
Dear little ones will finally come home! At this moment, they waited 14 years and 57 days...

author:CCTV Finance

14 years ago, the son of Sun Haiyang, who was less than 4 years old in the movie "Dear", was abducted, and Sun Haiyang embarked on a long road to find his son. Recently, the case has made a major breakthrough - Sun Haiyang's son found it. At noon on the 6th, the public security organs of Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, held a recognition activity for Sun Haiyang's father and son, and the family was finally reunited after 14 years and 57 days.

Dear little ones will finally come home! At this moment, they waited 14 years and 57 days...
Dear little ones will finally come home! At this moment, they waited 14 years and 57 days...

When the 18-year-old son took off the mask, the tears of Sun Haiyang's wife suddenly poured out. She crouched down in front of her son, gently stroked his head, and cried uncontrollably: "You have grown into an adult..."

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△ CCTV Finance "First Time" column video

The child was abducted when he was 4 years old

My father embarked on a quest for a son for 14 years

In 2007, Sun Haiyang ran a bun shop in Shenzhen. At about 7:30 p.m. on October 9, Sun Haiyang rested in the house and the children played in front of the house. When Sun Haiyang woke up, he found that his son had not yet returned home, so he hurried out to look for him. He ran more than ten kilometers, but did not find his son.

From the next day, Sun Haiyang printed a search notice and posted it everywhere, but there has been no clue. Until the sixth day, Sun Haiyang found the last figure of his son in the video of a nearby supermarket - a man carrying a leather bag took the child away. This vague figure became the last image of his son, deeply imprinted in Sun Haiyang's mind.

Dear little ones will finally come home! At this moment, they waited 14 years and 57 days...

Sun Haiyang replaced the sign of his bun shop with a huge bounty advertisement and published a photo of his son in hundreds of media. To this day, there are thousands of search notices in his home that have not yet been sent out. Every photo and every piece of clothing taken before his son disappeared left Sun Haiyang and his wife with endless thoughts.

Dear little ones will finally come home! At this moment, they waited 14 years and 57 days...

A box in Sun Haiyang's home contained all the children's clothes, toys, and books. From the loss of the child, no matter where Sun Haiyang moved, he would take it with him. "Children's Day, the day he lost, we open it and we have to cry."

Dear little ones will finally come home! At this moment, they waited 14 years and 57 days...

△ Sun Haiyang son photo

Over the years, Sun Haiyang has also sold his property and successively traveled to 26 provinces and cities across the country to look for his son. On the long road to find his son, Sun Haiyang has formed alliances with more than 3,000 parents who have lost their children to find relatives, supporting and encouraging each other; he has also been defrauded, and his hopes have turned into disappointment again and again.

14 years of uninterrupted investigation

Police finally found the abducted child

At the time of the crime, Baishizhou, Shenzhen, where Sun Haiyang was located, was a typical urban village, bringing together migrant workers from all over the country. Due to the lack of a developed public place imaging system at that time and the lack of advanced portrait comparison technology, the case has not made a breakthrough.

After the "reunion" operation was launched in 2021, the Ministry of Public Security listed the case as a supervision case. In October, through portrait comparison, the public security organs found that a boy named Guo Mou, who now lives in Yanggu County, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, is highly similar to Sun Haiyang's son. On October 29, after DNA comparison, the Ministry of Public Security's "Reunion" operation forensic technology centralized comparison special class determined that Guo and Sun Haiyang were related. In other words, he is Sun Haiyang's biological son Sun Mou.

For the Sun Family, this nightmare, which began in 2007 and lasted for 14 years, was finally completely over until the moment they recognized each other.

Dear little ones will finally come home! At this moment, they waited 14 years and 57 days...

The suspect has been arrested

Abduct children by throwing candy

The police confirmed that the criminal suspect who abducted Sun was named Wu Moulong, who was working in a shopping mall in Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, when the crime occurred in 2007. According to Wu Moulong's account, at that time, he was influenced by some ideas such as raising children and preventing the elderly, and found that Sun Haiyang and his wife were busy with business and often neglected to take care of their children, so they took the opportunity to abduct the children and send them back to Yanggu's hometown to raise relatives without boys.

Dear little ones will finally come home! At this moment, they waited 14 years and 57 days...
Lu Baolei, a first-class sergeant of the criminal police detachment of the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau: He asked the child if he wanted to eat candy, and the child ignored him, and then he threw a piece of candy in front of the child, and the child picked it up, he threw another piece, and the child picked it up again, and he took the candy piece by piece to coax the child away.

The police confirmed that the criminal suspect Wu Moulong was also suspected of another case of child abduction, and has now been approved by the procuratorate for arrest according to law. As of November 30, the "reunion" operation of public security organs across the country has successfully detected more than 290 cases of child abduction and trafficking, arrested more than 690 suspects of child abduction and trafficking, and recovered a total of 8,307 abducted children who have disappeared over the years. The public security organ reminds that if a child is missing, it should be reported immediately without waiting for 24 hours!

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(Edited by Liu Zheng)