
Exclusive Reveal: Summary of the 5 difficulties of the 2022 Shenzhen National Entrance Examination

author:Parents of school choice for studying abroad

【Introduction】Less than 4 months from the 2022 Shenzhen National Exchange Entrance Examination, the understanding teacher has recently received a lot of parents and students' consultations, saying that he has been reviewing and preparing for the Shenzhen National Exchange for a while, but his heart is still bottomless, "There is no professional teacher to do guidance, and I feel that the direction is very confused." ”

As we all know, the Shenzhen National Entrance Examination is highly competitive, the examination is difficult, and the devil-level examination refers not only to the simple examination outline examination content examination question type, but also to the competitors of the same examination! Judging from the experience of understanding teachers engaged in international school preparation for many years, if there is no professional teacher to guide special training, the result is likely to be to accompany the international famous schools such as Shenzhen National Diplomatic Exchange, Vanke Meisha and Besaisi!

unbelief? So today I will analyze the 5 difficulties of the Shenzhen National Entrance Examination!

The number of applicants for the Shenzhen National Exchange has soared year by year, the source of students from famous schools across the country, and most of them are academic bullies, the difficulty of admission is equivalent to the "four famous schools" in Shenzhen, statistics show that in 2021, the number of applicants for the Shenzhen National Exchange is about 5,000, but the admission rate is not more than 10%, and the competition is very fierce. Therefore, if there is no professional teacher for counseling and special training, no syllabus, no supporting exercise questions, no national real question assessment, do not know where their weaknesses and gaps are, the road to preparation for the exam will be very difficult, and the result is likely to be to accompany the run!

Exclusive Reveal: Summary of the 5 difficulties of the 2022 Shenzhen National Entrance Examination

The Shenzhen National Entrance Examination is equivalent to the "pinching" test, the direction of the test is different, in addition to the test of English and mathematics, there is also thinking and so on! Mathematics G1 difficulty is higher than the change of the multi-secondary school exam, A1 exam scope even exceeds the entire high school compulsory knowledge points, the questions are difficult, the types of test questions are diverse; the english difficulty is higher than CEFR B1, is it up to the CEFR Common European Language Reference Standard B1 or above. A large number of level 4 vocabulary, fast listening, long reading, grammar vocabulary to fill in the blanks, high composition requirements, long exam time, and additional questions, some question types even reach the Level of English in the Local College Entrance Examination in the United States.

Exclusive Reveal: Summary of the 5 difficulties of the 2022 Shenzhen National Entrance Examination

No matter which stage of transition to an international school, it will take at least one year to prepare for the exam. Most candidates also have to face the dilemma of preparing for the exam and choosing a school in the international system, often want to "grasp with both hands", it is easy to lose sight of the other, facing such a dilemma, parents and students need to understand the content and rules of the Shenzhen National Exchange Exam under the professional guidance and preparation planning of the tutor, and open a scientific and efficient preparation road.

Exclusive Reveal: Summary of the 5 difficulties of the 2022 Shenzhen National Entrance Examination

The preparation for the shenzhen national exchange is not only for the entrance examination, but also for the ability to study within the shenzhen national exchange for the next 4 years. The learning pressure of Shenzhen National High School is huge, and the teaching environment in English requires students to have a solid foundation that can flexibly apply knowledge of various disciplines to comprehensively improve.

The Preparation for the Shenzhen National Friendship Examination itself is a pinnacle duel between masters, and the competition is not only strength, but also mentality! Whether it is the preparation process or the examination link, students need to have self-regulation ability, calm and calm to deal with difficulties, have strong perseverance and good psychological quality.

Senior international planning preparation understands the teacher's 1V1 professional assessment of children's specific learning situation and ability, so that parents and students can accurately grasp the advantages and disadvantages and the gap with the strength of the target school, targeted development of the preparation schedule, starting from mathematics and English, the two main entrance examination subjects, combined with the target school's past exam questions, to help students prepare for the international school entrance examination and realize the dream of further education! Welcome to the private message to understand the teacher "free reservation mock exam, first audition, then registration"

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