
Christopher_Horoscope for December 21, 2021

Aries: The past can easily pass because you don't hold grudges. You like confrontation, but you won't fail to eat grapes saying grapes are sour.

Taurus: Don't try to whitewash the negative side – especially for those who see the dark side of things. Truth be told, it can be strangely reassuring.

Gemini: Be open to what your friends say. You should never underestimate the insight of superhuman people who have both a conscience and a memory in your life.

Cancer: Opportunities are short-lived, so make the most of them. Look for fast trades and avoid getting bogged down in any long-term trades.

Leo: Put pride aside and do it with your heart. This gives you all the guidance you need to cope with a difficult emotion.

Virgo: It's a good sign that people are talking to you more and more about their problems. They trust you. You don't need to solve any problems. Just listen.

Libra: Developments beyond your control continue to hinder your plans. The best thing you can do is face what you encounter and smile.

Scorpio: The way to be an opponent is to scare yourself. Lock up the insecurities so she/he runs out of ammunition.

Sagittarius: There's a lot of behind-the-scenes action happening. Fortunately, you can trust those who represent your interests.

Capricorn: Sometimes, the key is not to find the right person, but to open your heart and let the right person find you.

Aquarius: You're in an unstable position, and you have to find a way to align the two competing interests. It's extra work, but it will ultimately be advantageous.

Pisces: A professional association has fulfilled its mission. Thank you for the time you spent with you. You never know when you'll see each other again.

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