
2021 Higher Vocational Recruitment Expansion, Entrance Examination Content

author:Guangdong education those things

2021 is a three-year expansion time, the last enrollment, belongs to the last year!!!

For this question, I believe that many students already know, but it may be about the content of the entrance examination.

Or what subjects are not very clear to everyone, so it is also the point that everyone wants to know the most.

So today I will also briefly explain what is the main test of the Guangdong Higher Vocational Expansion Entrance Examination?

1. Entrance examination for the expansion of higher vocational recruitment, cultural quality, and vocational skills.

2021 Higher Vocational Recruitment Expansion, Entrance Examination Content

Cultural quality, vocational skills

2. What is the assessment content?

Assessment content

The assessment method of "cultural quality + vocational skills" is adopted, which is organized by the school's independent proposition organization.

The content of the test includes: cultural quality + vocational skills, of which: "cultural quality" full score of 40 points, "vocational skills" full score of 60 points.

The "cultural quality" test for all candidates is a unified test, and the "vocational skills test" is carried out according to the candidate's first professional volunteer.

3. What is the syllabus?

"Cultural Literacy" examination syllabus

Exam content and requirements

1. Basic ability of Chinese language writing

2. Basic knowledge of natural science

3. Legal basis

4. Ideological and political theoretical foundations

5. Basic requirements of professional ethics

6. Basic knowledge of interpersonal communication

7. Basic knowledge of humanities

2. Syllabus of the "Vocational Skills" examination

For example, computer: applicable major: computer application technology, digital media application technology.

1. Examination content and requirements

1. Basic knowledge of computers



4. Internet applications

For the 2021 higher vocational expansion entrance examination is difficult, there is no need to worry about anything, because the content of the higher vocational expansion examination is very simple, it is a basic common sense problem, and our teaching points will also provide relevant examination content to ensure that you successfully pass the examination !!!

If you want to know more about academic issues, you can follow me, or write me privately.

I wish the students who registered in the last year of the expansion of higher vocational education, smooth admission, dreams as horses, and live up to Shaohua !!!

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