
Who was the last leader of the late Qing Dynasty? Some people say it is Liu Chunlin

Text/Fu Huaxuan

At the beginning of the 20th century, after the Boxer Rebellion and the Eight-Nation Alliance's invasion of China, the dynasty was troubled at home and abroad, and people's grievances boiled over, and this big ship was full of holes and crumbling. In January 1901, the distraught Lafayette Empress Dowager Cixi was forced to announce that she would "take the strengths of foreign countries" to "make up for China's shortcomings" and implement a new policy of changing the law. In the same year, Zhang Zhidong and Liu Kunyi jointly published the "Three Folds of the Jiang Chu Hui Changing Law" and also clearly proposed that "it is proposed to invite the princes and ministers of the Imperial Household" to travel to various countries. The reason for this is that "when the nobles return to China, all the important ministries they hold are important ministries, and all they know are the high-ranking officials in the dynasty, so their transmission and inspiration are particularly effective." After 1902 (the twenty-eighth year of Guangxu), there was a gradual upsurge of officials traveling abroad, especially to Japan, which played a certain role in promoting the progress of the New Deal at the end of the Qing Dynasty.

In 1905 (the thirty-first year of Guangxu), due to the deepening influence of the Russo-Japanese War and the deepening national crisis, public opinion demanded a constitution was increasingly high, and ministers and local governors stationed abroad also called for the implementation of a constitutional monarchy following the example of Japanese and European and American politics. The Qing court decided to send the princes and ministers abroad, and specially sent five ministers, including Zhenguo Gong Zaize, Hubu Waiter Dai Hongci, Bingbu Attendant Xu Shichang, Hunan Inspector Duanfang, and Shangbu Right Minister Shaoying, to Europe, America, Japan, and other eastern and western countries to investigate constitutional government. This is the famous "five ministers going abroad to investigate" in modern history.

After the five ministers returned from their overseas inspections, they handed in the inspection report, and the Qing court imperial council agreed in principle to the constitution, which made the power of the constitution more powerful.

Speaking of this inspection report, in fact, it was not written by the five ministers, but was completed by a Talented Man named Yang Du in Xiangtan, Hunan.

Who was the last leader of the late Qing Dynasty? Some people say it is Liu Chunlin

Yang Du, the character 晳子, is a prominent figure in modern history, and his literary style is comparable to Liang Qichao. When he was young, he studied the study of the Emperor with Wang Minyun. He was originally famous because he participated in the economic special section of the imperial examination era.

The so-called special economic section is a special examination subject of the New Deal at the end of the Qing Dynasty, aiming to select new talents who "dongda Chinese and foreign current affairs", which was originally established during the restoration and reform of the law, and later because of the abortion of the change, this section was abolished by Cixi before it was implemented. In September 1901, after cixi returned to the capital from Xi'an, she decided to reform and implement the "New Deal", one of which was to announce the restoration of the previously abolished economic special branch. In 1903, under the personal edict of Empress Dowager Cixi, the Guangxu Emperor personally presided over the first imperial examination for economic special science in the Bohol Hall. Ministries, deans, and provincial governors and academic administrators have sponsored young talents they value to take the examination.

Liang Shiyi and Yang Du's sponsors were Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Huguang, and the chief examiner was also this duke, and the two gave Zhang Zhidong a long face, and in the knockout round of 186 people with 27 people, they ranked first and second places, which was the highest glory of the Imperial Examination Era, and the highest honor of the Imperial Examination Era.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhidong had a political enemy named Qu Hongji, and he was very unhappy that the person who saw yuan bang was sponsored by the chief examiner Zhang Zhidong, so he secretly made a trip.

Who was the last leader of the late Qing Dynasty? Some people say it is Liu Chunlin

In the era of the imperial examination, the government attached much more importance to the examination than the current college entrance examination. The highest authorities in the imperial court must inquire about the origin of the jinshi, especially the top three.

As usual, The old lady of Cixi wanted to inquire about the origin of Zhuangyuan, and as a result, the military minister Qu Hongji was talking nonsense, and he grasped Cixi's antipathy to the restoration faction, and went so far as to say: "This first Liang Shiyi is Liang Qichao's brother, a native of the same county as Sun Wen (Sun Yat-sen), and the same as the last word of Kang Zuyi's (Kang Youwei) name. "This is really a smooth mouth to run the train, how did Liang Shiyi and Liang Qichao get involved?"

Probably the imperial court was tossed and frightened by the Cantonese people, smelling the color change in Cantonese, Cixi was furious when she heard it, did not ask questions, and canceled the examination.

The most unfortunate is Yang Du, because of his active thinking in his early years, he is enthusiastic about new schools and has entered the School of Contemporary Affairs, and his old account of having a teacher-student friendship with Liang Qichao and others has been turned over by the way, which can annoy Cixi, and as a result, he is wanted in addition to his name! This is the tree big trick, not famous can be safe and secure, made a list, famous, and caused trouble.

Yang Du fled to Japan. You say this is not unjust.

This happened more than once, and at that time there was an examination presiding officer named Wang Guoju, who paid great attention to the "auspicious omen". The main examination and deputy main examination of the provincial and township examinations are dispatched for the assessment. In that year, the batch of eight people who were put into the main examination and deputy examination of Yungui and Guizhou were: Li Zheming, Liu Pengnian, Zhang Xingji, Wu Qingdi, Dashou, Jing Fangchang, Qian Nengxun, Luo Chengjun, and each of these names was concatenated with one word, and it became "next year's auspicious celebration, Shoujing can be successful", which is really a great auspicious benefit!

Who was the last leader of the late Qing Dynasty? Some people say it is Liu Chunlin

Even if you are so careful to pat the horse, there are still accidents after the exam. In the 1904 examination, there was a Hunan juzi Tan Yanmin who won the Huiyuan. In the imperial examination system, the provinces raise people to beijing to take the examination, which is called the examination, and the first person to take the examination is called huiyuan. After the examination, the temple examination is carried out, and the first name of the temple examination is yuan. Because Tan Yanmin not only has a good article, but also has extremely beautiful words, it is very likely that he will be named a champion. It is said that when Cixi Lafayette circled his name, he found that Tan Yanmin was both a Hunan native and surnamed Tan, and suddenly remembered that the Hunan "chaotic thief" Tan Sitong, who made her hate the most, was the Hunan native "chaotic thief" Tan Sitong. Surname Tan? A must! At this time, Tan Yanmin's yuan was in vain. So he changed Liu Chunlin to a champion. The reason is that liu Chunlin's calligraphy is beautiful, and the other is that there was a great drought in the world that year, and the name of Chunlin was very auspicious. Tan Yanmin was demoted to the 35th rank of the second division. In this way, the last member of china's imperial examination system was born - Liu Chunlin.

Liu Chunlin (1872-1944), zirunqin, number Shi Yun. A native of Suning County, Hejian Province, he is still standing in Dongguan Park, Baoding, where the Governor's Office was located. Liu Chunlin is good at calligraphy, especially Xiao Kai, which is deeply respected by the world. Sometimes there is the reputation of "DaKai Xueyan (Yan Zhenqing), Xiaokai Xueliu (Liu Chunlin)". He has published many small character posters such as the "Order of the Three Sacred Teachings of the Great Tang Dynasty" and the "Preface to the Orchid Pavilion"; the large character Fa Thesis has also been published. Liu Chunlin and later, he was taught the Hanlin Academy to revise, and was sent to Japan to study at Hosei University in Tokyo. Guangxu returned to China in 1907 and successively served as a member of the Consultative Yuan, a nominal Fujian envoy, a directly subordinate to the Fazheng School, and a supervisor of the Beiyang Normal School.

Who was the last leader of the late Qing Dynasty? Some people say it is Liu Chunlin

After the Xinhai Revolution, he was once in seclusion, and then served as the internal history of Yuan Shikai's presidential palace, engaged in some literary entertainment; in December 1917, he was appointed as the director of the Central Agricultural Experimental Field. During the presidency of Xu Shichang and Cao Kun, he was awarded the title of Deputy Secretary of the Presidential Office and Acting Director of the Secretariat Office. Later, he also served as the director of the Department of Education directly under the Provincial Department of Education, and the director of the Autonomous Preparatory Department directly under the direct subordination. He twice represented President Xu Shichang to Qufu, Shandong Province, to preside over the Confucius Dacheng Festival ceremony, and became famous for a while.

In 1928, he resigned his official position because he was dissatisfied with the current politics and entertained himself with poetry books in Shanghai and Beijing. From the "9.18" incident in 1931 to the "July 7" incident in 1937, the Japanese co-opted him to serve as "Minister of Education of Manchukuo" and "Mayor of Peking City" and other pseudo-posts. For this reason, the Japanese and puppet authorities looted the treasures of calligraphy and paintings they had collected over the years. He died of a heart attack in 1944 at the age of 72. His grave is in Baoding City, Hebei Province.

Tan Yanmin, who was crossed out by Empress Dowager Cixi, later became an important member of the Kuomintang.

Tan Yanmin served as the overseer of the two Guangdong armies, and three times served as the overseer of Hunan, the governor and the commander-in-chief of the Xiang Army, and was awarded the rank of general and the grand marshal of the army. He was the chairman of the National Government in Nanjing and the president of the Executive Yuan. On September 22, 1930, he died in Nanjing.

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