
The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the finals, and met Australia again to hit the 17th crown

author:Star-falling rain

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The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the finals, and met Australia again to hit the 17th crown

Text: Stars fall and rain

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On June 29, the semifinals of the U18 Women's Asian Basketball Championship were in full swing, and the Chinese team and the South Korean team met in a narrow way and must compete with each other.

If you want to talk about our Chinese team, it is really in the limelight in the group stage, winning all three games, crushing the opponent with a big score, and the momentum and strength have shown unparalleled dominance.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the finals, and met Australia again to hit the 17th crown

Let's look at the starting lineup of our Chinese team, Xu Fengwei, Wang Jiaxin, Li Yuwang, Zhang Zikey and Zhang Ziyu, all heroic and sassy. At the beginning of the game, Zhang Ziyu went on a rampage on the inside like a tiger and scored 6 points in a row.

Hey, this time it brought up the momentum of our Chinese team. But the South Korean team is not vegetarian, and two three-pointers in a row are still colored, and for a while, the atmosphere on the court is so tense that it can be suffocating.

Fortunately, Wang Jiaxin, the girl, was clever and made a three-point shot to stabilize the Chinese team's position. At the end of the first quarter, the Chinese team led 24-21, but don't be too happy.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the finals, and met Australia again to hit the 17th crown

Our Chinese team's outside defense is called a hole full of holes, and the South Korean team's three-point shot is dizzy, and the score is so tight that it is called! In this situation, the hearts of our fans can be raised to their throats.

In the second quarter, Xu Peilin, a fierce general, stood up, punched hard, and scored 4 points in a row to create damage, and the Chinese team regained control of the situation.

As for the Korean team, it is like a frosted eggplant - wilted, the offense is completely out of feeling, and it only scored a pitiful 3 points in a single quarter, but our Chinese team is different.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the finals, and met Australia again to hit the 17th crown

Relying on Zhang Ziyu's huge containment power on the inside, it was a flowering inside and outside, and the Korean team had no power to fight back. At halftime, China led by 45 points at 24-21.

This Zhang Ziyu, who was 12 of 17 in the half, scored 24 points, 11 rebounds and 2 assists, she is simply the goddess of war on the court!

  1. Zhang Ziyu is still very brave, scoring consecutive baskets, and the score difference is getting bigger and bigger, and it has been maintained at more than 20 points. At the end of the third quarter, the Chinese team led by 61 points at 35-26.
The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the finals, and met Australia again to hit the 17th crown
  1. At this time, Zhang Ziyu has already scored 30 points, 16 rebounds and 3 assists, this data is simply blinding! I thought that this game would end so smoothly, but I didn't expect the sudden change in the final season.

The South Korean team scored 7 points in a row at the beginning of the game to chase the score to 42:61. This time, our hearts hung again. Fortunately, the Chinese team was not ambiguous and scored 4 points in a row to stabilize the situation.

Then the two sides fell into a tug-of-war, you come and go, and you don't give in to each other. However, our Chinese team relied on the huge advantage established earlier, and finally defeated the South Korean team 79-61 and successfully advanced to the finals.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the finals, and met Australia again to hit the 17th crown

Zhang Ziyu scored 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists in the whole game, which was a performance that was against the sky! But having said that, although this game was won, our Chinese team also exposed a lot of problems.

You see, our average height is a lot taller than the Korean team, but in the fight for rebounds, we are not very active, so that people have grabbed rebounds in the front court many times, is this like words? Isn't this a waste of your height advantage!

Also, the defense of the outside three-point shot, that's really not enough, it's a good thing to have an advantage on the inside, but the inside and outside defense are not linked to each other, isn't this an opportunity for the opponent to take advantage of?

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the finals, and met Australia again to hit the 17th crown

Besides, the game was a bit chaotic, with mistakes one after another. Especially when Zhang Ziyu gets off the court, the Chinese team seems to have lost their soul and can't play, which is too dependent on Zhang Ziyu!

Zhang Ziyu, this girl, is really the baby bump of our Chinese team. She is on the court, that is, there is no solution, scoring, rebounding, assists are everything, and she carries the banner of the Chinese team alone.

With her, we have the confidence to win the game. If you think about it again, this game is not only a victory for the Chinese team, but also a test and tempering for the girls.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the finals, and met Australia again to hit the 17th crown

The problems exposed are a wake-up call for us, letting us know what needs to be improved and what deficiencies need to be made up.

And for the South Korean team, although they lost the game, it was not useless. Shou Yuan made five three-pointers, indicating that they still have a certain strength and tactical literacy.

It's just that the power went off suddenly in the second quarter, and this luck was also a little worse. But that's how the game is, there are losses and wins, ups and downs. After this game, the Chinese team should sum up the lessons and play better in the final.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the finals, and met Australia again to hit the 17th crown

Speaking of which, I have to mention the last 2022 U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup. At that time, it was the Australian team that shattered the Chinese team's dream of five consecutive championships.

This time, the Chinese team and the Australian team met again in the final, which is not a simple coincidence, but the arrangement of fate and an opportunity for revenge!

For the Chinese team, this final is of great significance. This is not only a battle for revenge, but also a pivotal moment to hit the 17th crown in history.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the finals, and met Australia again to hit the 17th crown

The girls of our Chinese team, they are holding their breath and want to be ashamed on the field and regain the glory that belongs to us. The horn of the final is about to sound, and the girls of the Chinese team are already gearing up and eager to try.

Let's bless them together and look forward to them blooming the most brilliant light on the field and holding the championship trophy high!

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the finals, and met Australia again to hit the 17th crown

The 30th is the final, let's see you in the field.

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