Songhu. During the battle, Guo Washi was appointed Acting Brigade Commander of the 42nd Brigade. In the most difficult stage of the Battle of Songhu, Guo Rugui led more than 8,000 people to fight with the Japanese army for 7 days and 7 nights. Of the more than 8,000 people to which Guo Rugui belonged, only more than 2,000 people remained. Huo Yuzhang, commander of the 14th Division, sent someone to ask Guo Rugui if he needed reinforcements, and Guo Rugui, determined to die, wrote a reply to Huo Yunzhang.

Our eight thousand athletes have been sacrificed to the death, the enemy's offensive has not weakened, and the future is uncertain. If the position exists, I shall live to see the throne; if the position is lost, I will die on the battlefield, anointed with weeds.

Seeing the patch on Guo Rujing's sofa, Du Yuming said: Principal Jiang, Guo Xiaogui is definitely a Communist Party

Although the 42nd Brigade suffered heavy losses, its position was not lost. Guo Rujie became famous in the First World War, and his reply to Huo Yuzhang was also widely circulated in the army. Guo Rujie's loyalty and outstanding military accomplishment were appreciated by Chen Cheng. Shortly after the war, Guo Rugui was appointed chief of staff of the 54th Army by Chen Cheng. Guo Ruzhi became a military commander and fighter, and "climbed" Chen Cheng's tall branch. Before the Battle of Wuhan, Guo Rugui believed that Chen Cheng's operational policy was inappropriate and boldly put forward his own strategic concept. Guo Rugui said to Chen Cheng:

"I think this battle plan is actually following in the footsteps of the Nanjing Campaign, and if we build a circular position along the three towns of Wuhan and make a breakthrough, the whole army will collapse." At the same time, this is the same as the Battle of Nanjing, standing on the back of the water, once the war is lost, the soldiers of our army will be in danger of going down the river to draft water. I look at the terrain of the three towns in Wuhan, and when I get to the core position of Wuhan, it is already difficult to defend... Our army can use the mountain to find opportunities to give the enemy a deep and heavy blow, and finally if the Japanese army cannot be broken in the Jinniu area, the defenders on the south bank of the Yangtze River should jump out of the circle and avoid annihilation, and the north bank of the Yangtze River cannot repel the enemy on the Yellow Slope and retreat on its own. The enemy tried his best to break through the outskirts of Wuhan, and he could only win the empty city of Wuhan, while our army had no major casualties. After the retreat of Wuhan, our army can also rely on the barrier of lofty mountains and mountains to maneuver with the enemy, and on this favorable terrain, the mechanized troops of the Japanese army will be powerless, and China can continue to resist the war. ”

Chen Cheng attaches great importance to Guo Rugui's plan and appreciates Guo Rugui's talent even more. After the meeting, Chen Cheng designated Guo Ruzhi to redeploy the Battle of Wuhan. Although the Battle of Wuhan ended in defeat, the losses of the Chinese army were not large, and the Japanese were only given an empty city. After the Battle of Wuhan, Chen Cheng promoted Guo Rugui to chief of staff of the 20th Group Army and commander of the Provisional 5th Division. Chiang Kai-shek also began to pay attention to the young general. In the Third Battle of Changsha, Guo Rugui led the army to defeat the strong with weakness, which was valued by Xue Yue. After the Battle of Changsha, Guo Ru was appointed by Xue Yue as the captain of the Colonel Brigade of the Ninth Theater Officer Training Corps. Later, he was appointed deputy commander of the "Central Training Corps," whose leader was None other than Chiang Kai-shek. Since then, Guo Rugui has become the elite in Chiang Kai-shek's heart and is deeply loved by Chiang Kai-shek. During the Battle of Western Hubei, Guo Rujie once again showed his strategic talent. Chen Cheng attaches more importance to Guo Rugui and regards Guo Rugui as his confidant. Whenever there is an opportunity for promotion, Chen Cheng will certainly not forget Guo Rujie. Under Chen Cheng's "promotion", Guo Rugui gradually entered the core of the Kuomintang's power.

Seeing the patch on Guo Rujing's sofa, Du Yuming said: Principal Jiang, Guo Xiaogui is definitely a Communist Party

With the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the corruption of the Kuomintang became more and more serious. Some Kuomintang officials took advantage of Japan's rout to make a fortune. Guo Rugui became more and more disappointed in the Kuomintang and gradually had the idea of returning to the party organization. Guo Rugui found Ren Lianru, a member of the Communist Party, and expressed his willingness to abandon Houlu, a high-ranking Kuomintang official, and go to Yan'an. Although Guo Rujie expressed his desire to rejoin the party, Ren Lianru did not dare to believe it easily. A Kuomintang officer with good official fortune suddenly said that he would give up everything and go to Yan'an, and Ren Lianru naturally had to weigh it up. Ren Lianru only said vaguely:

"The situation on the other side of the mountain, the younger brother from a friend, also only knows a little bit." My brother's wish will be conveyed, and I believe that it will be reported to the state. ”

Ren Lianru felt that the matter was important and did not dare to make a claim, so he reported this situation to Dong Biwu, head of the Southern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Dong Biwu decided to send Ren Lianru to contact Guo Rujing. Ren Lianru inspected Guo Rugui many times and gradually trusted Guo Rugui. After clarifying Guo Rugui's political position, Dong Biwu personally received him. Guo Ruzhi requested to restore his party membership, but Dong Biwu did not immediately agree. Later, Ren Lianru brought Dong Biwu's reply:

"Elder Dong said that you can ask for the restoration of party membership in principle, but you must go through a test. You have little effect on going to Yan'an, and I hope that you will stay here to provide the party with some valuable information. It is up to me and you to contact each other in a single line. ”

Guo Ruzhi continued to lurk in the upper echelons of the Kuomintang, becoming an underground party of our party, and handed over a large amount of important information to the party organization. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chiang Kai-shek began to fight for territory and began to launch a full-scale civil war. Chiang Kai-shek ordered Guo Ruzhi to make a comprehensive deployment and compile it into the "Battle Sequence of the Nationalist Army". Chiang Kai-shek treated the document as a top-secret document, printing only 13 copies and destroying the manuscript. Guo Ruzhen quickly handed over the information to the party organization. After the Party Central Committee learned of Chiang Kai-shek's true intentions, it acted in advance to launch an attack on the Japanese army waiting for the Kuomintang to take over, obtained a large amount of weapons, equipment and territory, and strengthened the strength of the people's army.

Seeing the patch on Guo Rujing's sofa, Du Yuming said: Principal Jiang, Guo Xiaogui is definitely a Communist Party

During the Liberation War, Chen Cheng grasped the real power of the Kuomintang Ministry of National Defense, began to promote his own people, and installed his own cronies in the Ministry of National Defense, and Guo Ruzhi also became the object of Chen Cheng's key "cultivation." Guo Rugui was first promoted to deputy director of the General Office of the General And Later, he was promoted to lieutenant general of the Fifth Department of the Ministry of National Defense. In March 1947, Chen Cheng recommended Guo Rugui to be the director of the War Department of the Ministry of National Defense. After receiving the appointment, Guo Rugui hesitated for a while. Guo Rugui knew that as the director of the War Department, he was bound to make enemies of the People's Liberation Army. Guo Rujie said to Ren Lianru:

I can't be the head of this Wars Office. When I became the director of this department, I needed to draw up a battle plan for Chiang Kai-shek. If a battle plan is drawn up, it is tantamount to slaughter. So you must not be the director of this department.

After listening, Ren Lianru said:

The party organization needs you to be the director of this war department. If you don't go to this department, Chiang Kai-shek will appoint someone else as the director. When you are the director of the department, you can pass on the information; when others are the director, you will not pass on the information. You are the head of the War Office, and you can provide more important information to the party.

After listening, Guo Rugui was completely relieved and gladly accepted the director of the War Department. Guo Rujie's rise in the Kuomintang has aroused the envy of many people. Those who opposed Chen Cheng called Guo Rujie the "Thirteenth Taibao", and because of his small size, some people called him Guo Xiao ghost. After becoming the director of the War Department, Guo Rujie really played an important role. One copy of the battle plan that Guo Ruzhi had drawn up was sent to Chiang Kai-shek's office and the other to the party organization. Thanks to Guo Rugui's intelligence, the operational policy formulated by the Central Military Commission and the People's Liberation Army has also become more targeted.

Seeing the patch on Guo Rujing's sofa, Du Yuming said: Principal Jiang, Guo Xiaogui is definitely a Communist Party

In May 1947, Chiang Kai-shek decided to mobilize the Tang Enbo Corps, the Ou Zhen Corps, and the Wang Jingjiu Corps to attack the Shandong Liberated Areas. Guo Rugui gave Ren Lianru a copy of Chiang Kai-shek's combat deployment and told Ren Lianru to pay special attention to the reorganization of the 74th Division. In the Battle of Menglianggu, the East China Field Army knew itself and knew its enemy, completely annihilated the reorganized 74th Division, and killed the division commander Zhang Lingfu.

After the War of Liberation entered the stage of strategic armageddon, both sides focused their attention on the Central Plains. Chiang Kai-shek summoned the main Kuomintang generals and convened a combat conference. At the operational meeting, the Kuomintang determined the strategy of "guarding the river and guarding Huaihuai" and decided to concentrate its main forces in the Huaibei Plain, with Xuzhou and Bengbu as the core, waiting for an opportunity to fight a decisive battle with the Plakmen. This battle plan was also formulated by Guo Rujie. At this time, Guo Ruzhi was not only the director of the Kuomintang War Department, but also the chief of the general staff of Xuzhou. When the Kuomintang generals in Xuzhou had not yet received this battle plan, the Central Military Commission and the People's Liberation Army took the lead in getting this plan. Throughout the Huaihai Campaign, Guo Rugui continued to send intelligence to the party organization. The Plaster army took advantage of the opportunities everywhere throughout the campaign.

After obtaining the information, the Central Military Commission and the People's Liberation Army mobilized heavy troops and quietly pounced on Xuzhou on November 1, 1948, catching the Kuomintang troops by surprise. Chiang Kai-shek also began to mobilize his army to engage in a major battle with the People's Liberation Army, and the Battle of Huaihai officially began on November 6. On November 8, 1948, under the planning of Guo Rujie, underground party members Zhang Kexia and He Jifeng led more than 23,000 people to revolt. After the uprising of Zhang Kexia and He Jifeng, there was a gap in the defense line of the Kuomintang army, and the People's Liberation Army took the opportunity to cut off the retreat of Huang Baitao's corps.

After Huang Baitao's corps was surrounded, Chiang Kai-shek held an emergency meeting, on the one hand, to let Du Yuming command the Battle of Huaihai; on the other hand, to order Huang Wei's corps to march north from the Pinghan Line, and Li Yannian and Liu Ruming's troops went north from Bengbu to rescue Huang Baitao. Guo Rugui again handed over this operational deployment to the Central Military Commission. According to the specific situation, the Central Military Commission dispatched troops and surrounded the Huang Wei Corps. After Du Yuming commanded the Huaihai War, he found that several major mistakes of the Kuomintang were related to Guo Rugui, and he was even more suspicious of Guo Rugui's identity. Du Yuming concluded that Guo Rujie must be a Communist Party.

Seeing the patch on Guo Rujing's sofa, Du Yuming said: Principal Jiang, Guo Xiaogui is definitely a Communist Party

In fact, this is not the first time that Du Yuming has suspected Guo Rujie's identity. As early as the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Du Yuming had already suspected that Guo Rujie was a Communist Party. After the victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan, the kuomintang's receivers took the opportunity to make a fortune and the so-called "five sons dengke" appeared. However, Guo Rujie was unusual, not greedy, not even his own mansion. After the Nationalist government moved back to Nanjing, Guo Rujie's residence was rented. Once, when Du Yuming visited Guo Rugui's home, he found that the sofas in Guo Rugui's house were all patches, and at this time he began to suspect that Guo Rugui was a Communist Party. After the battle of Menglianggu, rumors spread within the Kuomintang that Guo Rugui was an underground party, and Du Yuming once again doubted Guo Rugui's identity. It's just that at that time, Du Yuming didn't have any evidence, and he could only silently doubt in his heart.

After the outbreak of the Battle of Huaihai, the Kuomintang lost one after another, and it seems that every move was "seen through" by the People's Liberation Army. Mr. Du was even more convinced that Mr. Guo was a "spy" for the Communist Party. Du Yuming decided to file a complaint with Chiang Kai-shek. When Du Yuming said that Guo Rujie was an underground party, Chiang Kai-shek did not believe it. Chiang Kai-shek asked Du Yuming to come up with evidence. Although Du Yuming suspected Guo Rujie, he could not produce evidence. So he said to Chiang Kai-shek:

"I don't have exact evidence now, and I feel that Guo Rujie is definitely a member of the Communist Party." I myself am already very incorruptible, and Guo Rugui is much cleaner than I am. Guo Ruzhen is not greedy or possessive, and he is not obsessed with women, and the sofas in his home are patched. Such a clean and honest person must be the Communist Party. ”

After listening, Chiang Kai-shek was very angry and said to Du Yuming:

"Mustn't the Officers of the Kuomintang be all sacks of wine and rice, and can't there be honest officials?"

Seeing the patch on Guo Rujing's sofa, Du Yuming said: Principal Jiang, Guo Xiaogui is definitely a Communist Party

Du Yuming failed to file a complaint, still convinced that Guo Rujie was a Communist Party. After that, du Yuming "discounted" all the battle plans handled by Guo Rujie. After Huang Wei's army was besieged, Du Yuming once bypassed Guo Rugui and reported his battle concept to Chiang Kai-shek alone. Du Yuming decided to lead his army west from Xuzhou, through Yongcheng to retreat to the Huai River area, and then counter-encircle the Central Plains Field Army and join forces with Huang Weili. Du Yuming's plan was approved by Chiang Kai-shek, and when Du Yuming led his army to the area around Chen Guanzhuang, Chiang Kai-shek ordered Du Yuming to change the original retreat route. When Du Yuming hesitated, the People's Liberation Army surrounded more than 300,000 people in Du Yuming's army. The reason why Chiang Kai-shek ordered Du Yuming to change the course was also due to Guo Rugui's "suggestion."

After the Battle of Huaihai, Guo Rugui had hoped to return to the party organization. However, the Party Central Committee felt that Guo Rujie's role in staying in the Kuomintang was greater. Guo continued to remain in the Kuomintang. After the three major battles, the downfall of the Chiang Kai-shek clique has become a foregone conclusion. Chiang Kai-shek decided to take the southwest of Sichuan as his base camp, stubbornly resisted, and waited for the opportunity to fight a decisive battle with the People's Liberation Army. Guo Ruzhi also handed over Chiang Kai-shek's intentions to the party organization. At this time, Guo Rugui decided to leave the War Office and serve as the commander of the 72nd Army under the recommendation of He Yingqin. By the time the People's Liberation Army liberated Sichuan, Guo Rugui had already purged the army of spies and reactionaries. On December 11, 1949, Guo Rujie led an uprising, undermining Chiang Kai-shek's plan to hold on to the Great Southwest.

Due to the special circumstances at that time, the Party Central Committee did not immediately disclose Guo Rugui's identity, but treated him according to the treatment of generals who surrendered to Chengcheng. In 1951, Guo Rugui went to Chinese to teach at the Military Academy of the People's Liberation Army. In the subsequent movement, Guo Rugui has been affected many times. Although he was shocked, Guo Rugui always maintained his true colors and never said a lie.

As for whether Guo Rujie was a member of the Communist Party, Du Yuming was always "grumpy." In 1981, Guo Rugui went to the hospital to visit Du Yuming, who was seriously ill. Du Yuming did not forget to ask Guo Rujie:

Little devil, did you do things for the Communist Party, were you a Communist Party?

Guo Rujie replied:

"Brother Guangting, we just have different opinions, 'Keep the red and keep the Huai'."

Seeing the patch on Guo Rujing's sofa, Du Yuming said: Principal Jiang, Guo Xiaogui is definitely a Communist Party

As more information was declassified, Guo Rugui's identity was gradually made public. After Guo's identity was made public, many of his "former colleagues" were very unundergeful, believing that Guo Rugui had betrayed Chiang Kai-shek's trust. Many people even think that Guo Rujie is a "second minister". In the face of various accusations from "former colleagues", Guo Rugui believes that he is not a "second minister" and his beliefs have not changed. Guo Rujie once said:

Modern people have different beliefs, different world outlooks, the pursuit of progress and brightness, of course, to break with backwardness and decay, the feudal era of some of the ancients who only understand the difference between loyalty and patriotism, is incomparable.

In April 1980, Guo finally joined the Communist Party of China again. Half a century later, Guo Rugui finally returned to the party organization. In the 1980s, Guo Was awarded the rank of Lieutenant General and enjoyed the treatment of deputy corps commander. On October 23, 1997, Guo Rujie died in a car accident at the age of 90. The old man has completed his thrilling, tortuous, rich and profound life.

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