
30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

author:Foreign French

01. At first glance, I felt that this was a headless dog, but it was actually a dislocation map.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

02. The size of the polar bear allows us to see the huge potential of glacier creatures

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

03. The big cactus and the owl are a perfect match.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

04. This kind of colorful and impressive bird is called the red-breasted eight-colored thrush. Does the so-called eight-colored thrush mean that it has 8 colors on its body? Count? Is there exactly 8 colors?

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

05. The Dharma shark, also known as the cigar shark, is a shark that feeds on other fish by burrowing holes in other fish to suck blood and eat meat.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

06. Now that there are more and more people who have pets, and among pets, the popularity of cats has skyrocketed, how about raising a Maine? The most handsome and domineering warm man among cats.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

07, the red-faced monkey looked at it with anger

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

08. Primates are definitely not vegetarians, and baboons are especially not good at stubble.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

09. The toucan is not a vegetarian, it sometimes opens meat and eats other birds.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

10. Come and see the power of nature, a hurricane blows in a coastal city, and after the hurricane, the puffer fish is stuck in the branches, which is incredible!

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

11. You're such a little fool!

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

12. The master of disguise is here. Can you count how many frogfish there are in the picture?

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

13. The poor baby elephant was besieged by lions, and I don't know what the outcome of its hunt was.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

14. The cicada shrimp has a flat body, and the color and uneven carapace of the body can make it perfectly invisible on the seabed, but it still can't escape the fate of being sent to the table.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

15. It's a world of green.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

16. It's so ugly to me, drip fish.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

17. Red-bellied horned pheasant

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

18. In summer, people will feel the heat unbearable, and the birds are also struggling in the heat, many birds will stretch out their wings in a weird posture and lie on the surface of the object, which is its use of the body surface to dissipate heat, if you happen to have water, the birds will be happy to accept it.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

19. They jumped out and swallowed their prey, looking so strange

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

20. Cannibalistic snakes

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

21. No matter how you look at it, there is something wrong with the body structure of this fly...... Is it a mutant species?

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

22. Each of us is a part of it, and our survival and happiness are closely related to the balance and prosperity of the natural world. Hopefully, we can cherish and protect this beautiful and wonderful planet even more, so that its diversity will continue forever.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

23. Today's harvest is not small, the fish looks fresh!

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

24. Whalehead stork

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

25. A small green frog on your fingertips.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

26. At first glance, do you think that this fish has an alien face on its belly, and it also has hands and feet?

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

27. They usually attract the attention of their prey in front, and the other few take the opportunity to sneak attack from behind, which greatly improves the success rate of hunting.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

28. The skin of the anglerfish's body is mottled, as if it has been scalded by boiling water, which is very ugly.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

29. "It's stuffy, the size is just right, and it tastes great!" ”

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

30. The poor baby elephant was besieged by lions, and I don't know what the outcome of its hunt was.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

31. A small jumping spider has a dew drop on its head, and the dew reflects the image ahead, and there are two small butterflies resting on the grass stem, which may be the prey of the little jumping spider.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

32. Red-tailed cockatoos

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

33. The moment when the turtle eats the bird

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

34. Good fellow, this sheep's ears are longer than rabbit ears...... Have you ever seen such a sheep?

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

35. In the fight between reptiles, a snake entangled a gecko, the gecko opened its big mouth, its eyes widened, and it wailed in despair, its life was coming to an end.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

36. Near the Sogro Islands in Mexico, a group of divers found a whale shark strangled by a fishing rope, and they immediately swam forward to help the whale shark solve the problem.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

37. What is the mud color?

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

38. Irrawaddy River dolphins

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

39. Because I ignored the cat while playing video games, the cat bit me in retaliation.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

40, you said you are the lion king, you are not joking!! The lions can't even raise their heads under your leadership, and they don't have a face

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

41. Close-up of the frontal shot of the ground hornbill, I have to say that its eyelashes are really long.

30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

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30 pictures of exotic animals: the terrifying "headless dog", a deep-sea fish with a pink mouse face

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