
Reuters: Famous broker Ramadani was investigated for suspected money laundering, and 11 clubs cooperated with the investigation

Reuters: Famous broker Ramadani was investigated for suspected money laundering, and 11 clubs cooperated with the investigation

According to Reuters, Italian prosecutors are investigating soccer agents Ramadani and Jodi, both suspected of tax evasion and money laundering.

Reuters saw the document from Milan's prosecutor's office, which targeted two agents for deals with 11 Italian clubs since 2018, including clubs such as Juventus, Inter Milan and AC Milan.

Born in what is now North Macedonia and now living in Ireland, and Jodi, an Italian, Both did not immediately comment on the matter.

Milan's prosecutor's office said in a statement earlier Monday that Italian tax police had asked 11 clubs to provide documents of their business dealings with the two brokers under investigation.

Judicial sources said the deals under review included Pjanic's move from Juventus to Barca and Chiesa's move from Fiorentina to Juventus.

Prosecutors added that Jody's company is currently being searched.

Prosecutors said the 11 clubs were not part of the ongoing investigation and that they were simply asked to provide relevant documents.

(Goblin Killer)

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