
D.H.APP_Horoscope of December 14, 2021


You have a healthy self, Aries. You rarely feel intimidated by anyone. You're usually even confident when dealing with authority figures. But somewhere someone is trying to intimidate you, which may make you doubt yourself. Don't let that happen. Remember who you are. Remind yourself of your strengths. In reality, that person may actually be intimidated by you, so they're trying to overcome that. Instead of fighting back, be gentle. You can fix this.


Today is a great day to explore your unshaven talents. You know, Taurus – you keep underestimating and underestimating your talent. There is a special gift that you keep a little secret about it, although you may think about it from time to time. Who knows where you'd go if you got a little bit into it— openly and without judgment? Give yourself a chance to learn more and develop. You may be happy with the results.


Knowing what you want is usually the first step to getting what you want. But not always. Sometimes, it's best to get into a situation where you're willing to explore all your options. Gemini, if you make up your mind before you're faced with a choice, you probably won't even notice that there are other options to choose from, so you can limit yourself. You may be moving into some new areas, some areas where decisions need to be made. Be open to anything that is possible and not rely on preconceived notions.


You are such a sensitive creature that you absorb the emotions or vibrations of the world around you and the people around you more easily than anyone else. This makes you susceptible to dark emotions and even feelings of panic, doom and melancholy from time to time. But you need to learn to recognize that it's just a feeling you can control and drive away. It's just the result of stress and worry, and there's no reason to be afraid. If you choose to think hopefully and optimistically, you will begin to be attracted to the great things that are possible. Focus on the positives and filter out the rest.


Take it easy. This is the first and most important thing you can do right now. You may feel stressed. You may feel like you have no choice but to react to things you don't want to do. But no one can force you. No one wants to force you. You are free to make your own decisions. You should see that just recognizing this fact –that you can use your free will –will give you a sense of comfort and freedom. Once you realize this, you can decide what you want to do without feeling stressed or pushed.


You may not feel very motivated today, Virgo. Maybe you're tired of the same cliché – it's not like your style. What can you do to boost your ambitions and get you excited about your life again? Well, that's not going to happen like this. Oddly enough, to spark your dreams and ambitions, you have to figure out your own way. What excites you? What spectacle excites you? What do you want your future to look like? Start thinking about it today and you might do something exciting.


You may truly believe that demonstrating your knowledge is the key to success. You may feel that by showing off your abilities and experience, others will respect you more and be more willing to walk with you. But in fact, Libra, your greatest strength will be to recognize that you don't know everything and be honest about it. Do what you do best, but also leave some room for learning. That would be the most impressive.


30 years ago, if a child wanted to learn to play the guitar, they might buy a book and take a few lessons, but there were also many people who just picked up the guitar and started practicing blindly. For many people, learning by doing is a good path. Today, guitar lessons may include links to online instructional and video presentations. For some, this may be a better way to learn because we all learn differently. Scorpio, maybe you want to learn something new — something that will make your life better. Don't limit yourself – explore your options. Go your own way.


People who are in a state of irritation are less likely to solve problems than those who calmly deal with them. Staying calm will make it easier for you to stay in control. Staying calm allows you to deal with the problem constructively, rather than being in a state of panic trying to control the damage. If you're in a chaotic situation, Sagittarius, you have to deal with it today, keep that in mind. Try to see this as a problem that needs to be solved, not a disaster.


Today, you may feel compelled to be careful with someone's feelings. You can choose to edit your text and content. But does that really accomplish what you're going to do, Capricorn? If someone chooses to be offended forever, you won't really deal with them anyway. But perhaps this is not the case. Perhaps, a fresh, unfiltered, direct approach will be unexpectedly welcomed. Maybe your frankness will stand out. It doesn't hurt to give it a try.


If you find yourself in a slump over the holidays or year-end, it's hard not to say Ah, and then develop a bad mood. At this time of year, many people find themselves in a bad mood. Aquarius, you may never have thought about turning things around, and that's what you can do. Try to find something hopeful or encouraging to say to the person you meet today. Maybe you can say a compliment. Maybe you can encourage them. It can be anyone you meet today. You should find that saying nice, hopeful things to others can also give you hope.


Someone in your life will talk a lot, but not much communication. Their words may be full of small talk, gossip, self-praise, and crank, but they never really reveal much about themselves. Perhaps, Pisces, all this talk is about hiding something. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Some people are shy or insecure, and they fill the space around them with words intended to distract others from real people. If you suspect that someone in your life is like this, find a way to get closer. It will be worth it.

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