
The shocking secret of "Iron Blood Pill Heart": Before Yang Kang's death, Huang Rong knew about Guo Jing's wedding crisis!

author:Lively streams

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Treasures, I have a big secret to tell you! Did you know? In the finale of "Iron Blood Pill Heart", Yang Kang was poisoned! Yes, you heard it right, it was the always suave, sinister and cunning Yang Kang who actually died a miserable death! And all this, it wasn't until the moment Yang Kang breathed that Huang Rong suddenly realized!

Treasures, are you also like the editor, do you think that the two of them should go back to Peach Blossom Island happily to hold a wedding the moment they get Wu Mu's suicide note? However, they didn't expect that on the way back to Peach Blossom Island, they encountered the life-and-death struggle between the Jiangnan Seven Monsters and Yang Kang! In this battle, the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan suffered heavy damage, leaving only Ke Zhenwei alone. The resentment in his heart was all vented on Huang Rong, he actually thought that Huang Laoxie was the murderer of his brothers!

The shocking secret of "Iron Blood Pill Heart": Before Yang Kang's death, Huang Rong knew about Guo Jing's wedding crisis!

But, treasures, don't forget, Ouyang Feng listened to Yang Kang's words and thought that Huang Laoxie was the murderer of his son Ouyang Ke! Therefore, it is simply unforgivable that he is killing on Peach Blossom Island! And all this happened before Guo Jing and Huang Rong returned to Peach Blossom Island. When they came to the island, they not only faced the threat of Ouyang Feng and Yang Kang, but also had to find out the truth and clear their grievances for Huang Laoxie and the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan.

Treasures, you say, is this a fantasy journey carefully arranged by Mr. Jin Yong? This story, no matter which version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", is terrifying to watch!

The shocking secret of "Iron Blood Pill Heart": Before Yang Kang's death, Huang Rong knew about Guo Jing's wedding crisis!

However, the treasures, what is even more shocking is that Huang Rong went deep into the tiger's den alone and wanted to confront Yang Kang face to face! She knew that the only way to defeat her was death. However, she still chose to appear in front of Ouyang Feng, Yang Kang, Wanyan Honglie and others with great righteousness. The only thing she could rely on was that Ouyang Feng might become her ally and help her solve the dangers around her.

Guess what, treasures? Ouyang Feng had doubts about his son's death, he knew Huang Laoxi, and knew that he disdained to kill a junior, let alone stab his son several times in a row, so that his son would die with a thousand holes. When Huang Rong told the details of Ouyang Ke's death, Ouyang Feng had already determined that Ouyang Ke's death had nothing to do with Huang Laoxi. And Guo Jing and Huang Rong had alibi evidence at the time of Ouyang Ke's death, they were healing in the basement of Niujia Village at that time, and Ouyang Feng knew it. Moreover, Guo Jing was seriously injured at the time, and with Huang Rong's martial arts, there was no way to deal with Ouyang Ke, let alone stab him several times.

The shocking secret of "Iron Blood Pill Heart": Before Yang Kang's death, Huang Rong knew about Guo Jing's wedding crisis!

Guess who, my lords, is the real murderer? The answer was soon revealed, only Yang Kang was the murderer. He was the only one with the injured Ouyang Ke! Treasures, do you say that tragedy is not tragedy? Yang Kang's life could have been a good person, but because he coveted glory and vanity, he embarked on the road of destruction. He could have become a brother with Guo Jing, fight against the strong enemy in the north together, and maintain the martial arts chivalry of the Central Plains, but he became a negative teaching material. He could have lived happily with Mu Nianci, but he repeatedly deceived her and failed her infatuation.

Treasures, who do you say is the most tragic character in "Iron Blood Pill Heart"? That's right, it's Mu Nianci! She gave everything, but what she got was remorse and shame, and she had to give birth to the crystallization of sins for Yang Kang. And Huang Rong can finally marry her brother Jing!

The shocking secret of "Iron Blood Pill Heart": Before Yang Kang's death, Huang Rong knew about Guo Jing's wedding crisis!

What do you think of this story, boys? Do you also think that Yang Kang's fate is too miserable? Do you think Mu Nianci is the most tragic character? Come and comment on your opinions! Don't forget to like and retweet! Let's discuss the shocking secrets of the entertainment industry!

The shocking secret of "Iron Blood Pill Heart": Before Yang Kang's death, Huang Rong knew about Guo Jing's wedding crisis!

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