
School of Economics, Peking University 2001 Doctoral Entrance Examination finance questions

author:Question bees lead the way

Exam subject: Finance

Admissions Major: Finance

Exam date: March 18, 2001

I. Short Answer Questions (10 points per question, 60 points in total)

1. Discuss the similarities and differences between open-end funds and closed-end funds.

2. On the basic functions and special functions of the capital market.

3. Briefly analyze the applicability of the cash flow test method in solvency supervision in China.

4. Try to discuss the offsetting function of forward rate agreements.

5. Briefly describe the cycle theory of FDI products.

6. Try to outline the assumptions and implications of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).

II. Essay Questions (Students who apply for Xiao Zhuoji and Sun Qixiang should answer 1 and 2 questions, and students who applied for Teacher Li Qingyun and Hu Jian should answer 3 and 4 questions)

1. Please refer to the main defects in the pay-as-you-go pension insurance system; analyze the main problems in the process of China's transition from pay-as-you-go to the fund system and their solutions.

2. On the advantages and disadvantages of comprehensive operation and branch operation of the financial industry.

3. Comment on the theory of the three generations of international financial crisis from the perspective of developing countries.

4. Discuss the inherent instability of the modern financial system from the perspective of the banking system and analyze the risk prevention problems of the Chinese banking system.

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