
Ding Gongtao Wen's unsolved case was broken: China has a written history, advanced to Longshan culture, about 4600 years ago

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The history of Chinese characters is at least 30,000 years ago (Note: Shanxi Zhiyu culture wild horse bone inscription). Because field archaeologists have long been unable to decipher, they have been wrongfully called "symbols"! It is impossible to "risk the world" and write "chronology" at will like Western archaeology. Therefore, the world's four major ancient civilizations, China has long been at the end (Note: Henan Anyang Yin Ruins Xinshi 3300 years ago).

Ding Gongtao Wen's unsolved case was broken: China has a written history, advanced to Longshan culture, about 4600 years ago

Ding Gong Tao, indisputable ancient script, longshan culture period, about 4600 years ago

For more than 100 years, the newspapers and periodicals have been popular with the Swede Anderson [West] ,...... Ancient Egypt, Sumerian, ancient India and Aryan civilizations moved east to China. The archaeological team of Shandong University excavated a piece of clay polished gray pottery large flat pot pottery fragment remnants at the site of Ding Gong (Longshan Culture Period) in Zouping County, Binzhou City, which was indisputably identified as a text!

Ding Gongtao Wen's unsolved case was broken: China has a written history, advanced to Longshan culture, about 4600 years ago

However, because it could not be cracked, Wang Xianchun, a teacher at Penglai No. 1 Middle School, bluntly attacked fiercely, "Shanda collective archaeology fraud"! It can only be said that "the ignorant are fearless", and before the foreigners could do anything, the Chinese people first became angry. If you can provide true insights, it is good, but its "Origin of Chinese Characters" is swirling around the periphery, and the nonsense is distorted!

Ding Gongtao Wen's unsolved case was broken: China has a written history, advanced to Longshan culture, about 4600 years ago

▲ Large flat-bottomed gray clay pot pottery pieces are 4.6 cm long and 7.7 cm long, about 3.2 cm wide and 0.35 cm thick.

Ding Gongtao Wen's unsolved case was broken: China has a written history, advanced to Longshan culture, about 4600 years ago

▲ On the fragment of the large flat-bottomed gray clay pot, 5 columns of 11 words are counted, 3 words are in the right line, and the remaining 4 columns are 2 words.

It is impossible to find the real high-definition pictures, and the Ding Gong Tao text is really complicated and changeable. It took me a lot of effort and two days of hard work to successfully declare the deciphering! Justify the name of the archaeologist of Shandong University! Not 11 words, but 16 words, there are two combined texts, probably the clan emblem secret!

Extremely shocked: Ding Gong pottery and the Outer Northeast Zvonesevsky culture, the tao inscription is exactly the same, the age is the same

There is a picture of the truth, #ancient scripts that predate the Yin Ruins Oracle:

Ding Gongtao Wen's unsolved case was broken: China has a written history, advanced to Longshan culture, about 4600 years ago

▲ Ding Gong Tao Wen, interpreted from right to left, from top to bottom, is roughly the same as the writing norms of later Chinese Jianmu, Shushu, and Paper Books. The two combined texts are shown in the picture, [Nettle Qián] [Fire Poison Hidden Pain and Pain]."

Ding Gongtao Wen's unsolved case was broken: China has a written history, advanced to Longshan culture, about 4600 years ago

▲ Nettle, commonly known as stinging grass, biting grass, scorpion grass. It grows at an altitude of 100 meters (in Zhejiang) or 500 to 2000 meters on hillsides, roadsides or semi-shaded wet places next to houses. It is found today in most provinces south of the Yellow River.

Ding Gongtao Wen's unsolved case was broken: China has a written history, advanced to Longshan culture, about 4600 years ago

▲ Shandong Zouping Dinggong Ruins, the west is close to Jinan City, and the south is the famous Zhangqiu Chengziya Ruins, an ancient city of longshan culture era.

Ding Gongtao Wen's unsolved case was broken: China has a written history, advanced to Longshan culture, about 4600 years ago
Ding Gongtao Wen's unsolved case was broken: China has a written history, advanced to Longshan culture, about 4600 years ago

(The picture and text originate from the original author of the online copyright)

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Ding Gongtao Wen's unsolved case was broken: China has a written history, advanced to Longshan culture, about 4600 years ago

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