
The official announcement of the Guangzhou concert of the tour group band, the larger stage witnessed the precipitation after the force

author:Street sounds
The official announcement of the Guangzhou concert of the tour group band, the larger stage witnessed the precipitation after the force

On the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the formation of the group in 2020, the tour group released two albums with both depth and temperature, "Like Almost Far" and "Like You Like Me"; in the summer of 2021, it completed a national double special tour with 11 cities, 22 performances and 24,000 people participating. Finally, at the end of 2021, Live Nation and Street Voice announced that the tour band will land at the Guangzhou Stadium Pearl River Flower City Cultural and Sports Center (formerly Hall 2 of the Guangzhou Gymnasium) on December 11, bringing "Life · Journey So I No Longer Sing Alone" 2021 Guangzhou Concert, opening a new chapter in the band. The huge musical energy they have accumulated after precipitation will be released to a larger stage and together with thousands of music fans.

The official announcement of the Guangzhou concert of the tour group band, the larger stage witnessed the precipitation after the force

On Friday, the tour band just released the 2021 tour documentary "Summer of Life", which ended with the slogan "Goodbye next time", which once again aroused the fans' attention and discussion about the performance. The film records the state in which the members of the troupe are ready to perform every time, and one voice, two voices, and countless voices on the scene are gathered together to burst out of the powerful force, which makes the tour group band feel that the "tour group" is no longer a single person singing. The appeal is always mutual, and those who have experienced the scene of the tour group, whether in front of or behind the scenes, are deeply moved by the tour group's precise performance preparation, attentive musical attitude, and complete stage presentation.

The infectious power of these scenes led the band to set the theme of this concert, "Life · Journey so I don't sing alone anymore." “ Life · Journey", "Life" and "Journey" combine two important issues in life, and are also a classic "slogan" since the band formed. Born out of one of the band's masterpieces, "So I Don't Sing Anymore", the exhibition was extended to "So I No Longer Sing Alone", and the band hoped to convey to the outside world the warm core of "music makes us not feel lonely, and we have never been isolated by the world". At the same time, I hope to start a new "Life · Journey”。

Everything is ready, and the precipitation is steady and steady all the way, making the concert stage logical. The tour band will refine the tour content, re-evolve and arrange the song list, in addition to the re-arrangement of popular musical works, there are rare niche masterpieces that are rarely performed on the stage, and the stage blueprint originally depicted by the band in mind can finally be fully presented through the stage design of the venue-level concert.

The official announcement of the Guangzhou concert of the tour group band, the larger stage witnessed the precipitation after the force

In 2020, the tour group released two creative albums, "Like Near Distance" and "Like You Like Me" - the former, digging inward and deep into the creative path of the self's world; the latter, outwardly generating more vision of the future. The musical works in these two albums, such as "Red River", "You Have No Name", "The End of the World" and other masterpieces, were unanimously affirmed by the industry and fans last year, showing the more calm and mature appearance of the tour group band on the road of artistic creation, and they also gradually broke the boundary between the independent circle and the public vision in the steady and steady way.

The tour group believed, "Life is like a roller coaster, no one can predict the future, and no one can forget the past." The greatest wealth in life is that no matter how high or low, there is always someone who can accompany you to experience. The energy of music will span time and space, and miracles can be created by helping and encouraging each other. This is why the music of the tour group has become the companion and motivation for more and more people to grow up.

The tour band looked forward to using "Life · Journey so I no longer sing alone" Theme, became a preservation point in the two life lines on stage and offstage: storing the beauty of the previous journey and becoming the driving force for the next journey.

The official announcement of the Guangzhou concert of the tour group band, the larger stage witnessed the precipitation after the force

On December 11, the "Tour Band Life · Journey so I'm no longer singing alone, the concert", is about to start. People who are ready to witness all this may have been looking forward to it in their hearts - this year's venue-level performance will undoubtedly be a heart-shaking blow and a stroke of value.

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