
The appearance of human beings was accidental, and all the people on the earth were born of women, so how did the first person come about?

author:Lucky dumplings y4

The origin of humanity.

In 1959, a fossil of Peking Man was unearthed in a place in Hebei, China, which is believed to be a cultural relic dating back 7 million years.

According to scientists' research, this fossil was unearthed from a cave in Balcony Mountain in the Beiping area.

And the "Peking Man" is the primitive form of human beings.

The appearance of human beings was accidental, and all the people on the earth were born of women, so how did the first person come about?

According to the research done by geologists, the earth's crust in Beijing was in a relatively stable state at that time, and there was little crustal movement, so there were some faults on the ground, but the movement of the faults was very slow.

But there is such a fault in geology, so it means that the earth's crust must have undergone a great movement to form such a fault, and this structure has also gone through tens of millions of years to form this structure.

And the climate on the ground is relatively dry.

The appearance of human beings was accidental, and all the people on the earth were born of women, so how did the first person come about?

However, the fossil of "Peking Man" unearthed in 1959 is completely preserved in the cave, and not only that, but also retains a certain windproof function.

It is conceivable how the "Pekingese" who lived in this cave cleverly retained this windproof function.

This also proves that the "Beijingers" have a certain culture.

Identification of the origin of mankind.

With the continuous development and progress of archaeology, scientists have conducted an in-depth study of the cultural relics of "Peking Man", but what is puzzling is that although some tools have been excavated in the cultural relics of "Peking Man", these tools do not seem to prove that "Peking Man" is a highly civilized person.

And the release from the "Peking Man" does prove that the "Peking Man" is not a highly civilized or evolutionary species.

The appearance of human beings was accidental, and all the people on the earth were born of women, so how did the first person come about?

So how did the "Pekingese" come about, and how did the first generation of "Pekingese" come about?

With the study of science, people turned their attention to the faults of the earth's crust, among which a tool called the "Peking Man braincase" was discovered.

This tool is a product of the Neolithic period, which was ground by hand.

Geologically speaking, the fault is a very stable state, but in 1952, when the "Peking Man" fossil was studied, scientists found a special stone material seeping out of the fault mouth.

The appearance of human beings was accidental, and all the people on the earth were born of women, so how did the first person come about?

In 1956, Hebei Province caused a great sensation when an atomic bomb was blown up over Beijing.

Not only that, but it also produced a special kind of air cloud, which also turned the attention of scientists to the Xishan Mountain in Beijing, and also aroused the enthusiasm of scientists for research.

This gas cloud actually comes from the combustion of oil deep in the earth's crust, and this oil is produced by the action of a certain substance that oozes out.

The appearance of human beings was accidental, and all the people on the earth were born of women, so how did the first person come about?

The "Pekingese" civilization is an evaporation phenomenon.

According to the research of scientists, the origin of "Peking Man" has been identified.

Researchers have identified the "Peking Man" as the result of the collapse of a highly mature civilization by a movement in the earth's crust.

And this has been demonstrated in further research.

The origin of humanity.

In 1948, the streets outside the Liberation Camp were bustling, but in this year, a large number of rebels smashed the mountain outside the Liberation Camp as "Purple Mountain", and in the process of smashing, they suspected that there was something in the Purple Mountain, and then invited a mage to consecrate the mountain.

In the end, it was found that there was nothing in the Purple Mountain.

It wasn't until three days later that a cement pipe emerged along the upper reaches of the Purple Mountain, and after the workers smashed it open, a stream of black mud flowed out of the cement pipe, which was very smelly, but some people thought that this mud was produced by a living creature, and this living creature was a kind of "dragon".

The appearance of human beings was accidental, and all the people on the earth were born of women, so how did the first person come about?

The "dragon" floated downstream, floating on the water, people picked up stones and threw them at it, and it fled to the east bank of the water, and on the way the "dragon" escaped, some red air stems were produced, and people chased it back.

And let a person pick up an iron rod and try to hit it, but when the iron rod touched the air stem, suddenly an iron fish flew out of the air stem, which made people startled.

Then the people took the iron hook and tied it to the iron fish, but the iron hook turned into an iron snake again.

This caused panic among the people, and then another person went to talk to the "Dragon Maiden", but it was believed that only one woman could talk to the "Dragon Maiden", so only one woman went to talk to the "Dragon Maiden".

This woman is Zhang's mother, Zhang's mother talked to the "Dragon Girl" and learned who this "Dragon Girl" was, but people didn't believe it, and Wei Gongsai was very afraid of this, so he asked his apprentice Qian Tangxiang to deal with this "Dragon Girl" together.

The appearance of human beings was accidental, and all the people on the earth were born of women, so how did the first person come about?

By the time she arrived, the "dragon lady" had already left, but left behind a round stone, and in this round stone was a clay bead.

Wei Gong considered this clay bead to be very rare and placed it in a copper pot.

But Wei Gongsai was still very afraid of this, so he contributed this copper pot to the government.

This copper pot gradually became a legend, and it was also identified in the government that there was a silver bead in this copper pot.


It is difficult to say "the origin of human beings", some believe that it was created by "God", some believe that it was "natural", and some even believe that it was caused by "evaporation".

But whether it is created by God or produced by nature, human beings should "cherish" it.

After all, humans are the only species on Earth that possesses "life".

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