
The pain of Hong Hao's resignation, the death of Baoneng to retain people - a brief analysis of why Baoneng can't keep people?

Editor's Introduction: Hong Hao, a veteran of China's automotive industry who is the vice president of Baoneng Automobile Group, has officially proposed his resignation to the company and has recently left Baoneng. Since Baoneng entered the automotive industry in 2017, many senior executives such as Li Feng, Cai Jianjun, Xu Jianming, and Hu Xindong have been suspended and removed from their posts. These people in Baoneng can be as long as a year, as short as half a year, or even only two or three months of detention, and they have become hurried visitors. We can't help but ask, why can't Baoneng keep them, why did they choose to leave Baoneng?

The pain of Hong Hao's resignation, the death of Baoneng to retain people - a brief analysis of why Baoneng can't keep people?

It is reported that Hong Hao, a veteran of China's automotive industry who is the vice president of Baoneng Automobile Group, has formally proposed his resignation to the company and has recently left Baoneng. Since Baoneng entered the automotive industry in 2017, many senior executives such as Li Feng, Cai Jianjun, Xu Jianming, and Hu Xindong have been suspended and removed from their posts. These people in Baoneng can be as long as a year, as short as half a year, or even only two or three months of detention, and they have become hurried visitors. We can't help but ask, why can't Baoneng keep them, why did they choose to leave Baoneng?

Through the investigation, it is not difficult for us to find that these industry leaders have had successful professional experience before, and they have been fighting in the automotive industry for many years and have achieved brilliant results. Like Li Feng, who originated from Chery and achieved achievements in Beijing Hyundai; Hong Hao and Xu Jianming are both from the core management of Dongfeng Nissan, and are the participants and promoters of Dongfeng Nissan's annual sales from 0 to 1 million units per year. Hu Xindong is also one of the Founders of Dongfeng Renault, all of whom are famous, but their survival period in Baoneng is invariably short, such as the gap between white colts.

At its root, we believe that the initiator is inseparable from Baoneng's traditional management model. As we all know, because Baoneng Group has achieved success in real estate, when it took over the automobile sector in 2017, it directly copied and copied the management mode of the real estate sector to the automobile sector. The internal institutional settings are all central system, and the financial, human, legal, integrated management, auditing, etc. are all line management, vertically managed by the boss or the person in charge of the line authorized by the boss, and inserted into the end, which is bound to collide and conflict with the intensive management mode of resources in the automotive industry, resulting in the endless occurrence of internal friction incidents, especially the intervention authority of the manpower and financial line far exceeds that of ordinary enterprises.

As a result, these should be the background support functions, for the front line of continuous delivery of shells of the back-end department in the actual work has become the front-line business department had to ask daddy to tell the grandmother of the object of the stalking, the matters that should be quickly decided on but to spend a lot of horizontal communication and approval time internally, resulting in lengthy approval process, low management efficiency, business departments and the front line complained about this, but the dead knot could not be cracked for a long time.

In addition, insufficient authorization for professional manager teams is also one of the crux of the problem. At the beginning of entering the automotive field, due to the lack of basic understanding of the automotive industry, Baoneng also generously gave some operating authority to the management, but after there were many cases of spending a lot of money but not seeing the flowers in the later work, Baoneng gradually took the authorization authority to the group, forming the current embarrassing situation of "chaos once released, one tube will die", so that the later elites in these industries feel tied hands and feet, have the heart to kill thieves, and are powerless to return to heaven.

In addition to these, since the beginning of this year, the various difficulties caused by the liquidity difficulties in the capital side of Baoneng have become the last straw that crushed the management team. Since the second quarter, employee and supplier rights protection incidents caused by employee arrears and supplier arrears have occurred in Baoneng from time to time. As Baoneng opened four or five hundred directly operated stores overnight in a big leap forward last year, the number of employees swelled to more than 10,000 in a short period of time, accumulating a large number of heavy assets and manpower management costs. After the fermentation of the wage arrears incident, the rights and interests of these employees were infringed, so they turned the gun and pointed the spearhead directly at Baoneng, standing against the company, completely ignoring the fact that they were actually an employee of Baoneng Automobile, not a dealer employee. Their collective defection also shook the foundation of trust within the Baoneng Automobile team, so that the management was tired of dealing with these emergencies every day and had to "not do business".

Finally, due to the shortage of funds, the original planned development plan for new models has been repeatedly delayed, so that grass-roots employees can not see signs of the company's recovery. The existing Qoros models are all long-term old cars, which have no sound and competitiveness in the market. Due to the long-term accumulation of negative equity effects of the Qoros brand, customers and front-line employees generally lack confidence, thus falling into a quagmire and making it difficult to save themselves.

Therefore, the departure of Hong Hao is a phenomenon, but also a warning, that is, when china's automotive industry is about to usher in the spring of new energy development, how should the new forces in the aspiring automotive industry treat these industry elites kindly, provide them with an open platform to show their talents, fully authorize people, money and things, actively loosen their constraints for them, so that they can let go? Otherwise, these marquee-like stage plays that you sang about me will continue to be staged, and the last thing left for these companies without car background may be just chicken feathers.

The pain of Hong Hao's resignation, the death of Baoneng to retain people - a brief analysis of why Baoneng can't keep people?

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