
What is the historical "Hu Killing Order"? How terrifying is it?

What is the historical "Hu Killing Order"? How terrifying is it?

In history, the Western Jin Dynasty had the worst reputation, even surpassing the later shameful Qing Dynasty. The key to this is not only because it ended the Three Kingdoms era of Zhuge Liang and others, but also led to the great tragedy of the five hu chaos.

In many TV dramas, this is a world where Hu people are flying all over the sky, and ethnic contradictions have reached the extreme. However, due to the dominance of the northern Lakers, many Han Chinese were oppressed and even used as food and killed at will.

At such a critical juncture, many people were desperate, so the large-scale southward migration to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, most of those who did not move south also suffered terrible massacres, such as the difficulties of the national history of the Northern Wei Dynasty. However, at such a critical juncture, a terrible killing order broke out, resulting in a large-scale death of Hu people, so what is going on?

What is the historical "Hu Killing Order"? How terrifying is it?

In fact, there are many theories about this order in history, according to the view of today's Internet, this order saved the Han regime and effectively retaliated against the once brutal Hou Zhao Hu people.

Even with the continuous spread of this order, people even had the feeling that there were only a few Han Chinese left in the north, but it was under the support of this order that most Han people stood up and maintained the flame of the Han people.

In the early days, I personally also agreed with this view, because in the early years, I read a lot of novels of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms, which were as good as possible to foil the killing of Hu Ling and the great hero Ran Min who issued the hu order.

What is the historical "Hu Killing Order"? How terrifying is it?

But as we grow older, we will find that in fact, the great chaos of that year was essentially a kind of pain of national integration, if you look at the entire horizontal comparison, you will find that each dynasty is desperately trying to find a balance point, whether it is the former Qin regime or the later Northern Wei regime, all take national integration as the great responsibility, until finally raising a Sui Dynasty.

Therefore, it is obvious that if we only overemphasize the correctness of killing Hu Ling from the viewpoint on the Internet, and emphasize the pleasure of Han resistance and killing, this view is actually not very reasonable. So the question is, in the real historical record, what is the purpose of killing Hu Ling?

What is the historical "Hu Killing Order"? How terrifying is it?

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there will be a big gap with what we imagine. The master who issued the order to kill Hu was Ran Min, a well-known person in history, who was included in the troops of Later Zhao Shile and was later even regarded as the crown prince of Later Zhao.

Therefore, this hero was not actually a representative of the Han family from the beginning, but the legitimate heir of the proper Later Zhao. But what is more interesting is that there is too much chaos in the call regime itself, not only the emperor is incompetent, but the ministers at the bottom are also brainless politicians.

What is the historical "Hu Killing Order"? How terrifying is it?

As a result, when they needed an army, they offered to let Ran Min become emperor, but when the matter was done, they kicked him away. This incident stimulated the people with heavy armies, and because he was particularly capable of fighting, he launched a coup d'état, killed the emperor, and became the new ruler himself.

But at this time, there was a big problem, because although he was very capable of a lot of prestige in the army, he was only a dry son after all, not an orthodox bloodline inheritor, so hu Han's dispute made him sit on the throne very unreliable, and many clan members did not support him.

What is the historical "Hu Killing Order"? How terrifying is it?

In this case, if Ran Min insists on going his own way, he will definitely be killed, but if he intends to bow to the other party, it will obviously make him subject to others, and even become a tragedy.

So in this case, how to keep your throne? As a clever politician, Ran Min quickly thought of a way to unite the majority of the Han people and restore the identity of the Han people, so as to crush the members of the later Zhao clan.

And according to historical records, the Han people at that time were really too miserable, and the emperor of Later Zhao basically took the lives of the Han people and mobilized more than 400,000 people to work when building the palace, of which the death toll exceeded more than 100,000. In addition, the emperor at that time was naturally biased towards the Hu people, and frantically suppressed the Han people, resulting in many people being forcibly displaced into refugees.

What is the historical "Hu Killing Order"? How terrifying is it?

Therefore, when Ran Min proposed to restore the Han family, all the Han people rose up and attacked it, so there was a vigorous counter-offensive.

In fact, we can also find out from the content of the order to kill Hu, according to historical records, this order has three stages. First of all, in the first stage, all the Hu people in the city are not allowed to possess weapons, otherwise the Han people can kill them at will. This was followed by the second stage, where those who supported the Han family chose to stay, and those who supported the original Hu orthodoxy could leave. Finally, in the third stage, all the Hu people who remained were killed.

In fact, if we compare these contents with those things mentioned above, it is obvious that we can see where this is a feat of slaughtering the Hu people for the Han people, which is essentially a political struggle.

What is the historical "Hu Killing Order"? How terrifying is it?

At that time, there were hundreds of thousands of Hu people in the capital, and there were many clan members, if these people were forced to rush, it would inevitably be a big killing in the end. Moreover, the surrounding Han people were ruled by the Later Zhao regime for so long, and they must have doubted whether the other side was fishing and enforcing the law.

Therefore, Ran Min broke the Hu people's will to fight step by step, let the most staunch reactionaries lose support, and then kidnapped the Han people on their chariot little by little, so they completely launched a massacre.

To be sure, this ruler, who seems to be full of muscles in history, is actually very clever, he knows that he must unite the majority of the people to attack a small part, and the strike surface must not be too large, and must accurately strike and eliminate his political opponents.

What is the historical "Hu Killing Order"? How terrifying is it?

So in the end, the massacre of sinners was vigorously killed, but in the end it did not overthrow the country, and he also won the support of the Han people, and even a small number of Hu people.

Therefore, looking back at that period of history, we can clearly conclude that this massacre was not a struggle for Han orthodoxy, but purely a struggle for the imperial throne. Maybe the object of the struggle is a Prince of the Han Family and an Emperor of the Hu People, but this is actually not much different in essence, because no one has the concept of the so-called faction in their minds, and everyone's mind will only think about the throne under their own ass.

What is the historical "Hu Killing Order"? How terrifying is it?

Therefore, don't be influenced by some online literature anymore, crazy to tout Ran Min, and then crazy to boast about the conflict of hu and Han contradictions. In fact, in the final analysis, it is all a struggle for regime change, and the national contradiction is only a kidnapped relationship. If it is true that, as some people say, the Orthodoxy of the Han People at that time was almost extinct, then what was the Jin regime in the south? Moreover, later dynasties were actually gone on the road of great national integration, otherwise how could the Sui Dynasty have arisen.

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