
Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)

author:Shanghai Huangpu

Shanghai Huangpu today

Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)
Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)
Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)
Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)

The Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is an important meeting of landmark significance. The "Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Major Achievements and Historical Experiences of the Party's Centennial Struggle" deliberated and adopted by the plenary session is a Marxist programmatic document with extremely strong historical penetration, ideological leadership, political mobilization, and appeal of the times, a political declaration on chinese communists in the new era to keep firmly in mind their original mission and mission, uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and an action guide for taking history as a mirror, creating the future, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)
Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)

After the communiqué of the plenary session was published, women from all walks of life in Huangpu watched, listened to and studied conscientiously for the first time, and they were greatly encouraged and inspired. They all said one after another that studying and implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the CPC is the most important event and important political task at present and for some time to come, and that it is necessary to profoundly study and comprehend the major achievements and historical experience of the party's century-old struggle, more firmly and consciously practice the original mission, take the road of catching up with the examination in the new era, and strive to walk in the forefront on the new journey of modernization.

Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)
Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)

Executive Committee Member of the Women's Federation

Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)
Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)

Lu Xiaojun, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the Huangpu District Women's Federation:

Don't forget the glory of suffering, worthy of the mission. The Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China comprehensively summed up the major achievements and historical experience of the Party's century-old struggle, and the Huangpu District Women's Federation organization will conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Party, first, set off a new upsurge of study and propaganda, lead the women cadres of the whole region to continue to carry out in-depth study of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session, make good use of the red resources of Huangpu, give play to the leading role of the V Lecture Group and the Executive Committee at the Third Level, and absorb the strength and wisdom of the century-old Party history. The second is to focus on the new blueprint for regional development, combine the study of party history with summing up experience, observing reality, and promoting work, and unswervingly focus on the center and concentrate on the overall situation. The third is to implement the new requirements for family work, promote the construction of family teaching style in the new era, continue to promote project-based operation, practical services, and socialized participation, and constantly respond to the new needs and expectations of families in the new era. The fourth is to respond to the new concerns of women and children, gain a deep understanding of women's feelings and public opinions, promote the solution of the urgent, difficult, and anxious problems of the women masses, and enhance women's and children's sense of happiness and security.

Yu Xiaolei, executive committee member of the Huangpu District Women's Federation and chairman of the Women's Federation of Huaihai Middle Road Subdistrict:

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China comprehensively summarized the major achievements and historical experience of the Party's century-long struggle. As a grassroots women's federation cadre in the street where the party was born, it is necessary to always uphold the work concept of "rooting in red soil, inheriting red genes, and practicing red faith", focusing on "being a good guardian of the spiritual homeland and a practitioner of the original mission", effectively promoting the work of the women's federation in organizing women, guiding women, serving women, and safeguarding women's legitimate rights and interests, living up to the mission of the times, and courageously moving forward on the road of the second century of struggle.

Chen Yanling, a representative of women in Shanghai, the general secretary of the party branch of Yandang Residential Area in Ruijin Erlu Street, and the chairman of the Women's Federation of Residential Areas:

Look back on the extraordinary journey and feel the goal of struggle. We must always inherit the red gene and show the power of the scarf. Adhere to party building and women's construction, realize co-construction, co-governance and sharing in the construction of mass organizations, and promote the construction of women's federations. As the chairman of the grassroots women's federation, I must take root in the grassroots and contribute to the community in the place where the party's original intention originated. Do a good job in the study and education of party history, inherit the red family style and family training, and let the grass-roots women's federation organizations lead the majority of women to pursue a better life.

Xi Yan, executive committee member of the Huangpu District Women's Federation and full-time deputy director of the Women's Committee of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences:

As a women worker in a social science research institute, under the guidance of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee, in the new journey, we must have a mission, base ourselves on our posts, innovate ways to refine services, effectively meet the needs of women and children, and improve the effectiveness of our work. Make full use of humanistic resources to promote family education and family civilization of workers; excavate outstanding female models, carry forward the advanced, organize learning exchanges, national situation research and social practice, stimulate scientific research and innovation of women in social sciences, promote their career development, and guide them to contribute wisdom in serving the government society; coordinate the forces of various disciplines to promote women's theoretical research and strive to provide programs and suggestions for the social practice of gender development in the new era; let grass-roots women's organizations strengthen "the party's political leadership, ideological leadership, mass organization, and social appeal." "Aspects work better.

Yue Xuefei, Executive Committee Member of Huangpu District Women's Federation, Member of cppcc Committee of Huangpu District Women's Federation, and Director of Shanghai Branch of Beijing Yuecheng Law Firm:

The party's century-long struggle has made our populous country strong and rich, and erected a monument to China's rise. As a Chinese, I want to conscientiously study the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee and profoundly understand the great achievements, great significance and great experience of the party's century-long struggle. As a female lawyer, I want to base myself on my own work, improve my professional level, learn and understand the important spirit of the plenum, and contribute to safeguarding the rights and interests of women and children and contributing to the construction of China's rule of law society!

Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)
Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)

Advanced women

Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)
Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)

Wu Rongjin, national "model of the times", national March 8th red flag bearer, and principal of Luwan No.1 Central Primary School in Huangpu District, Shanghai:

Now we are running hard to achieve the second centenary goal, and the convening of the plenary session has pointed out the direction for the development of subsequent work. In the next step, we will continue to study and implement the spirit of the plenary session, devote ourselves to educating people in the field of education, abide by integrity and innovation, strengthen the study of political theory, and improve ideological and political literacy; we will carry out a series of red education activities such as the "Red Horn" small explainer society in depth, inherit the red gene, continue the red bloodline, guide young people and children to love the country and the party, learn party history, know the party, and follow the party. On the new journey, we should not forget the original intention of cultivating people with virtue, keep in mind the education of talents for the party and the country, actively explore the education and teaching methods of the new era, continuously improve the ability to teach and educate people, and make new and greater contributions to cultivating the builders and successors of socialism!

Xu Lihua, a national outstanding party worker, the general secretary of the party branch of baoxing residential area in Bund Street, and the chairman of the women's federation of residential areas:

The Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was successfully held in Beijing, and the "Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Century-Old Struggle" was issued, which triggered a heated discussion among the executive committees of the Women's Federation of Baoxing Residential Area in Huangpu District. Strive to win the glory of comprehensively building a modern socialist country and making new innovations.

Bao Ying, National Pacesetter of Construction Achievement, Chairman of the Women's Federation of the No. 8 Bridge Park of "Chuangmeng Bridge", and CEO of Shanghai No. 8 Bridge Investment Management (Group) Co., Ltd.:

Today's world is experiencing unprecedented changes in a hundred years, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is in a critical period, as a female entrepreneur, I will consciously strengthen the study of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee; constantly pioneering and innovating, hard work, actively fulfilling social responsibilities in the development of enterprises, responsible for employees and customers; pay close attention to the demands of women in the park, with "cultural creativity" as the link, build a platform for learning, exchange, sharing and mutual assistance, and gather strength for the development of Shanghai's cultural and creative industries.

Wang Shijia, Deputy General Manager of LuboLang Restaurant of Shanghai Yuyuan Tourism Mall (Group) Co., Ltd.:

A hundred years of wind and rain, the original intention is the same. The communiqué of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China concisely and powerfully summarizes the development process of the party for a hundred years, as a communist party member, in the journey of the times I will keep in mind the original mission, as a female Chinese pastry chef, in the daily work I will strive for excellence, give play to women's strengths, find beauty, innovate more delicious, good-looking Chinese dim sum, on behalf of enterprises, companies to the whole country and even the world to convey the charm of Chinese food Chinese dim sum, with youth and struggle to hand over an excellent answer sheet!

Gu Honglei, a national pacesetter of jiangong, an executive committee member of the district women's federation, and the secretary of the party committee of Hengyuanxiang Group:

The Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was convened at an important moment in the centenary of our Party, and the plenary session deliberated and adopted the "Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Major Achievements and Historical Experiences of the Party's Century-Old Struggle." Studying the resolution made me feel invigorated, have a clearer understanding of the party's glorious course and great achievements, and become firmer and more confident in the party's theory and road. As a grassroots party affairs worker, we should study and make good use of the spirit of the resolution. At the same time, as a female party member, we are glad that the development of the party and the times has given female compatriots a historical opportunity, and we must continue to carry forward the glorious tradition of "women can hold up half of the sky", work hard, and leave our shining footprints in the process of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)
Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)

The Party Branch of the District Women's Federation

Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)
Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)

Zhu Xiaoling, head of the retired party group of huangpu district organs and former vice chairman of the district women's federation:

The Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China comprehensively summed up the valuable historical experience of the "Ten Persistences" accumulated over the past hundred years of the cpc's leadership over the Chinese people in their great struggle. As a Communist Party member, we should cherish and always adhere to these spiritual wealth, never forget our original intentions, keep our mission firmly in mind, strengthen our convictions, and practice our purposes. Now that I am retired, I will play a pioneering and exemplary role in the community, care for and participate in community affairs, pay attention to the thoughts and needs of women and children, reflect to the community party organizations in a timely manner and actively offer suggestions and suggestions, and strive to promote the solution of problems.

Cao Yuwei, a party member and cadre of the Huangpu District Women's Federation:

The smooth convening of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is inspiring and inspiring people to forge ahead. The plenary session pointed out that the struggle of the party and the people over the past hundred years has written the most magnificent epic in the history of the Chinese nation for thousands of years; the party has led the people to be self-confident, self-reliant, upright, and innovative, and has created great achievements in socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. As a women worker, we must not only tell the story of our party's glorious course, but also put into practical actions our party's spirit of never giving up and bravely moving forward, do a good job in women's and children's work based on our posts, and constantly strive to promote the high-quality development of the cause of women and children in Huangpu!

Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)
Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)

Advanced family

Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)
Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)

Five Good Civilized Families in China Zhu Guozhong:

The successful convening of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee is of great significance to the whole party and the people of the whole country, and it will determine the historical trend of the party in the next hundred years and the future work direction of the party central committee. In the past hundred years, our party has established a series of important ideas, and now we study the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Party, and we must give full play to the leading role of advanced families, transmit positive energy, and shine in the community at the grassroots level.

The most beautiful family in the country Jiang Chanhua:

Over the past one hundred years, the Communist Party of China has united and led the broad masses of Chinese and people to write one legend after another on the vast land of China, and as a member of the peasant and worker party, we should start from the small things around us, write social conditions and public opinion information, and actively participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs. Standing at the intersection of new history, we should always strengthen our ideals and convictions, move forward in unison, closely follow the pace of the party, focus on our own work, cultivate excellent skills, dare to take responsibility, and do our own work in a down-to-earth manner. Pay attention to theoretical study, and participate in academic seminars, expert lectures, and experience exchange activities. Constantly improve their business level, enhance their professional quality, and contribute to the road of progress in the new era!

The most beautiful family in the country Ren Liyue:

As an ordinary member of the Communist Party of China, my belief and passion in loving the country and the party have never been higher, and I have a deep resonance with the "four self-confidences" from the heart. The Communist Party of China is shouldering a new mission and is moving forward bravely, and as a member of the engineering field in Shaohua, we are not only the guarantee of scientific research and development, but also the guardian of life, property and engineering safety. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and my generation should lead by example with the high standards and strict requirements of party members, always think of danger in times of peace, and be sober and unremitting in not being afraid of difficulties and temptations, and walking a hundred miles.

Questions and Answers on the Election of Deputies to the People's Congress of Huangpu District (3)

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