
Nanyu Town celebrates July 1st, and Fuyan Public Welfare joins hands with Chengxiang Xinyu to offer love and condolences to the people in need in Liulang Village

author:Fuyan Dream Realization Action
Nanyu Town celebrates July 1st, and Fuyan Public Welfare joins hands with Chengxiang Xinyu to offer love and condolences to the people in need in Liulang Village

On June 28, Liulang Village, Nanyu Town, Fuzhou High-tech Zone, ushered in a special day. Sunlight shines through the clouds and shines on this green land, casting a golden glow on the village. However, in this land of peace and tranquility, there are still people who are living in distress due to illness, old age or other reasons. It was they who became the focus of today's special event.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the donation activity was held as scheduled in the meeting room of the village committee of Liulang Village. Ten extremely poor villagers arrived at the scene early, some with curious eyes, others full of gratitude. And on this warm occasion, the caring entrepreneurs also came from all over the world with full love and care, bringing a special gift to this village.

The donation activity kicked off with a speech by Huang Qiucai, deputy secretary of the Party branch of Fujian Chengxiang Xinyu Investment Development Co., Ltd. On behalf of all caring entrepreneurs, he expressed his deep concern and blessings to the villagers. He said: "As a socially responsible company, we always pay attention to the disadvantaged groups in society. Today, we are here in the hope of bringing some tangible help to the people in need in Liulang Village. ”

Subsequently, the donation ceremony officially began. The volunteers of Fuyan Public Welfare and the party members and volunteers of the Party branch of Fujian Chengxiang Xinyu Investment Development Co., Ltd. came to the stage one after another and handed over the cash and materials to the people in need. Although the amount of cash and materials is limited, each one carries the deep care and blessing of Fuyan public welfare and caring entrepreneurs to the people in need. When Mr. Huang received the condolence money and rice and tea, his eyes flashed with tears. He said excitedly, "Thank you for remembering me as an old man." With all this money and supplies, my life will be much better. ”

When Uncle Huang took the cash and supplies, a long-lost smile appeared on his face. He said: "I'm old and my body is not good, but I am really touched that you still remember me and sent me money and so many things." His words moved everyone present.

Mr. Chan was bedridden due to a stroke, but his family received cash and supplies from caring entrepreneurs on his behalf. They said that although Mr. Chen could not be present in person, he must have been able to feel the care and warmth from the society. Grandpa Chen is 85 years old, but his life is still full of difficulties. However, when he took the cash and supplies, a determined smile appeared on his face. "I'm old, but I'm still able to make a little contribution to society," he said. I want to pass on this love so that more people can feel the warmth of society. ”

Aunt Zhuo lives alone because of her mental retardation, and although she cannot express her gratitude in words when she receives the cash and supplies, her eyes are full of gratitude and joy. Her family said that this donation activity made them feel the care and warmth of the society, and also strengthened their confidence in the future.

Mr. Lu, Aunt Zeng, Mr. Zhan, Mr. Huang and Ms. Jin and other people in need also received cash and supplies. They all had grateful smiles on their faces, and their hearts were filled with hope for the future. These smiles and eyes have become the most beautiful scenery on this special day today.

The entire donation drive lasted a full hour. During this time, the caring entrepreneurs not only sent cash and materials to the needy people in Liulang Village, but more importantly, they brought hope and courage to these needy people. With their good deeds, they made these people in need feel the warmth and care of the society, and also strengthened their confidence in overcoming difficulties.

Guan Qian, the third-level chief clerk of Nanyu Town Government, Lu Zhaosong, secretary of Liulang Village, Chen Xiong, member of the village committee and head of Liulang Village Health Center, Huang Qiucai, representative of caring entrepreneurs and deputy secretary of the Party branch of Fujian Chengxiang Xinyu Investment Development Co., Ltd., Li Jing, honorary chairman of Fuzhou Fuyan Public Welfare Charity Contact Center and president of Fujian Provincial Calligraphy and Painting Institute, Chen Yuping, honorary chairman of Fuzhou Fuyan Public Welfare Charity Service Center, chairman of Fuzhou Fuyan Public Welfare Charity Service Center, director of Fuyan Public Welfare Medical and Health Special Committee, Long Bo, Chairman of Fuzhou Rongshengtang Medical Technology Co., Ltd., Huang Feng, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Fuzhou Fuyan Public Welfare Charity Service Center and Executive Director of Fuyan Public Welfare Medical and Health Committee, General Manager of Fujian District of Qianjin Pharmaceutical, Zhang Xiangcheng, Executive Secretary-General and Propaganda Minister of Fuyan Public Welfare, and many representatives of caring entrepreneurs witnessed this touching moment. They said that this donation activity not only brought tangible help to the needy people in Liulang Village, but more importantly, it transmitted a positive social energy, so that more people can pay attention to the disadvantaged groups in society and participate in public welfare undertakings.

At the end of the event, Long Bo, chairman of the Fuyan Public Welfare Charity Service Center, delivered a speech. He said that Fuyan Charity Service Center has always been committed to paying attention to the disadvantaged groups in society, and hopes to send them warmth and care through various forms of activities and donations. At the same time, he also called on more people to join in public welfare undertakings and jointly contribute to the disadvantaged groups in society.

Lu Zhaosong, Secretary of the Party Branch of Liulang Village, Nanyu Town, said: "The donation and condolence activities of Fuzhou Fuyan Public Welfare Charity Service Center not only made the poor people in Liulang Village feel the warmth and care of the society, but also made us onlookers feel the power of great love in the world. In this world full of love, let's lend a helping hand to those in need and create a better future together! ”

Finally, Guan Qian, the third-level chief clerk of Nanyu Town Government, said: "This donation activity not only brought tangible help to the needy people in Liulang Village, but more importantly, it transmitted a positive social energy, so that more people can pay attention to the disadvantaged groups in society and participate in public welfare undertakings." ”

When the sun shines on the earth again, Liulang Village has become warmer and more beautiful. And this beauty comes from those who give silently and selflessly, and they interpret what true love and care is with their actions. I hope that this beauty can continue forever, so that more people can feel the warmth and care of the society.

Nanyu Town celebrates July 1st, and Fuyan Public Welfare joins hands with Chengxiang Xinyu to offer love and condolences to the people in need in Liulang Village

Guan Qian, the third-level chief clerk of Nanyu Town, communicated with Comrade Huang Qiucai, deputy secretary of the Party branch of Fuyan Public Welfare and Fujian Chengxiang Xinyu Investment Development Co., Ltd.

Nanyu Town celebrates July 1st, and Fuyan Public Welfare joins hands with Chengxiang Xinyu to offer love and condolences to the people in need in Liulang Village

Li Jing, Chen Yuping, Chairman of Fuyan Public Welfare Honorary Directors, Long Bo, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and Huang Feng, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, presented a donation certificate to Huang Qiucai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of Fujian Chengxiang Xinyu Investment Development Co., Ltd., under the witness of Guan Qian, the third-level chief clerk of the Nanyu Town Government.

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