
Tang Bohu, a talented man, a tragic life that has fallen, and a dashing and proud poem

author:Guoxue Jinghualu

Tang Yin Tang Bohu, a great talent in Jiangnan. Emperor Mingxianzong Chenghua was born in the sixth year of Gengyin Year Yin Moon Yin Day Yin Shi, the number of six such as laymen, Peach Blossom Temple Lord. Shiwen is the first of the "Four Great Talents of Jiangnan". The name of the painting is more important, the first of the "Four Houses of Wumen".

Tang Bohu was brilliant in his life, poetry and painting, but he was cynical and wild, and every time he used alcoholism and prostitutes and self-abandonment to vent his dissatisfaction with society, it was actually a perverted reaction to the personality of the social system that strangled talents. For hundreds of years, due to the misinformation of city literature and the attachment of the people, the depiction of Tang Bohu as a "crazy life" image of wandering in the mountains and rivers and sending affection to the wind and moon is actually a great distortion of the real Tang Bohu.

When Tang Bohu was a teenager, he was eager to learn and be sensitive, and his talent was frequent. At the age of 29, he participated in the first place in the Ying Tianfu Township Examination and won the name of "Tang Xieyuan". However, the next year he went to Beijing to take the exam, but he was innocently implicated in the examination room fraud case and imprisoned, and then he was released in a vacuum, degraded to a small official, but he was deeply ashamed of his unwillingness to take up his post, and he fell seriously ill, and the husband and wife lost and divorced, and since then they have sunk into the folk and desperate science field, relying on fame to sell calligraphy and paintings for a living.

At the age of 39, he built the Peach Blossom An Beiye and the Dream Ink Pavilion in the western suburbs of Suzhou, becoming a gathering place for poetry and painting literati, and this period was the most elegant and comfortable period of Tang Yin's life. At the age of 44, because of his outstanding talent, he went to Nanchang at the invitation of Zhu Chenhaozhi, the king of Ning, to be hired as an aide for more than half a year, and then realized that the king of Ning was plotting against him, so he pretended to be crazy and stupid, and ran naked on the street before he was able to escape and return. In his later years, his life was extremely difficult, and he was alone and relied on the help of friends to survive, and he died at the age of 54 in the midst of poverty and illness.

Although the historical Tang Bohu was brilliant, he also had the ideal ambition of a reader through the country and the world, and was a talented poet and painter, but he also had the common disease of a reader, because of his cynical and honest arrogant personality, it was difficult to gain a foothold in the dirty and corrupt official field, and his life was bumpy, and he was finally ruthlessly abandoned by the corrupt society. The tragedy of Tang Bohu is the common tragedy of all upright and arrogant readers in the world.

Tang Yin's poems by Tang Bohu are plain and straightforward but profound. It seems to be free and wild, but it is full of loneliness and sadness under the delicacy. Seeing through without looking depressed, looking for the bleak joy of life in cynicism. Every teasing and laughing sentence is actually the "black humor" of arrogance to the darkness.

The following is a selection of three of his masterpieces, with a little translation review, and enjoy it with the kings:

Peach Blossom Wood in Peach Blossom An, Peach Blossom Fairy in Peach Blossom An.

Peach blossom immortals plant peach trees and fold flower branches as wine money.

When drunk, he only sits in front of the flowers, and when he is drunk, he must spend the flowers to sleep.

Before the flowers, day after day, drunk and sober year after year.

I hope that the old dead flower wine room is not willing to bow down in front of the carriage and horse.

The car dust horse is full of nobles, and the wine cups and flowers are poor.

If the rich are more rich than the poor, one is on the flat earth and the other is in the sky.

If he compares poverty to a cart and a horse, he will drive me to idleness.

The world laughed at me, and I couldn't see through the world.

There is no tomb of Wuling Haojie, no wine and no flowers to hoe the field.

This "Peach Blossom Anthem", in the Hong Kong movie "Tang Bohu Dian Qiu Xiang", was praised by Stephen Chow in his lines, which is familiar to the public and the most famous. The words of this poem are straightforward and plain, almost oily poems, but the meaning is profound. The whole poem is gorgeous and handsome but has no vulgar atmosphere, the style is elegant and free, but the intention is lofty and profound, it seems that the words are full of flowers and flowers and wine, in fact, all the expressions are broken and put down, which represents Tang Yin's contempt for the ugly and dark glory and wealth brought about by the plunder of power, and in the face of a difficult and bleak life, he can be proud of his bones and the noble character of the game world.

Wealth and glory should not be demanded, and if they are not forced, they will become ashamed.

Where there is an extension of the foot, the foot must be extended, and when the head is retracted, the head is retracted.

The people in the mansion are not there, and it is difficult for me to stay when my children and grandchildren grow up.

The Emperor has long arranged it, and there is no need to worry about frying.

Everything is demanded by heaven, so why bother with scheming?

Full meals are often satisfied, and you can receive them with a sail.

What day has happened to the troubles, and what time has it been for everyone to be harmed?

It is advisable for the wronged family to solve the knot and look back at the back of each other.

In life, the number of ephemera in the world, the blink of an eye aconitum for whitehead.

A hundred years of time can be a few, a counterfeit bill has no reason.

Where Kong Sheng was now, Xiao Cao had already rested.

When drinking alcohol, Aoyama will laugh and be sad.

These three exclamation poems are actually exhorting the world, and the deeper one is the helpless cynicism. Social injustice, the magnates are rampant, the low-level people who have risen to the bottom are barely surviving and have no hope of entering, the readers do not meet every time they are pregnant, and the upright people are not tolerated in the official field. Therefore, this poem seems to exhort the world, but in fact, it is even more sighing and cynical. It has the meaning of getting by, going with the flow, eating and so on.

Born in the Yang Realm, there is a scattering field, and it is not bad to die and return to the earthly house.

The Yang Dynasty is similar, only when drifting in a foreign land.

This "dying poem" is Tang Yin's masterpiece in the human world, full of sorrow, helplessness and world-weariness. At the time of bidding farewell to the world, in his eyes there was no difference between the human world and the underground government. At this time, in his opinion, whether it is the human world or the prefectural government, it is a foreign land that is difficult to accommodate and drifts and scattered, and it is not the destination he really wants. So where is the hometown in the heart that this talented man longed for when he was dying?

Tang Bohu, a talented man, a tragic life that has fallen, and a dashing and proud poem

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