
Xituanlin Village, Tuanlin Town, Junan County, Linyi City, carried out human settlement environment improvement activities

author:Luwang Linyi Channel

On September 3, all the staff of the Propaganda Office, discipline inspection commission, and party and government office of Tuanlin Town, Junan County, Linyi City, went to Xituanlin Village to carry out volunteer service activities for the improvement of the rural living environment, and together with party members, activists who joined the party, and the masses in Xituanlin Village, they cleaned up and cleaned up garbage. At the same time, the volunteers also publicized on the spot, advocating to the villagers to "improve the living environment and build beautiful villages", advocating that everyone develop good living habits and create a clean, beautiful, healthy and harmonious rural living environment.

In recent years, Xituanlin Village has attached great importance to the improvement of rural human settlements, focusing on key areas and key links, repairing both inside and outside, continuing to exert efforts, normalizing and deepening, continuously consolidating the results of rectification, and continuously improving the "appearance" of the village.

Strengthen the leadership of party building. Organize party members and party activists to regularly carry out the work of improving the living environment in the village, strengthen the construction of beautiful courtyards, and give full play to the exemplary and leading role of party members. Focus on what's important. Focus on the areas prone to frequent occurrence of "dirty and chaotic" in the village, strengthen inspections, and find problems to clean up in time. Organize party members and the masses to regularly clean up the "five piles" in the village, and regularly report on the rectification situation in the village convenience group. Check the sewage treatment of farmers in the village, plan sedimentation ponds, dredge drainage ditches in the whole village, dredge ditches and rivers in advance during the flood season, and ensure smooth drainage; strengthen publicity. Use loudspeakers in the village to broadcast, hang banners, visit households, distribute leaflets, etc., to guide villagers to consciously maintain the environment in the village and create a good atmosphere in which everyone attaches importance to everyone's participation. (Correspondent Wang Xinru)
