
In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!

84 years ago today

The invading Japanese army captured Nanjing

In just 6 weeks, we have lost more than 300,000 compatriots

Laughter and prosperity are gone, and corpses are strewn across the field

The millennium city has become a "hell on earth"

In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!

△ Massacre by the river

The national sacrifice is dedicated to my compatriots

Today is the eighth

National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre

In the name of the nation, we mourn the dead

We want to make more people understand

The truth about the Nanjing Massacre

In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!
In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!
In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!
In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!
In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!
In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!
In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!
In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!

"If you live one day, you have to talk about it for a day!"

Survivors of the Nanjing Massacre are witnesses to history

In 1987, Nanjing counted survivors of the massacre for the first time

At that time, 1756 survivors were identified

In recent years, this number has decreased year by year

As of November 5, 2021

Registered survivor of the Nanjing Massacre

Only 61 people remained

In 2021, 11 elderly people will die

They didn't wait until they died

A solemn apology

84 years passed

We never forget that painful memory

When the deafening sirens sounded

Let us pay tribute to our fellow victims

He gave his life for the Chinese people in the War of Resistance Against Japan

Tribute to revolutionary martyrs and national heroes

Anyone should deny the fact that the Nanjing Massacre was committed

History will not say yes

The undead of 300,000 innocent victims will not agree

The 1.4 billion Chinese people will not agree

February 27, 2014

The Seventh Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress adopted the decision

In the form of legislation

December 13 will be established as

Not only to remember the past, but also to forget history

More to evoke everyone

Yearning for and perseverance towards peace

In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!

We mourn the dead in the name of our nation

Not to perpetuate hatred

Just to be a wake-up call:

If you fall behind, you will be beaten!

Only a strong army can be safe!

In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!

For revolutionary soldiers in the new era

The memory of the country should be engraved in the heart

National security should be resolutely defended

In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!

△ Comic authors: Zhao Yutong, Lu Chisheng

A people who have experienced suffering

Better understand the preciousness of peace

Let the sun of peace shine on the earth

Let the power of justice dwell on earth forever

We must bear in mind the goal of strengthening the army and dedicate ourselves to the practice of strengthening the army

Strengthen the ability to fight and win wars

In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!

Firmly guarded

The peace that the revolutionary ancestors bought with their blood and lives

Never let the tragedy of history repeat itself!

In 1984, Zhao Zhao's past events, Ti Ti's descendants!

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