
Nadia Horoscope 7.1-7.7

author:Susan Miller constellation

Translator: @糊糊糊小宝

Aries, the influence of Saturn retrograde will make you turn to your inner self and reconsider your values, goals, and actions. Between June 30 and November 15, you may face a variety of obstacles and trials. Saturn retrograde will tell you that you need to correct your shortcomings and that you need to work on educating yourself. During these months, you must be more responsible and consistent in your actions, focus on your long-term goals, and be more open in your communication with others.

This week, you need to be wise about dealing with disputes or conflict situations that have arisen.

This week's family travel will be more complicated and fraught with tension.

This week you'll be following the development of someone's health problem, most likely someone you know. Unfortunately, his situation at this stage is unclear.

This week, you will have to look at your past plans, ideas, or relationships that will now have the opportunity to develop. During the week, you will see more clearly the possibility that they will bring you some benefits or enjoyable experiences.

You were involved in a project some time ago, but suffered failure or loss, and now there will be an auspicious moment of development, progress and success. If you have been patient and keep up with what you have achieved, now you will easily have the opportunity to continue with these plans of yours.

This week as a whole is good for resolving issues or relationships that worry and anxiety you. This week, you may realize that you're exaggerating a situation that isn't actually dramatic at all.

This week, a message or a phone call can upset or disappoint you.

Some will have to postpone their trips or change their plans related to travel, private cars, etc.

Many people look forward to meeting their loved ones or attending events.

Young Aries will have to find new ways to deal with old problems or troubles. In most cases, they have to do with your relationship with friends, colleagues, or colleagues. This week's tough success will teach you at least one life lesson, and hopefully you will be a good student. Emotionally, you can easily be offended or cry. This week, there may be meetings or gatherings, but most of them are mandatory or won't bring you much joy.

The Aries man will have to focus primarily on his professional responsibilities, as there may be changes, starting new activities or projects, working with new clients or colleagues, and so on. At work, men can have a big impact on your behavior. Some of you want to be supported and protected in the office, or contact some agency where you will have to arrange an important document.

This week the Aries woman will show unusual impatience, sometimes manifesting as irritability, putting pressure on others, and similar behaviors will cause negative reactions in those around you. During these seven days, conflicts arise related to your property or material interests, which will be very emotional and intense.

【Taurus】Translator: @berrywhy

If you are a Taurus, Saturn retrograde from June 30 to November 15 can cause your personal and professional progress to stall. In the process of achieving your goals and ambitions, you may feel that you are being hindered or facing obstacles. During this time, you will feel limited in your movements and face difficulties in your relationships with others. Under the influence of this movement, you may face challenges and limitations, which will test your resilience, patience and perseverance. You have to keep working hard and keep overcoming obstacles to achieve your goals. During this time, it is important to be patient and work on developing your inner strength. You need to focus on your goals and use this time to review your plans and direction.

This week, your family will talk to you about the career or business issues that are bothering you or those close to you.

During this week, you will have a hard time executing plans related to various repairs or home improvements, so don't rush anything and don't spoil your mood.

During these seven days, the various meetings or visits at your home will be burdensome and stressful. If you let emotions control your mind, it can put you in a delicate situation.

During these seven days, you will have interesting dreams about people you know. The purpose of these dreams is to give you some information that you will be able to receive correctly and remember it.

During the week, you'll be thinking about some of the things you're going to buy for yourself and your home, and you'll try to plan your budget to avoid some of the difficulties that may arise.

This month, many people's plans will change dramatically due to new situations in the city you live in or in your life.

Young Taurus will spend a lot of time communicating with friends, relatives or like-minded people this week. You will be able to get a lot of knowledge or interesting information from people you study or work with. It doesn't stop you from listening to the advice of people who are trying to guide you or help you in certain things. Use this week to plan your future, but not just dreams, but also to start truly fulfilling it.

The Taurus man will be more restless during these seven days, which will reflect your patience and ability to listen to others. It is not excluded that there will be unpleasant manifestations of jealousy, or imposing one's will on one's lover or partner. During this week, you may encounter people who will irritate you or behave in a way that angers you. It's easy for you to get caught up in all sorts of unpleasant situations this week, and my advice is to be careful from day one so as not to create unnecessary moments in your life.

The Taurus woman will be looking forward to seeing tangible results from her actions in the previous week or two. You may have some specific expectations in conversations, meetings, or events with other people. There may be people who will rely on you to solve personal problems or other life situations. During this week, you will spend more time with your family, close or distant. This week will be good for organizing or participating in family gatherings, engagements, or weddings.

Gemini Translator: @清风不再过客难留

For Gemini, Saturn's retrograde from June 30 to November 15 will guide you to revisit and repair your past problems. This sign may bring some tension and uncertainty to your personal and professional life, but it can also help you better achieve self-discipline and more pragmatic goals. Saturn retrograde will encourage you to revisit past projects, deal with old problems, and discover new ways to succeed. On the other hand, you may feel more vulnerable and uneasy, but if you find a way to use this time for introspection and commit to self-improvement, the results will be extremely beneficial to you.

This week, you will have to address a situation related to a lie, wrong behavior, decision, or forgetting to do.

Such a state of affairs is not pleasant, especially the emotions it brings, but putting it off will not make things better.

This week, you have to clear out unfinished commitments and tasks, and you will be more inclined to organize your work during these seven days.

This week will have good luck in fulfilling promises, and we hope that they will bring you some profit, benefit, or continued development based on it.

There are several enjoyable and special events to experience at home this week. You may have dreams about a certain man, which can be a reason to be in a good mood throughout the day.

In general, the influence of men in your private or professional life this week will be beneficial and constructive for you.

During these seven days, you'll be more likely to connect with friends from all over the place, exchange interesting information, and plan upcoming meetings or meetups.

The young twins will face more serious questions during these seven days. They may be resolved quickly, but they can also drag on for a long time if you are hesitant and don't think it through. In fact, their nature requires you to act more wisely and may be helped by your loved ones. Relying on rational, sensible and pragmatic actions and decisions, you have the opportunity to have a lucky and successful week of life.

Gemini men may have various health ailments or problems related to various events in their personal or professional lives. More serious problems with housing or equipment, personal cars, and other problems cannot be ruled out. Many of your relatives will be dependent on you this week, and sometimes this can put you under more stress.

Twin children are eager to achieve more, faster, without creating tension around them, and are defiant towards others, sometimes rude or even emotional. This week will be remembered for family-related events or experiences.

Translator: @cecilia Little Thorn

Saturn retrograde from June 30 to November 15 will highlight your emotions, inner fears, and need for future security. Saturn brings limitations, causes various trials in life or confers new responsibilities. This influence will prompt you to rethink your values and goals, strive for stability, and respond wisely to the challenges ahead of you. You'll need to deal with your inner demons to get the most out of Saturn retrograde.

This week, you have a favorable time to focus your attention and energy on professional development, work, or business. This is the moment when you choose to grow in your career.

Expect interesting or useful information from the people you work with.

This week, getting involved in a conspiracy or spreading false information can tarnish your reputation in front of important people. The natural development of this condition can lead to the termination of these relationships.

Be careful and verify the information you receive from friends, neighbors, or acquaintances.

Overall, this week is constructive and successful, especially if you focus on harmonious relationships with those around you and strict fulfillment of your responsibilities.

Strategy and diplomacy will help you overcome complex situations or unexpected misunderstandings.

This week, some of you will face troubles caused by your character and mindset.

During these seven days, you'll have an important conversation or meeting with someone who you want to offer support or help with your important plans, goals, or tasks.

Young Cancer men and women need to seek advice or help from their parents or faithful friends to solve the troubles they have recently encountered. It's a stressful week, you have to deal with unpleasant things more often, communicate with unpleasant people, and it's hard for you to maintain a good and positive mood.

The Cancer man will have an important commitment, which may be family, professional, or business in nature. You're sure to have more luck and chances this week. Whether you will benefit from this, and how good the results will be, will depend on the readiness of your event and associated actions. Many people will remember this week's unexpected experiences related to children or young people.

The Cancer woman will go through a week of important commitments and decisions related to current or future life changes. Those of you who will be involved in a court or legal case will be able to speed up its development in some way. During these seven days, all kinds of important news await you, exchange useful information with others, as well as advice to bring something new to your daily personal or professional life.

Leo Translator: @荧火星星

During Saturn's retrograde from June 30 to November 15, make you rethink your goals, plans, and obligations.

During this time, you may experience more worries and doubts about your own skills and qualities.

As a result, you may experience delays or obstacles in achieving your goals. Try to be patient and persist in overcoming these difficulties. Act more organized and coherent to achieve the success you want.

Overall, this is a stage of personal development that allows you to become stronger and more adaptable.

There are interesting experiences waiting for you this week that may in some way mark future home-related changes. The events of this week may trigger future moves or trips for a variety of reasons.

This week's plans related to buying or selling a house or property are fraught with complexity and uncertainty.

The week is full of enjoyable experiences, or there will be family vacations, anniversary parties.

Many Leos have better opportunities for development this week.

This week heralds a pleasant or important event related to parents, siblings.

During the week, you will have a conversation or meet with people who will make you focus on their troubles, for which you will have a solution, or at least an idea of how to solve them.

Of course, if someone is willing to take your suggestion. During the week, you may be tired by the drama of your friends or acquaintances' lives.

Your circle of friends or acquaintances may come across something unpleasant. Overall, there will be some new opportunities, innovations, and other things that will surprise you this week and give you a positive mood.

Problems may arise related to the treatment of family members or relatives. During the week, you will tend to invest more time and feelings in personal or intimate experiences.

Young Leos will direct their actions to implement plans on which your personal life will depend for the remaining months of the year. You will expect to receive information that is important to you. During this week, it is important that you do not overestimate your abilities and make plans based on what is realistically feasible, or in short, "don't wander in the clouds".

The lion man will greet the new person who comes to life with doubt and great reservation. Difficult communication at the beginning can develop into useful friendships relatively quickly. Someone with whom you have some sort of family relationship can have a big impact on your decisions and the specific results you achieve this week. Those of you who are parents Leos will remember the life lessons you learned from your own children this week.

Leo women tend to be focused on their goals and objectives, which can make you look unfriendly to others. It is necessary for you to have a serious or honest conversation with a woman with whom you do not live. If you manage to ignore the negative influences of those who like to complain or suppress others, you will have interesting experiences and successes this week.

Virgo: @berrywhy

Saturn retrograde from June 30 to November 15 will have a significant impact on you. Saturn is a planet that represents responsibility, hard work, self-discipline, and restraint, and when retrograde, these traits are put to various tests. For you, retrograde Saturn will give you challenges in the areas of work, career, and authoritative tasks. There will be moments when you will feel limited or overwhelmed by your daily responsibilities and experience more pressure from others or circumstances. At the same time, this sign of Saturn can help you focus on your goals and overcome challenges with greater perseverance. During this time, it's likely that your goals will need to be revisited and your plan adjusted to achieve better results.

This week, it is wise to take practical action on matters involving family matters and tasks. Everything you do for your family during these seven days must be well thought out, formalized wisely, and take into account the realities around you.

During this week, many people will be preparing for or attending an important family gathering.

The actions or decisions of a person in your circle of friends and relatives will disappoint or break your heart.

During the week, you'll be excited about the time associated with travel or the time that takes place far away from you.

This week will be good for traveling for tourist purposes or to meet pleasant people.

Some people will be happy to receive money from other cities or countries.

During the week, you'll be paying for a child or a young person, and you may have a specific reason.

There will be a favorable development in your monetary relationship with young people.

Unfortunately, some people will have to get rich because of sudden health problems or family events.

Now you will be inclined to look at your previous problems and troubles more optimistically and philosophically. Some of them are already on the verge of an ultimatum.

A young Virgo will have a party occasion that is likely to be associated with friends, which can be an experience involving a lot of people and requires a suitable gift. During the week, you will not lack pleasant moods and experiences, but that does not mean that you should neglect your main tasks and obligations. Make sure you have plenty of time to do anything and don't get into conflict with others because of your actions.

The virgin man has to "keep his eyes open" so as not to fall into some kind of hallucination and become a victim of some deception, or other similar unfavorable circumstances. Carefully review every piece of information and news you receive during these seven days. Don't be happy too soon, and don't be too angry. Even if you have to check multiple times, looking for information from different sources. Conversations and messages with relatives or friends will be rewarded with surprises this week.

The virgin girl had to receive some trouble this week as a hard lesson. Most of the time, this experience will concern women. The good thing is that you can get out of this situation without loss or negative energy, but you also have to allow some suffering to happen. During the week, you will have at least one opportunity to demonstrate or demonstrate your professional, social or business skills.

Libra Translator: @瞎逛不wen艺

Saturn's retrograde from June 30 to November 15 prompts you to reevaluate your relationships, as well as your personal development and responsibilities. Saturn will challenge you to handle complex situations and take responsibility, encouraging you to be more focused and logical. Saturn retrograde will also remind you of the need to make realistic plans for the future, as well as the challenges you may encounter in achieving those plans.

This week, you'll be meeting with old and new friends or acquaintances. In most cases, you will have a special occasion.

You will have an interesting development with your classmates, colleagues, neighbors, and acquaintances.

During the week, you may be involved in interesting projects with friends and take action together in the near future. You may be involved in several new projects related to people in your circle of friends.

During this week, your finances need more attention because there is a risk of making mistakes, being targeted by cheating, losing something due to negligence, and so on. Overall, maximize your focus on all your money-related actions.

This week, some of you will discuss or resolve financial issues related to inheritance, property, pensions, etc.

This week's travel will be associated with contradictions or conflicts of any nature. Overall, there will be a lot of tension during your trip or in contact with people from different cities and countries.

When it comes to love, if your partner lives in another densely populated place, disputes can arise related to manifestations such as jealousy, misunderstanding, etc.

Overall, this week will be remembered for a more active exchange with friends. You'll discuss interesting news, events, plans to meet in the near future, and more.

Libra young people are going to have a fun week, especially in terms of your perspective on the world and life. Through the experiences you will gain through these seven days, through the people you will meet or talk to, you will learn many new things that can change your worldview.

During this week, please do not fantasize about what may happen in the last two years, because at this stage you yourself are a part of it, and certain things will not allow you to achieve them.

The Libra man will find something to invest his energy and hope for the future. An optimistic attitude towards life will benefit you a lot this week. You'll have a lighter look at the conflicts that will arise during these seven days, and you won't delve into the issues that led to them. Communicating with colleagues can be difficult, but even so, you can find a way to socialize and be tactful.

The Libra woman has to use the experience she has accumulated in the past to deal with complex or delicate situations. Some of the mistakes you've made in the past, like unfulfilled promises or unfulfilled promises, may come to you as a memory, a hint, or a kind of pressure. This week, take care to prevent loss or theft, which could be related to documents, personal belongings, money, etc.

Scorpio Translator: @cecilia Little Thorn

Saturn's retrograde from June 30 to November 15 may bring old problems that must now be addressed. This requires you to put in more effort or go through challenges related to past situations. This placement of Saturn can help you deal with these issues and develop mentally and emotionally. It is important to work patiently and willingly to achieve important results.

This week, you will witness or participate in interesting or unexpected events related to your next of kin.

This week, you will be hopeful about how money matters will develop.

In general, things related to financial documents will be successful for you.

This week, you will benefit in some way from the actions of the people you work or study with. Acceptance of advice, protection, advice, etc.

Although you will be confident in the success of your plans or adventures, this week will also bring moments of pessimism. In order to devote energy and resources to something you think is more promising, you may unexpectedly and emotionally decide to give up on something.

There may be love conflicts or misunderstandings this week. Trivial things can cause disputes.

The other party's behavior or demeanor may be intolerable.

Such experiences may test some of the more fragile or newly formed relationships.

Some of you have to deal with more responsible issues or other complications related to children or young relatives.

There may be short-term worries related to money, or you will have to spend money on health: for treatment.

Young Scorpio men and women remember some important decisions of the week that you made on your own initiative or under pressure or advice from others. Serious conversations and responsible actions are in front of you to ensure financial stability or provide you with financial stability through some kind of work. Families may also have similar conversations with family members as decisions and possible future actions will have some impact or commitment on everyone in the family.

The Scorpio man faces interesting opportunities and situations during the week, and if played well and takes advantage of them, interesting progress can be made in personal or professional matters. People close to you can have a good influence on your decisions and commitments. Trouble arises because you are in a hurry, impatient, and sometimes unable to properly assess a specific situation.

The Scorpio woman will have serious and responsible commitments and obligations mainly in work or business this week, depending on the area you are developing. The presence or influence of men on your actions can be seen as well-intentioned interventions, but knowing how to make decisions or act independently is good. This week, you'll be having a conversation or dating with a man, which could also be related to your profession or certain agencies.

Sagittarius Translator: @一一老师不想营业

From June 30th to November 15th, retrograde Saturn will delay the development of your personal affairs and work. Under this influence, you may have difficulty in developing your career or achieving your personal goals. Sagittarians may postpone or interrupt important plans and projects they have made, and feel disappointed or frustrated. During this time, you may feel pressured to take on responsibilities or be somewhat restricted. During this time, you need to carefully re-evaluate your goals and values and make the necessary adjustments.

This week, shooters will have a variety of emotions because of family members or other close relatives. It could be a birthday, a name day, or another important moment in their life.

During this week, you need to think more seriously about the different options to solve the problems in the family and in the family.

This week, the news of new and old lovers will impress shooters.

New people will come up in unexpected or strange situations, but you know very well that there is no such thing as randomness.

New ideas will arise and be discussed on the work side.

This week shooters will talk to people in their circle of friends or acquaintances who will discuss an idea for work with you.

The shooters go on a date related to a woman who is going through an important event or changing her life. There may be a special reason for your meeting.

This week you need to buy a gift for someone who is spending a private vacation.

This week is a good time to seriously think about business with work.

You may be taking on something important to your family or family, and there are also many shooters who will do things related to friends.

Young Sagittarius boys and girls have to be very careful this week because the initial predictions about something are skewed. You need to act very slowly, weighing and thinking carefully about every action or decision. This way you can avoid any hassles or problems, and in most cases, things will catch you off guard. However, this week you will be happy for something or someone you have been waiting for.

The Sagittarius man has his own opinion on some plans and actions, but you need additional information, some documents, or having the necessary conversations. This week's Sagittarius guy will be impressed by something related to a girl or woman, she could be your relative, friend, colleague, etc. You will not lack luck during these seven days, but everything depends on where you set your sights and what you put your energy on.

At this stage, the Sagittarius woman is looking forward to seeking some growth in what she considers important knowledge. Spiritually, you will communicate with those who are more metaphysical. Relationships with people who are difficult to understand, or whose behavior can make Sagittarius women suspicious.

Capricorn Translator: @Chris3206

Saturn retrograde from June 30 to November 15, and you will be taking on greater responsibility. During this time, various obstacles may arise and you may experience more stress.

This placement of Saturn allows you to reconsider your goals and ideals.

You may need to reconsider the path you're on and make adjustments to your plans.

Saturn retrograde will bring you challenges and teach you how to better manage your time, energy, and resources.

This week, you will shift your attention to a task or event related to a woman in your circle of relatives or friends.

Many people will be looking forward to receiving important documents related to money or settlements (invoices) this week. These things will work out, but they will likely continue to evolve next week.

During the week, you'll get some benefits from someone you work with or are like-minded in some social or political cause. He may be someone you know, who is fair and professional.

As much as you want your plans or adventures to go favorably, you will also experience moments of pessimism and frustration this week.

When it comes to love, there is a chance that some misunderstandings will happen. Disputes arise over small things. In some cases, one of the parties may behave selfishly. Lack of patience or tolerance may be the reason for your relationship to cool down.

In general, Capricorns can expect some good travel-related experiences.

You will have useful connections with people who live far away.

This week is a great time to find some friends who share common interests.

The more emotional you are, the more you will trigger unexpected, unpleasant conflicts.

Young Capricorns will consider some bold decisions and actions that you hope will come true this week or by the end of the month. My advice is to be careful and properly evaluate your options and resources so that you don't fall into uncomfortable situations that may even affect your health or emotional stability.

This week, you may learn about unpleasant events or health problems related to your friends, peers, classmates, or acquaintances.

Capricorn men will tend to dedicate themselves to their friends who will turn to you for all kinds of help or simply have a good time together in meaningful or meaningless conversations.

During this week, you may have a connection or meet with your past friends, which may be related to surprises, surprises, and may make your meeting pleasant.

You will have more tasks in your family this week, not only will you have more tasks, but it seems that everyone will be dependent on you, even for small things.

Capricorn women will face some serious personal or professional life decisions or make important changes.

It will be a favorable week for you to act in relation to the law or the judiciary.

The importance of this week can also be felt in your love life, and in this regard, you need to have a clearer view of the future of your relationship.

Those who are not in a relationship will realize that if you don't make an effort to find a suitable partner, you may be single forever.

Aquarius Translator: @时光且短我心且长

From June 30 to November 15, Saturn retrograde will have a huge influence on you. Such a change requires you to rethink your responsibilities and mature to bear them. During this time, you are likely to experience a strong sense of limitation or some kind of isolation. Soil reversal can also cause you to have job, career, and financial worries and stress.

This week, some unpredictable events and experiences will take place. They all have special developments that will determine where you go in the next few years.

During the week, you will have a meeting or conversation, which is especially important before you make a decision.

Some of this week's events are related to your relatives. During these seven days, it is important to maintain harmony and understanding in family relationships and not to create unnecessary negative emotions.

During this week, you have the opportunity to meet interesting friends that will be useful for your personal and professional life.

The special event of this event will alleviate one of your doubts. You may experience a brief period of tension related to an accident or a stressful situation.

Overall, this week you will experience the end of something or the beginning of something that will be the cornerstone of your future development. It's a week of change, of new things in life, and you have to give it the opportunity to develop.

There may be a little money-related trouble this week, and you may have to settle a forgotten or late payment.

This week brings the possibility of gathering with relatives, friends, or colleagues.

Some water bottles plan important matters that involve essential expenses.

Young Aquarius Boys and Girls have an unpleasant experience or news at the beginning of the week that will make you firmly grounded and face the reality of your life. These events may be related to one of your male family members, a loved one, or someone you have a special reverence for. Every day of the week needs to be very careful. Always be vigilant and watch out for unpleasant unexpected events, as long as you are more careful, you can avoid these problems.

The Aquarius man has interesting ideas, big plans, or expectations this week. When it comes to love, you will have interesting experiences with your lover. Some Aquarius men prepare love surprises, or become the subject of surprises. Your main expectations this week are focused on your love life or your personal life in marriage.

The Aquarius woman will have to pay attention to her own health or that of a young lady close to her. A health issue doesn't need to be stressed, but it is important to be mindful and pay attention to it. During this week, it is also possible that you will lose something, or it will be taken away for some selfish reason, with thoughts that this hurts you, or you will be slandered in some way.

Pisces Translator: @abcdesk

Saturn's retrograde from June 30 to November 15 can cause you to feel fearful, restless, and self-limiting. You may face a variety of challenges in your personal life, career development, and relationships. During this time, self-discipline, patience, and perseverance are essential to overcome the challenges that may arise in life.

This week, you'll experience unexpected events at work or in your career. During these seven days, new opportunities may arise and you may meet new clients or colleagues.

This week is important to you in many ways. You will make serious and responsible decisions related to money or financial contracts.

During the week, you'll meet and talk with relatives, friends, or partners about future actions.

Use this week to address important financial issues. During these days, you will be able to make important payments or fulfill other important obligations.

If you've been involved in court and legal matters lately, this will be a favorable week.

This week you will experience emotional events related to your family. For many Pisces, this week or weekend presents an important travel opportunity. This would be a good time to start living together or getting married. During this period, if you have health problems, you should pay attention to them and be more responsible for yourself.

During the week, you'll be delighted with news or events related to people living in another city or country.

It will also be a week conducive to love and intimate experiences.

During this week, be careful when buying items, equipment, repairing furniture appliances, or other similar actions that may result in loss, damage, or subsequent repairs.

Young Pisces have good luck in school, exams or careers this week. During the week, you're sure to have opportunities to perform, and hopefully you won't waste them because you haven't prepared seriously or aren't interested. This week is good for travel, including excursions or going to entertainment venues outside of your place of residence. This week's conflict is mostly inconsequential, but it can be intense because of the strong personal emotions involved.

The Pisces man will have a hard time finding the right information or having an open and honest conversation with people this week, and at some point, these emotions can have a very negative impact on you. Even in your own family or circle of relatives, there will be some ambiguity, lies, or suspicious behavior. Some Pisces men will say goodbye to a person this week who will end their journey on earth.

The Pisces woman may become her own enemy this week, feeling all kinds of doubts, suspicions, or anger about things that are temporarily important or influential in her life, putting an emotional burden on herself. This week, you don't have the patience to communicate with your own children and understand their point of view, and you will be more inclined to oppose their wishes. Of course, there are specific reasons for this emotional state of yours, but that doesn't make an excuse.


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