
Zhanyi added 5 new representative items of municipal intangible cultural heritage

A few days ago, the Qujing Municipal People's Government issued the "Notice of the Qujing Municipal People's Government on Announcing the Sixth Batch of Representative Projects of Municipal Intangible Cultural Heritage", and 5 projects in Zhanyi District, including the story of "poisonous water", the handicraft rice cake making technology, the green tile firing technology, the paper cutting, and the Women's Day, were selected.

The story of "poisonous water" is based on the story of Zhuge Liang's triumphant southern expedition in 227 AD and Meng's use of Lushui as a natural barrier to block the Shu army before the Northern Expedition, telling the story of the "muddy pond" on the five-foot road.

Zhanyi added 5 new representative items of municipal intangible cultural heritage

The handmade rice cake making technique has been passed down to the traditional handicraft of the ancestors, and it is a must-eat for the local Hui people to celebrate the New Year' Festival, marry relatives and mediators, and build houses and build houses. To make rice cakes, it is necessary to select local high-quality rice, take natural mountain spring water, and go through several processes such as rice selection, soaking rice, drying rice, grinding rice, kneading powder, ingredients, steaming, etc., with the characteristics of loose, soft, sweet, fragrant, etc.

Zhanyi added 5 new representative items of municipal intangible cultural heritage

The raw materials of the firing technique of Zhanyi Green Tile are mainly selected clay, and after turning the clay, foaming clay, stepping on mud and mud, draining stones, making blanks, demoulding, trimming, drying, kilning, firing, sewage and returning to green, etc., the formation of various forms and contents of ridge beasts, brick and tile finished products, more completely retained the original style of ancient Chinese Jiangnan architecture and the characteristics of Yunnan folk architecture.

Zhanyi added 5 new representative items of municipal intangible cultural heritage

Zhanyi paper-cutting is developed from the traditional women's cutting patterns, folk shoe flowers, waist flowers and other paper-cut embroidery patterns, with the development and changes of Zhanyi as the background of creation, bold imagination, rich content and diverse styles.

Zhanyi added 5 new representative items of municipal intangible cultural heritage

Zhanyi Women's Day is a very unique ethnic custom in Dade Village, Baishui Town, Zhanyi District. Every year on the first horse day of the third month of the lunar calendar, all women will put down their farm work at home, travel in full costume, and be led by the highly respected women in the village (men are not allowed to participate) to inspect the mountains, pay respects to trees, dance the ancient "Sparrow Dance", and sing duets of mountain songs. The Women's Day has distinct local and ethnic characteristics, and is an important festival for deepening local ethnic feelings.

Zhanyi added 5 new representative items of municipal intangible cultural heritage

In recent years, the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Zhanyi District has implemented the working principle of "protection first, rescue first, rational utilization, inheritance and development", supported and encouraged and supported inheritors to carry out transmission activities, consolidated the results of rescue and protection, improved the level of protection and inheritance, and promoted the healthy and sustainable development of the protection of intangible cultural heritage. There are 14 municipal intangible cultural heritage projects and 13 at the district (county) level in our district, 1 provincial non-hereditary inheritor, 5 at the municipal level, and 25 at the district (county) level.

Zhang Haiyan

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