
The silent wind, the new life in the dead silence, found in the desolation

author:Ponies don't like to run

Silent Wind, forgetting when it came into my field of vision, I was fascinated by it.

Something, like a flower blooming in the middle of nowhere, is always surprising and gratifying...

It is natural and simple, quiet but full of vitality; every time you look carefully, you can always find surprises, just like a person who looks so ordinary, but has an outstanding temperament, as the saying goes, it is very attractive.

The two Chinese kanji are actually rooted in a Japanese word called wabi-sabi, which is an oriental Zen state of mind that believes that true beauty is mutilated. It is derived from the three seals of the Dharma, namely the impermanence of actions, the selflessness of dharma, the silence of nirvana, and especially impermanence. And its ideological origins can be traced back to Chinese Zen culture.

The silent wind, the new life in the dead silence, found in the desolation

The beauty of imperfection

The silent wind, the new life in the dead silence, found in the desolation

Silence is the interpretation of imperfect charm. It understands that all life is indisputably decaying and therefore does not compete with time. Each time in a different state has a unique beauty.

Roughness, opposition, simplicity, containment, abstinence, etc. are all synonymous with silence.

The loneliness in the design, discarding too much complexity and luxury, using simplicity and less carving, weakening the sense of decoration as much as possible, but it is necessary to retain the convenience of home functions.

The silent wind, the new life in the dead silence, found in the desolation

Living room

The color of the wood and the undeamed fabric complement each other perfectly, the shape is simple, and the living is comfortable and relaxed.

Let's take a look at what is reflected in the home.

The silent wind, the new life in the dead silence, found in the desolation
The silent wind, the new life in the dead silence, found in the desolation
The silent wind, the new life in the dead silence, found in the desolation
The silent wind, the new life in the dead silence, found in the desolation
The silent wind, the new life in the dead silence, found in the desolation
The silent wind, the new life in the dead silence, found in the desolation
The silent wind, the new life in the dead silence, found in the desolation
The silent wind, the new life in the dead silence, found in the desolation

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