
Fat but not greasy in the mouth is melted osmanthus braised meat

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Fat but not greasy in the mouth is melted osmanthus braised meat

Today to share a simple but delicious osmanthus braised pork, the secret recipe is Knorr's new braised meat sauce, one step in place soft glutinous delicious mouth melt, delicious to no friends, novice friendly

By 9 this season fall 9

Pork belly 500 g

Carrea osmanthus braised pork sauce pack 1 bag

Shallot knot ginger slice cooking wine to taste

Fat but not greasy in the mouth is melted osmanthus braised meat

1, braised pork each family has a secret recipe, this time the choice of Knorr braised pork sauce package as a secret weapon

Fat but not greasy in the mouth is melted osmanthus braised meat

2: Boil the pot in cold water, blanch the three-piece set of green onion and ginger cooking wine, boil and remove the floating powder and wash it with water

Fat but not greasy in the mouth is melted osmanthus braised meat

3: Fry the pork belly in a pan until oil comes out, and the two sides are slightly charred as shown in the picture

Fat but not greasy in the mouth is melted osmanthus braised meat

4: Add green onion and ginger and stir-fry to bring out the aroma and turn into a casserole dish

Fat but not greasy in the mouth is melted osmanthus braised meat

5, pour into the carrea osmanthus braised meat sauce, no need to go to the bottles and cans to prepare their own seasoning, it is really convenient, a package can be

Fat but not greasy in the mouth is melted osmanthus braised meat

6: Stir-fry until the sauce wraps around the meat and pour in boiling water, before the pork belly, bring to a boil on high heat and reduce the heat, simmer for about 45 minutes

Fat but not greasy in the mouth is melted osmanthus braised meat

7, open the lid and collect the juice on high heat to get out of the pot, too delicious

Fat but not greasy in the mouth is melted osmanthus braised meat

8, the sauce package is also equipped with dried osmanthus flowers, and finally sprinkled with dried osmanthus flowers on the plate, soft glutinous and delicious entrance to melt the osmanthus braised meat is completed

Fat but not greasy in the mouth is melted osmanthus braised meat

9, with rice is absolutely good, soup soaked rice is more delicious, piece by piece can not stop

1. Supplement protein

Pork provides humans with high-quality protein and essential fatty acids. Pork provides heme (organic iron) and cysteine, which promotes iron absorption, and can improve iron deficiency anemia.

2. Nourish the kidneys and nourish the blood

Pork tastes sweet and salty, flat in nature, into the spleen, stomach, kidney meridians; Nourish the kidneys and nourish the blood, nourish the yin and moisten the dry; Indications for the treatment of fever and injury, thirst quenching, weak kidney, postpartum blood deficiency, dry cough, constipation, deficiency, yin, dryness, liver yin, moisturizing skin, two stools and quenching thirst.

3. Moisturizing

Pork boiled soup can be urgently replenished due to insufficient liquid caused by irritability, dry cough, constipation and dystocia.

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