
Penny_Horoscope for December 17-23, 2021


The spread of peace and goodwill will require considerable effort. With that in mind, just go with the flow. Saturn and Uranus are at work all week, so there may be setbacks in travel and problems in other areas. Endeavour to accept any restrictions or last-minute questions,


The third and final Saturn-Uranus phase may not be on your Christmas list. Any unpleasant development that arises may help to accept that you cannot change what has already happened, and you cannot turn back time: you can only move forward – and in a new direction. You will make some new traditions for the celebrations and create some memories to share in the Christmas of the future. If there are any harsh words, do your best to forgive and move on.


These influences were not designed by the Angel of Christmas, but by the clowns of the universe! In its place is peace and love, with conflict and strife. But the purpose of the reminder is to prepare you for the test, even the test of those closest to you. Of course, sometimes it's hard to have a good time when people in the rest of the world are suffering. However, you may not be immune from difficult moments, which will require great patience and kindness to overcome.


Venus and Pluto met for the second time in two weeks, so a problem that arose around the 11th was relegated to the bottom of the cabinet and needed to be re-dealt with. Well, isn't that always happening when you want everything to be fine. There's no point in trying to cram a controversial issue back into a small room: you just have to get it straight. But this planetary combination can work in a completely different way, creating an atmosphere where love and passion come together to pave the way for new beginnings. In other words, a happy ending.


With so many stops, starts, turns, and frustrating challenges in this year, why should we expect Christmas to hit back? Saturn and Uranus meet again — fortunately, this is the last of this cycle — reminding us that in order to make progress, the old script must be torn up. Coupled with the conjunction of Venus and Pluto, unless you and your true love go through a moment of rapport, there is a danger of collapse at any time. Don't try too hard to live the happiest little Christmas possible; instead, focus on the people you love and the people who love you, and take down any minor crimes and misdeeds. Don't get too tangled.


Continue to hum those carols, provide wit and wisdom of the little snacks, and you will be able to sail through these choppy astrological signs. These effects are far from sweet and simple – they are challenging and require work – but by downplaying the inconveniences, you'll feel at ease. More importantly, you'll be a guiding light for others, putting aside their resentment and focusing on the spirit of the season. Decisions about the future should be put on hold for the time being: Venus and Pluto are reciprocating until early March, and Mercury will retrograde in mid-January, ensuring that everything is set and that what matters is the inner light.


Venus and Pluto met earlier this month, and on the 25th they met again. On the one hand, this may provide another perfect moment to speak your mind to a loved one, partner, or family member, or it may restart a tricky situation that has been shelved. On paper, Christmas seems like the perfect time to bury hatred, but if the feelings are still painful, it takes more time, and trying to fix it under such powerful influence may just make it worse. Something that emerges must see what it is and then let the passage of time do its job. You can't fix everything.


The god of astrology did not provide us with the stars we would choose for the Christmas celebrations. They're not exactly shiny. In other words, you've created the perfect party environment, but forgotten that guests don't get along – there are too many unsolved issues under the table. So, what can you do. Well, you can decide to postpone a difficult discussion to another time – put it on a date – you can refuse, absolutely refuse, and react to those who oppress you. As you probably know, as an all-powerful Scorpio, you can't take back what you said at a critical moment.


Compromise does not prevail in Sagittarius's dictionary. You prefer to persuade people to turn to your position. To be honest, you often succeed. But not always... You need to think about this this week. People will have very firm opinions about what is right and what is wrong, and what they are prepared to do and what not to do, so accepting the fact that you cannot change them will be your best bet. What you don't want to do is act as a fixer and a middleman. That will surely end in tears. Ideally, make this a quiet and exclusive Christmas. Less is more.


The combination of Venus and Pluto can be a remarkable thing. It can change a relationship in the most profound way — or, a situation--。 However, it also has the ability to split powerful atoms. In other words, when the two planets are in the ascendancy period, things can easily explode, and the consequences can be painful. They will celebrate the power of love this Christmas, but there will also be some who face turmoil in their lives and in love. If you're really one of these less happy Capricorns, remember that won't always be the case. Happy times are definitely ahead of us, and it's worth the wait.


Saturn behaves in many different ways in your sign, and with the addition of Uranus, things can happen suddenly and unexpectedly. Keep this in mind as you head into Christmas, as this is also a time of the year when hope is high, so if events don't live up to expectations, the disappointment that follows is even greater. People may not be at their best, and the smallest problems are enough to spoil the happiest celebrations. On the bright side, there is also the possibility of a sudden breakout. Keep an open mind.


There have to be little problems every Christmas. This year's Christmas has the characteristics of Saturn-Uranus-Venus-Pluto. In other words, if there's a problem, they'll really upset the party. The problem is that the more you try to avoid getting involved in other people's farces, the more likely you are to be pulled in. In addition, there may be situations where you don't know anything, but you mysteriously have a relationship with them! That's why you're being pulled in. If you don't make excuses and try to spend the holidays in your own space, make kindness and common sense a priority.

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