
The two princes went up to the temple to scold the Emperor and relieve their anger! But the result was that one was dug out of his heart and one was cut off by the door

One of the reasons for the popularity of historical novels is that they are easy to understand, the language is vernacular, and the fictional and fabricated event stories make them readable. There are many historical interpretation novels (including historical interpretation of gods and demons), such as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Sui and Tang Dynasties", "Fengshen Yanyi", "Water Margin", etc. Among these interpretations, there must be loyal ministers and traitorous ministers, although some of these courtiers are historical people, and some are fabricated, but no matter what, there are many who are rendered into classic images by novelists, not to mention the history of famous literature, but at least they have their place in the hearts of the people.

The author regrets that in the past, I will talk about two famous literary history, two loyal characters in the historical novels that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, they have the same highly respected status, have a respected personality, and have the same experience: angry and cursed, and tragically hurt!

The two princes went up to the temple to scold the Emperor and relieve their anger! But the result was that one was dug out of his heart and one was cut off by the door

Film and television image stills of Bigan characters (photos)

Wenqu Linfan, the king of the King of Lu, Shu Bigan

Bigan does have his own people in history, but this article is not about history, but about novels. From the "Fengshen Yanyi", Bi Gan, the uncle of the King of Sui, the elder of the Three Dynasties, was entrusted by Emperor Yi to assist Emperor Xin, that is, the King of Sui, who was conscientious of state affairs and bowed to the assistant, and was quite majestic in the imperial court. However, the fox demon Daji once invited the foxes to confuse the king of The Fox at a banquet in the Star Picking Building, and when Bigan spied out his prototypes, he found the fox cave and burned the fox hole clean with a fire, which made Dai Ji hold a grudge.

Daji designed to harm Bi Gan, and told the King of Gong that he was distressed and that he had to eat Bi Gan's heart to be cured, and the fainting king of Ling, who had no way, found Bi Gan to lend his heart to Da Gan (a person without a heart, can he still live?). To put it bluntly, it is to harm The life of Bigan), Bigan saw that the King of Qiu was so faint, and he was furious, and angrily scolded the King of Qiu for fainting: "Emperor Of the Night! You are drunk and comatose, confused, and your heart is gone, and I am dead. How can Bikan not commit the sin of heart-wrenching, innocently suffer from this? ”

The two princes went up to the temple to scold the Emperor and relieve their anger! But the result was that one was dug out of his heart and one was cut off by the door

Film and television image stills of Daji and The King of Gong (pictured)

However, king Huan did not think so, and ordered his subordinates to grab Bigan and try to dig into his heart, and When Bigan saw that the emperor he had done his duty to assist had become so faint, he cried and said, "King Chengtangxian!" Do you know that Yin Lu has broken into the world of Tang Twenty-eighth Dynasty, and is not a disloyal ear of a courtier! After Bigan finished speaking, he undressed himself, cut open his abdomen with his sword, took out his heart with his own hands and threw it on the ground, leaving the palace. After all, Bigan, who took out his heart, did not escape The Trap of DaiJi and died outside the noon gate. Unfortunately, a generation of loyalists was so absurdly killed by the king.

The two princes went up to the temple to scold the Emperor and relieve their anger! But the result was that one was dug out of his heart and one was cut off by the door

Wu Jianzhang character film and television image stills (photo)

The head of the Nine Elders of the Kaisui Dynasty, Wu Jianzhang, the King of Zhongxiao

Wu Jianzhang, a character in the historical novel "The Biography of Xingtang", followed the Sui Wen Emperor Yang Jian's southern conquest of the northern war, and made great contributions, especially when Yang Jian personally attacked Andang Shanwa, which was besieged north of the Huai River, in order to save the emperor and relieve the siege of Dangshanwa, Wu Jianzhang single-handedly, although he was hit by thirteen arrows, he still killed more than a dozen enemy generals, killed a heavy siege to the Beijing Division with one shot, and moved to save his life to relieve the siege of Dangshanwa, this merit is huge, and Yang Jian often remembers and seals Wu Jianzhang as the head of the Nine Elders of Kaisui.

Yang Guang, who killed his father and brother and ascended the throne, Wu Jianzhang saw Yang Guang's deeds clearly and clearly. For Yang Guang to inherit the throne, Wu Jianzhang did not accept it from the bottom of his heart. In order to expose Yang Guang's face, Wu Jianzhang wore a ma dai filial piety, broke into the palace, held a weeping stick in his hand and rebuked Yang Guang, angrily scolded Yang Guang as a chaotic thief, Yang Guanghe rebuked Why Wu Jianzhang saw the emperor and did not bow down, Wu Jianzhang did not show weakness and went back, the original words in the book read: "My old eyes are dizzy, I can't see anything today, I only see a rogue thief who steals the country and harms the people, a dressed beast!" ”

The two princes went up to the temple to scold the Emperor and relieve their anger! But the result was that one was dug out of his heart and one was cut off by the door

Sui Dynasty Emperor's father's film and television image stills (photo)

As for wu Jianzhang's angry rebuke of Yang Guang's despicable deeds, he naturally would not admit it, so Wu Jianzhang rebuked again: "Yang Guang, the King of Xiaoxiao, often said: If you want people to not know, unless you do nothing. If you have done something bad, you don't think others know it. Subsequently, he exposed Yang Guang's evil deeds: the royal garden flirting with his sister, the suicide of Princess Qionghua and the empress, the blood splashing of the Sui Emperor Yang Jian in the Wanshou Palace, the flirtation of Lady Xuanhua, and so on, all of which were revealed in front of the Manchu Dynasty's Wenwu courtiers, and the reason why he was able to sit on the throne was a conspiracy and trickery, and the act of killing his father and killing his brother was also done. Wu Jianzhang's move made Yang Guang's face glazed over and his face turned miserable. In the face of Wu Jianzhang's accusations, Yang Guang was still cunning, believing that he could sit on the throne because of his own merits, especially "(Yang Guang) destroyed Southern Chen in the south, the Northern Imperial Turks, and the merits of the world; loved the people like a son, and was deified by the world."

For Yang Guang's remarks, Wu Jianzhang was even more angry and angry, and Wu Jianzhang thought to himself: I have never seen such a faceless! So he once again exposed Yang Guangzhi's words and angrily rebuked: "A good meritorious person, who loves the people like a son, I see that you are selling your reputation and fishing for reputation!" In the imperial court, you kill your father, your brother, your cheating mother, your sister, your palace robbery, your usurpation of power, how can a dressed beast like you become the honor of a country, how can you be an example for the people of the world, and how can you love the people like a son..." Regarding the consequences of Yang Guang's ascension to the throne and the consequences to the world, Wu Jianzhang gave the tone, saying: "If you want to become emperor, the people of the world will be in great trouble!" "As for Wu Jianzhang's quasi-judgment of people and the chaos in the world after the fact, the princes all look at it in reverse, which can be described as the most reasonable and famous saying, and the blood path breaks the heavens. Wu Jianzhang was cursed and cursed, but he completely angered Yang Guang, and he did not hesitate to order people to knock out Wu Jianzhang's teeth above the imperial court, cut off his tongue, and beheaded Wu Jianzhang's more than one hundred and eighty mouths all over the door, and only his family's Mafu Wu Bao and his son Wu Yunzhao escaped the disaster.

Repentance said: Exactly: Since ancient times, the loyal minister Qing ShiZhang has bowed down to the community and advocated. But sigh the Ming Emperor is not there, scolding the temple than Gan Wu Jianzhang! (Text: Pan Xiexi)

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