
Xiaomi is going to customize the screen! It will jointly build a display technology joint laboratory with Tianma

Recently, Xiaomi and Tianma signed an agreement in Wuhan Tianma G6 Industrial Base, and the two sides will cooperate to build a new display technology joint laboratory. I believe that in the near future, we can see xiaomi products equipped with customized screens online.

Xiaomi is going to customize the screen! It will jointly build a display technology joint laboratory with Tianma

Tianma said that the establishment of a joint laboratory with Xiaomi this time hopes to open up the industrial chain from the market to the terminal to the parts manufacturer, shorten the new technology development cycle, accelerate the introduction of new technology products to the market, jointly focus on the research and development of cutting-edge technology of display panels, and accelerate the localization of the panel supply chain.

It is understood that Tianma and Xiaomi have maintained a close cooperative relationship, and Tianma Screen is in an exclusive or one-supply position in a variety of Xiaomi's smart phones and smart wearable products. With the establishment of the joint laboratory, the two sides will further expand the development of cooperation and win-win situation, and promote the development of new display technologies.

The Xiaomi pre-research team and the Tianma Innovation Center team have now formulated the development plan of the first pre-research new technology project in the joint laboratory, and the two sides will jointly promote the development of thin, portable, low-power, new form of display panel technology and the commercial mass production of new technology products.


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