
In the summer heat, the 93-year-old Queen of England seeks fun with the bats in the castle, and her hobbies are incredible
In the summer heat, the 93-year-old Queen of England seeks fun with the bats in the castle, and her hobbies are incredible

According to the Daily Express on July 19, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom will soon go to Balmoral Castle in Scotland to escape the summer.

The Queen would spend a long time in Balmoral Castle to spend this hot summer.

So how did the queen have fun during such a long time in the castle?

No one expected that the voldepen bat in the castle would become a source of pleasure for Her Majesty the Queen.

In the summer heat, the 93-year-old Queen of England seeks fun with the bats in the castle, and her hobbies are incredible

The voltaic bat is a miniature bat that feeds on insects, is virtually non-biting, and does not carry disease, and was designated a protected animal by the Wildlife and Village Act in 1981.

Balmoral Castle's von wing bats caused a lot of trouble for the servants, this group of bats would defecate in the castle, and the servants had to use nets to catch them, because they were protective animals and could not drive them away from their habitats.

In the summer heat, the 93-year-old Queen of England seeks fun with the bats in the castle, and her hobbies are incredible

The queen loves all kinds of activities related to bats.

She was always happy to watch the servants catch the bats, and she would open the window to let the bats return to the castle and cause some trouble for the servants, what a prank queen!

In the summer heat, the 93-year-old Queen of England seeks fun with the bats in the castle, and her hobbies are incredible

Source: Unplash

Royal Editor Adam · In an interview with The Sun, Helicker said the bats had been living in Balmoral Castle for about 30 years and that the Queen cared deeply about them. In fact, the servant's action of catching bats in this way is more like a performance for the queen to find fun. Bats have become the queen's third favorite animal besides horses and Welsh short-legged dogs.

EDIT: Snor loudly

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