
Stop staring at the screen for long periods of time, watch out for dry eyes to find you! How to prevent see here

author:Xiaofang medical science
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With the popularity of electronic products, our lives have become more convenient. However, while mobile phones, computers, and tablets bring convenience, they also quietly threaten our vision health.

Many people may not realize how much damage can be caused to the eyes by staring at electronic screens for long periods of time, especially dry eye syndrome, which is a common but often overlooked problem.

Today, we're going to talk about the effects of prolonged screen use on your eyes, what dry eye is, and how we can prevent it.

Definition of dry eye syndrome and common symptoms

Dry eyes, to put it bluntly, are the eyes that can't be kept moist properly. This is not just a simple dry eye, it is a chronic ocular surface disease caused by a variety of factors.

In layman's terms, it means that the tears are not enough or the ingredients are problematic and cannot moisturize the eyes well. Normally, our eyes need tears to form a protective film that not only keeps our eyes moist but also helps us see better.

Stop staring at the screen for long periods of time, watch out for dry eyes to find you! How to prevent see here

However, if the tears are not enough or the nutrients in them are insufficient, the surface of the eyes will become dry, and it may even feel like a foreign body rubbing against the eyes.

So, what are the specific symptoms of dry eye syndrome? People with dry eyes often experience dry eyes, as if there is sand in them, and may experience a tingling, burning sensation, and sometimes blurred vision.

Stop staring at the screen for long periods of time, watch out for dry eyes to find you! How to prevent see here

Symptoms are especially pronounced after prolonged eye use, such as staring at a computer screen or looking at a mobile phone. Some people may find their eyes particularly strained, and may even experience photophobia.

These symptoms not only affect daily life, but can also lead to long-term vision problems, so dry eye syndrome should not be underestimated.

The effects of electronic screen use on the eyes

Now let's talk about why staring at an electronic screen for a long time can trigger dry eyes. Actually, it has a lot to do with how often we blink.

Normally, we blink about 10 to 20 times a minute, and this frequency helps the tear film to cover the surface of the eyeball and prevent the tears from evaporating too quickly. But when we focus on looking at the screen, the frequency of blinking is greatly reduced, sometimes even once in a few minutes.

Stop staring at the screen for long periods of time, watch out for dry eyes to find you! How to prevent see here

As a result, the surface of the eye is exposed to the air for a much longer period of time, the tears evaporate faster, the tear film becomes unstable, and dry eye symptoms follow.

Not only that, but the blue light emitted by electronic screens is also harmful to the eyes. Blue light is a high-energy visible light that penetrates the lens of the eye and reaches the retina.

Stop staring at the screen for long periods of time, watch out for dry eyes to find you! How to prevent see here

Long-term exposure to blue light can cause damage to retinal cells, further aggravating vision problems. Many people may think that mobile phones and computers are not a big problem, but in fact, they are potentially harmful to our eyes.

To reduce these effects, we can adjust the brightness and contrast of the screen appropriately, and even use an eye protection screen film to mitigate the damage of blue light.

In addition, prolonged close use of the eyes is also an important factor. The use of mobile phones and computers is often in close proximity, which will put a huge burden on the eyes and easily lead to eye fatigue.

Stop staring at the screen for long periods of time, watch out for dry eyes to find you! How to prevent see here

Prolonged eye tension can not only worsen dry eye symptoms, but may also cause other vision problems, such as myopia deepening. Therefore, when we use electronic products, we must pay attention to the way and habits of our eyes.

Wrong eye behaviour in everyday life

In modern life, many people are accustomed to using electronic devices for long periods of time, but often neglect eye health. A common misconception is that many people use eye drops to relieve symptoms when they feel dry eyes.

In fact, many eye drops on the market contain preservatives and other chemical ingredients, and long-term use not only does not solve the problem, but may damage the ocular surface and lead to worsening dry eye symptoms. Therefore, blind use of eye drops, especially those containing hormonal ingredients, is not recommended.

Stop staring at the screen for long periods of time, watch out for dry eyes to find you! How to prevent see here

In addition, many people do not realize that poor eye habits are also an important cause of dry eye syndrome. For example, staring at a phone or computer screen for a long time unconsciously reduces the number of blinks.

In this case, the tear film on the surface of the eyeball cannot be replenished in time, resulting in dry eyes. For example, many people are used to using their phones in bed or in poor lighting, which can aggravate eye fatigue.

Stop staring at the screen for long periods of time, watch out for dry eyes to find you! How to prevent see here

Another common mistake is to ignore the early symptoms of the eyes and think that dry eyes are just a minor problem that can be put up with. Actually, this approach is wrong. If left untreated, dry eye can progress to more serious eye diseases and even affect vision.

Effective ways to prevent dry eyes

In order to protect eye health and prevent dry eyes, the first thing to do is to develop good eye habits. Experts recommend that for every 20 minutes of using an electronic device, you should look up and look away for 20 seconds to give your eyes a rest. After using your eyes for a long time, you can close your eyes and rest for a few minutes, or do eye exercises to help relieve eye fatigue.

In terms of diet, you can also protect your eyes by eating foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E. Foods such as carrots, spinach, citrus fruits, and nuts are all good for the eyes. In addition, it is important to maintain the body's water intake, which helps to maintain the normal production of tears.

Stop staring at the screen for long periods of time, watch out for dry eyes to find you! How to prevent see here

For workers who need to use computers for long periods of time, adjusting the work environment is also one of the effective ways to prevent dry eye syndrome. You can use an eye protection screen film to adjust the brightness and contrast of the screen to reduce the damage of blue light to the eyes. Adjusting the distance and height of the screen from your eyes and maintaining a correct sitting posture can also help reduce pressure on your eyes.

Stop staring at the screen for long periods of time, watch out for dry eyes to find you! How to prevent see here

When it comes to home care, you can use a warm compress to relieve eye discomfort. Applying a warm washcloth to your eyes for about 15 minutes each time can promote blood circulation in the eye area and reduce dry eye symptoms. A gentle eye massage can also help relieve eye fatigue, but pay attention to hand hygiene to avoid infection.

This article explains in detail the definition, causes, prevention methods and treatment measures of dry eye syndrome, aiming to help everyone improve their awareness of eye health and protect their vision scientifically. I hope you can benefit from this, develop good eye habits, and enjoy clear and bright vision.

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