
2022 Shenzhen National Entrance Examination: Do you know the content, time, difficulty and preparation strategies?

author:Parents of school choice for studying abroad

According to relevant sources, there are two rounds of the Shenzhen National Entrance Examination for the 2022-2023 academic year, which are held from March to May 2022, and will begin to accept registration around January 2022. Understand the teacher for everyone to sort out the specific arrangements for the Shenzhen National Entrance Examination and the full strategy of the examination, a full of dry goods of the first issue of the article, it is recommended that you are interested in the Shenzhen National Friendship parents and friends to collect, in advance to do a good job of planning.

(1) Enrollment targets

G1: The quota is 416 for students who have completed the third year of junior high school in July 2022 and have excellent academic qualifications

A1: The quota is 118 for students who have completed their sophomore year of high school in July 2022 and have excellent academic qualifications

(2) Refer to the 2021 Shenzhen National Entrance Examination time and subjects

2022 Shenzhen National Entrance Examination: Do you know the content, time, difficulty and preparation strategies?

Specific arrangements for the Shenzhen National Entrance Examination

Each round of the exam will be selected on the basis of merit, candidates can choose their own exam time, the first round of exams not admitted to the students can choose to apply for the second exam.

At present, the exam is tentatively scheduled for offline, if there is any adjustment, the school official will notify the candidates and release the relevant exam arrangements ten days before the exam, and the teacher will also synchronize the latest exam situation to everyone at the first time.

(3) 2022 Shenzhen National Entrance Examination Registration Time

Around January 2022, the number of places will be limited until the quota is full

The Shenzhen National Entrance Examination is divided into a written test and an interview, the written test score accounts for 90%, the test English and mathematics, the written test rating is not based on the score, according to the ranking rating, the difficulty is greater, the interview score accounts for 10%, the specific test content is as follows.

(1) English

The English test has four sections: Listening (40min), Vocabulary and Grammar (25min), Reading (45min), and Writing (45min).

01 | hearing

The overall difficulty of listening is medium, mainly to test the student's ability to solve practical problems in English, whether they can understand the main information of the dialogue or article, and then screen out the effective information content to complete the question. Listening scenes are generally daily study, campus life, etc.

02 | Vocabulary and grammar

This piece of examination is relatively simple, mainly requiring candidates to use phrase collocation correctly, grammar is basically the basic grammar of junior high school and high school, and vocabulary difficulty is between high school and level six.

03 | Read

The difficulty of reading the article is between the four and six levels, mainly examining the students' ability of information positioning, article combing, logical reasoning, key information extraction, etc., and the topic covers a wide range of fields.

04 | writing

Writing mainly examines students' British thinking, logical reasoning and language expression skills, and there are three main topics, namely Chatting, Formal Letter, and Informative.

Chatting: Give three questions and ask students to answer each question in 30-40 words.

Formal Letter: Write a letter as required, mainly describing the content of the candidate's views on a topic, criticism, or solutions and suggestions for a certain problem, the word count is required to be 150 words.

Informative: The title will give charts, students will organize and summarize the information according to the requirements, and the word count is required to be 180 words.

(2) Mathematics

Mathematics is a bilingual test paper in Chinese and English, students can choose to answer in Chinese or English, and the test duration is 70min. Although the basic knowledge of the exam is within the scope of secondary schools, the difficulty of solving the questions has been greatly improved, the scope of examination is wider, the examination questions are more difficult, and the types are more varied, focusing on the basic knowledge and computational analysis ability of students.

G1 main test center

A1 main test center

(3) Interview

The interview duration is 10 to 15 minutes, examining the student's English language score and comprehensive quality score, the two scores are scored separately, divided into A, B, C, D four levels, only when the score of the item reaches B at the same time, the interview is considered to be passed.

English language

Scoring rules: self-introduction, communication, oral pronunciation, English expression

Comprehensive quality

Scoring rules: first impressions, hobbies, awards, social practices

Candidates participating in the interview are required to upload the personal statement form to the personal page information column of the Shenzhen National Communications Admissions website three days before the interview. The Personal Statement Form is a 400-600-word English personal statement essay that includes: final grades (converted into a percentage scale), personal interests, community and other volunteer services, other awards and achievements, and future study abroad directions.

2022 Shenzhen National Entrance Examination: Do you know the content, time, difficulty and preparation strategies?

Shenzhen National Exchange has a large number of applicants every year, the competition pressure is large, is one of the most difficult international schools in Shenzhen, so I suggest that you prepare sufficient preparation time, after deciding to start preparing now, several general directions are recommended as follows.

(1) For the English written test, English reading is very important, the foundation of reading is laid well, the most difficult writing in the exam is naturally not a problem, usually you can read more foreign magazines (such as "The Economist"), do a good job of vocabulary accumulation (such as listening scene vocabulary accumulation, etc.), and establish your own material library (such as writing thesaurus library, listening corpus, etc.).

(2) For the mathematical written test, familiarize yourself with the question types, practice and learn from each other, and at the same time carry out targeted training to properly train the necessary problem-solving skills.

(3) Interview part, carefully write a personal statement, show your strengths and strengths, do not make up nonsense, the examiner will interrogate the details of the content you describe, and at the same time express it confidently, actively respond to questions, and improve your English speaking ability (you can watch more daily American dramas such as "Friends", imitate and read the lines and voice tone in the play).

Although the difficulty of admission to the Shenzhen National Exchange can be called the devil's level, the Difficulty of English vocabulary is high, equivalent to the GRE level, and the knowledge points of mathematical investigation are many and mixed and deep, if the ordinary students who are not academic bully prepare sufficient time, find out the deep country handover routine, and break the difficulties one by one, there is still a very great opportunity to enter this school.

There is no doubt that preparing for the Shenzhen National Friendship is a complex and lengthy process, and for the vast majority of children, the efforts of themselves and their parents alone are often inefficient and the results are not satisfactory.

If there is a professional help, you can achieve the effect of doing more with less in the short term, which is what we have been doing, after a comprehensive understanding of the child's academic foundation and background, for the child to develop a set of practical and feasible preparation programs, including personalized preparation planning and advice guidance, special training for the child's own weak subjects, scenario-based simulation interview link, etc., to give the child a full range of special training. We use professional services to move forward with everyone.

For more information about the Shenzhen National Entrance Examination Preparation, other international school entrance examination information, you can comment or private message I will discuss with me in depth.

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