
"Huan Zhu Ge Ge": Ziwei and Zhihua can become girlfriends, because of these three points

author:Xiaohui film and television highlights

Recently revisited "Huan Zhu Gege", will always be thundered by Ziwei's kindness and tolerance, how open the heart, more than the feelings of the Virgin, will be willing to let the emperor's father out, single-mindedly only think of Xiao Yanzi's good to her.

"Huan Zhu Ge Ge": Ziwei and Zhihua can become girlfriends, because of these three points

I have to say that Ziwei's character is too perfect, divorced from reality and human nature, at first glance it will feel incomparably beautiful, and then I can't help but sigh: A good little white flower of the Virgin.

Ziwei and Xiaoyanzi can become good sisters, really rely on the time and place, otherwise, one is a delicate talented woman full of poetry and songs, and the other is a city girl who sells art along the street, the two people basically have nothing in common, and there is no topic in the chat.

But Xiao Yanzi acted as a messenger for Ziwei and almost lost her life, Ziwei remembered this kindness, preferring not to be the emperor's daughter-in-law to save Xiao Yanzi's life, which shows her concern for Xiao Yanzi and her true, good and beautiful nature.

"Huan Zhu Ge Ge": Ziwei and Zhihua can become girlfriends, because of these three points

However, Chen Zhihua is a third party involved in the marriage between Xiaoyanzi and Yongqi, because of the existence of Zhihua, Xiaoyanzi is in pain, and even ends up leaving Dali with Yongqi.

Then, Xiao Yanzi's disgusted love enemy, Ziwei and her became a girlfriend who talked about everything, because of these three points!

One; Ziwei is too kind, and she sympathizes with the weak.

Yongqi and Xiaoyanzi are far away, zhihua has completely become an abandoned "widow", even if there is a son Mianyi Chenghuan's knee, it cannot fill the hurt she has suffered in her heart.

"Huan Zhu Ge Ge": Ziwei and Zhihua can become girlfriends, because of these three points

No matter how many wrong things Zhihua has done in the past, she has tirelessly calculated Xiaoyanzi and separated the feelings between Yongqi and Xiaoyanzi, but in the end, she is a loser, and she has been widowed at a young age.

Ziwei sympathized with her, looked at Yongqi's face, and would often come to visit and comfort her.

Second; Zhihua is a veritable talented woman who shares a common topic with Ziwei.

Different from Xiao Yanzi's straightforwardness and low cultural level, Zhihua is a girly show raised in the deep boudoir, and beauty and talent are indispensable.

"Huan Zhu Ge Ge": Ziwei and Zhihua can become girlfriends, because of these three points

It is easy to have feelings for women's chat, especially the mutual appreciation between talented women, Ziwei is a sensual person, she appreciates the knowledge and talent of Zhihua, and gradually, she will also be introduced as a confidant.

Third; zhihua's emotional intelligence is high, and it is not difficult for her to make friends with a good person.

On the position of the paragraph, the simple Ziwei is not as good as zhihua, if it is not the five brothers who meet the love brain, the little swallow with the heroine's aura, the zhihua will not lose so tragically.

"Huan Zhu Ge Ge": Ziwei and Zhihua can become girlfriends, because of these three points

With the skill and wrist of Zhihua, he can definitely live like a fish in the harem, and it is not difficult for Zhihua to develop a girlfriend like Ziwei.

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