
Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

author:Microgram Australia


Two favorite seafood of the Chinese,

It is so harmful to the human body,

If you are not careful, you may get sick,

It's better to live than to die!

There are already a lot of people in Australia!

These two kinds of seafood,

Stay away!


Australian Government Issues Health Alert:

This Chinese favorite seafood is eaten with caution

For oysters, I believe that everyone must be familiar with it, in everyone's cognition, oysters are a great supplement to food, whether it is raw or cooked, it is excellent and delicious.

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

In Australia, oysters are delicious and moderately priced, and many Chinese families like to buy them, but the potential threat of oysters is not understood!

Just recently, the Australian media has continuously brushed the screen of many news, and the Australian government has also issued a warning to remind everyone of the terrible point of oysters!

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

According to Australian media reports, there has been a surge in stomach disease cases in Australia recently, dozens of patients have appeared at once, and more and more infected people are emerging.

The follow-up survey found that

The culprit is oysters!

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

In the past two months, multiple oyster-related cases have been reported across Australia.

In South Australia alone, there have been 36 cases of Vibrio parahaemolyticus infections from the consumption of oysters since September.

In the past, the most infected cases were only 8 cases in 2019, and in 2020, Australia did not even have a record of such cases.

This condition usually causes people to develop symptoms such as diarrhea, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal colic, etc., which usually appear within 24 hours.

If you experience symptoms of discomfort within 24 hours of eating oysters, be sure to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

So what about hygienic and delicious oysters suddenly becoming so dangerous?

In this regard, experts also said that it is not clear what caused oysters to suddenly become so dangerous, and the cause of the incident is under investigation.

To be sure, oysters in parts of Australia are not safe at this stage, and if possible, please stay away from oysters in the near future.

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

Health experts recommend that people who are particularly susceptible to stomach infections, such as those who are taking antacids, as well as people with liver disease, as well as pregnant women, the elderly and children, should avoid eating oysters.

And for everyone, the safest way is to cook it and then eat it.


Oysters turned out to be murderous poisons,

The woman died of festering

Causing gastrointestinal infections is only one of the least harmful oysters to the human body...

If something more serious happens, it can even be life-threatening!

How dangerous is oysters in Australia as a ubiquitous delicacy?! This is not appalling!

Previously, the Australian media made a detailed follow-up report that a 55-year-old woman was infected with a strange disease after eating oysters, and her whole body festered, and finally died.

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

Jeanette LeBlanc, then 55 years old, was on vacation with her friend Santa Louisiana in the United States, and she loved oysters on weekdays, and after seeing the big oysters in the seafood market, she couldn't help but buy some and eat them on the spot.

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

Who knows, after a while Jeanette LeBlanc and her friends had a problem!

Some people go straight to the toilet and lash out!

Some friends turned the river upside down in their stomachs and vomited like crazy!

Jeanette LeBlanc herself reacted more violently, not only vomiting up and down diarrhea, but also a small red rash on her body, and breathing began to become difficult!

Friends all think that Jeanette LeBlanc is allergic to seafood, although he likes to eat oysters, but this has never happened, and the half-convinced Jeanette LeBlanc took a little anti-allergic medicine and did not care, and slept uncomfortably.

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

I thought it would be better the next day, but I never expected that in the next few days, Jeanette LeBlanc's situation would take a sharp turn!

Can't breathe! Huge red spots appear all over the body, and the color of the legs becomes darker!

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

Friends quickly take Jeanette LeBlanc to the hospital, and the results they get scare Jeanette LeBlanc and her relatives and friends into speechless!

Jeanette LeBlanc was infected with Vibrio mariner traumatis!

Vibrio marine vulnificus, a bacterium that inhabits the ocean, once infected, the onset of the disease is urgent, and the disease develops rapidly!

75% of patients die of multi-organ dysfunction within 48 hours of admission, known as the "silent killer of the ocean".

There are two main ways of infection for Vibrio marinearum:

One is the consumption of raw or unprocessed shellfish seafood (especially oysters), the harm is not that it causes gastroenteritis, but that it causes cellulitis and sepsis, and the mortality rate is as high as 50%.

Another route of infection is when a broken limb comes into contact with seawater, or seafood stabs the skin. The bacteria spread very quickly through broken skin and lead to severe myositis and myositis causing severe gangrene, followed by sepsis.

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

Eventually, Jeanette LeBlanc lost her life because of infection with Vibrio marinerhas!

Who would have thought that a small oyster could kill someone... After reading this news, I believe that many people may not be able to look directly at oysters.

In addition to oysters, another kind of cuisine from the ocean that is loved by the Chinese people has this terrible side...


Salmon becomes the most poisonous food in the world,

Especially this one

Salmon, a seafood loved by the majority of Chinese people as much as oysters! However, it has an unknown side...

Norway, a big country rich in salmon, has scientists who have conducted detailed investigations and studies on salmon and found that salmon is "poisonous"!

And it's the most poisonous food in the world!

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

After testing, domestic salmon is 5 times more toxic than any ingredient available on the market!

So much so that environmentalists in Norway said:

Domesticated salmon is the most poisonous food in the world!

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

Not only that, but China's domestic salmon has also been criticized by name...

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

So fresh and delicious salmon

Why is it so poisonous?

And where is the poison?

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

As salmon became more popular and sold at higher prices, wild salmon simply could not meet the needs of the market, so the aquaculture industry began to raise salmon in large quantities.

But when large numbers of domestic salmon congregate together, it is also easy to attract sea lice.

Sea lice can parasitize salmon, causing skin lesions in salmon that can even cause fish to die or make the meat inedible.

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

To reduce losses, large-scale salmon farms in the United States, Canada, Scotland, Norway and Chile routinely feed the fish with insecticide.

The insecticides fed to salmon are actually very toxic, usually emmexins, which can cause tremors, spinal cord deterioration and muscle atrophy if dogs or mice eat emmexins.

Since salmon is often eaten raw, large farms also feed the fish antibiotics to prevent them from contracting other diseases and parasites to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

In addition, domestic salmon is fed with chicken manure, soybeans and chicken fat mixed with fish oil and small fish meat, so the fish meat will contain a lot of Omega-6.

Although Omega-6 is also an essential hormone, it will accelerate the growth of cancer cells and must be suppressed by Omega-3 in the body!

"Toxic" doesn't stop there!

In order to make domestic salmon look more colorful, breeders also add dyes to the feed.

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying
Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

Salmon from China has also been criticized by name, and the survey found that Chinese farms also feed salmon with growth hormone, enabling the fish to grow rapidly in the short term!

Even if the nutritional value of salmon itself is high, there will still be unsafe!

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

Studies have shown that eating domesticated salmon once a month,

Not only will it increase the risk of cancer,

It also increases diabetes, arthritis,

Risk of cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease!

In addition, the antibiotics in salmon will continue to enhance the resistance of germs in the body, and they are even more defenseless against "superbugs"!

Australia warns! The Chinese's favorite seafood has not been eaten recently, and some people have been poisoned and amputated, festering and dying

Therefore, friends who love salmon, without defense, may inadvertently fall into the "salmon pit"...

At last

Of course, not all oysters and salmon are toxic, the cause of the problem with Australian oysters is under investigation, and wild salmon are not uncommon in diseases of farmed salmon.

Salmon and oysters can be eaten, but eat with caution, after all, the potential dangers cannot be ignored!

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