
The word "le" probes the source: "find fun"? First understand how to make the word "happy"

author:Kanji probes the source

Yishan stele character interpretation 122 music

Le: "Have fun"? First understand how to make the word "happy"!

Plain is true! How to live a dull life is tasteful, you need to "find fun" for yourself. How to make life fun? As long as you understand how the word "happy" is coined, maybe you will be a person with a "high-quality lifestyle"!

The traditional character of "le" is "樂", from traditional to simplified, strokes from 15 to 5, a large stride of simplification, but its "wind and bone still exist", the basic structure - "wood" character bottom is still there, but the upper complex part is replaced by a skim and a horizontal, simple without losing its charm, it should be said that it is a successful example of Chinese character simplification. However, the reason why the word "le" is so wonderfully simplified is also inextricably linked to a calligrapher.

Let's look at the glyph evolution of the word "le". The oracle glyph of the word "Le" is

The word "le" probes the source: "find fun"? First understand how to make the word "happy"
The word "le" probes the source: "find fun"? First understand how to make the word "happy"

Jin Wen is

The word "le" probes the source: "find fun"? First understand how to make the word "happy"
The word "le" probes the source: "find fun"? First understand how to make the word "happy"

The little seal is

The word "le" probes the source: "find fun"? First understand how to make the word "happy"

To explore the original meaning of the word "le", we must start from the oracle bone glyph.

Judging from the glyph in the oracle bone of "Le", it is an ancient musical instrument. The upper character is "silk", which indicates a string made of silk; the lower character is "wood", which is the wooden structure of the string itself. Not to mention the ancient period when living materials were extremely scarce, even in modern times, when the means of living were extremely rich, music was always a kind of enjoyment, and beautiful music could "go around the beam for three days", so the word "music (yuè)" was later changed to the joyful and joyful "music (lè)". Therefore, if you want to "have fun", it is not difficult to make your life full of musical elements, then you can't be unhappy!

The gold glyph of "Le", while inheriting the glyph of the oracle bone, has also undergone a new change in the glyph structure, that is, an extra "white" character number is added between the two silk strings. This "white" denotes a drum, indicating the musical level at that time, which had already combined percussion and strings. Carefully taste this "music" word, it feels a bit like the current drum kit! The small seal glyphs of "Le", the Lishu and the traditional characters of the Kaishu are all developed in the same vein.

In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the calligrapher Wang Xizhi cursive "樂" character appeared

The word "le" probes the source: "find fun"? First understand how to make the word "happy"

As a result, after the Six Dynasties, the cursive italicized folk word "樂" eventually became the simplified "樂" character used today.

There are also other theories about the etymology of the word "le", such as the idea that the "white" character number added to Jin Wenle is a pick used to play strings. There is also a saying that the word "le" above the symbol of the silk string should be the fruit of the tree, and the original meaning of the word "le" is that the children go up to the tree to pick the fruit and have a harvest, so they are happy and joyful, and there is the original meaning of "music".

"Explanation of Words": "Music, five sounds and eight tones of the general name." Elephant drum whip (pí ancient tong-mole, drum name). Wood, 虡 (jù ancient hanging bell drum wooden frame on both sides of the column) also. ”

What is "five-tone eight-tone"? The Commentary on the Interpretation of The Sayings adds an explanation: "The Book of Music says: Feeling the movement of things, so the form is in the sound. The sound is corresponding, so it changes. Become a square, called the sound. Music is better than the music. And dry Qi Yu Yu said that it was a pleasure. "Under the Sound" is known as: Palace, Shang, Horn, Sign, Feather, Sound Also; Silk, Bamboo, Gold, Stone, Dagger, Earth, Leather, Wood, Sound Also. The extension of music is the pleasure of 'mourning'. ”

All in all, the five-tone eight tones are collectively called "music". The five sounds are palace, shang, horn, sign, and feather, and the eight tones are silk, bamboo, gold, stone, dagger, earth, leather, and wood. The lower character of the small seal glyph of "Le" is "wood", which was called "虡" in ancient times, that is, wooden frame. The upper character of the word "le" is "like a drum whip", which means that it is a combination of "drum" and "whip". It should be added that the "hammer" should be "pí", which is a small drum in the ancient army. The Commentary on the Interpretation of the Text says: "The size of the drum, the middle elephant drum, the elephant on both sides." This means that the character in the upper part of the word "music", the "drum" in the middle, and the sides are "", not the silk strings.

Many statements, do not comment on it, just understand it.

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