
When the wounds in the family are not healed, most of the following manifestations occur:

author:The way to healing

The first is that in our childhood, we feel that we lack the love of our parents, lack of care, and lack of recognition When we become adults, we still want to find our parents, we want to find authoritative identity

The second manifestation is resentment toward one's own parents. Thinking that parents can't make themselves better, resenting parents for not treating themselves correctly, slowly forming a resentful victim pattern, and gradually becoming a person who loves to complain.

The third is the opposite of the first two, they feel that they still need their parents, they can only do things according to their parents' will, they have no opinion, they lack power, they think they have no ability to make decisions, they can only rely on authority.

The fourth manifestation is the fear of parents being disappointed, wanting to do all kinds of things for them, expecting them to be happy and happy, expecting their marriage to change, and wanting to bear those debts and disputes for the family.

The fifth is to copy unconsciously, to copy the emotions of the parents with subconscious loyalty, to copy their anxiety, anger, nervousness, complaints, fears, to copy the hatred of one party for the other and transfer it to their partners. Some people will even copy the painful fate of their parents, copy their diseases, copy their doom...

When the wounds in the family are not healed, most of the following manifestations occur:

The way to healing

From the impact that the family has caused on us and the possible path to liberation, the teacher has given his answer. Not only tell you what kind of family your limitations, trauma, and pain come from, but more importantly, how an adult can repair the trauma of childhood, let himself grow and progress, and become a light, happy, and emotionally free self.

Most importantly, don't be a victim of a family of origin

The original family is a subject that accompanies us throughout our lives, and we need to slowly run into ourselves in a long period of time. The unfortunate family of origin may make us walk meandering and difficult, but it does not hinder the happiness of the same journey.

Happiness is a choice, but also an ability, may all readers find the strength to reconcile with trauma and walk out of their own full life.

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