
The historical killing of Hu Ling

Killing Hu Ling is some of the ways used to advocate Ran Min on the Internet recently, but everyone knows how ran Min fell to the bottom in history. Come down and talk to the Tai family.

The historical killing of Hu Ling

Ran Min

Emperor of the Sixteen Kingdoms

Ran Min (320 – June 1, 352), courtesy name Yongzeng, courtesy name Zhinu, was a native of Neihuang County, Wei County (present-day Neihuang County, Henan), and the founding emperor of Ran Wei (350–352).

Decisive and sharp, known for bravery. After his release from Zhao, he was awarded the title of guerrilla general and was given the title of Marquis of Xiu. Count from the conquest, repeated battle achievements. After Shi Hu's death, he embraced Shi Jian and then slaughtered Hu to destroy the stone. In the first year of Yongxing (350), he took the throne as emperor, established Ran Wei, and changed his name to Yuan Yongxing.

In the third year of Yongxing (352), the army was defeated and the breakthrough was unsuccessful, and was captured by the Former Yan monarch Murong Juan, who was beheaded at Mount Shu and posthumously honored the King of Wu. The epitaph of Ran Min's descendant Ran Hua (Dye Hua) refers to Ran Min as "Emperor Ping".

In January 350, Ran Min wanted to completely eliminate the Shi clan, and under the pretext that there was the word "ji Zhao Li" in the proverb, he changed the name of the country to Wei, changed his surname to Li, implemented a general amnesty, and changed his era name to Qinglong. In the same year (350), after Ran Min killed Shi Jian, Situ Shenzhong, Sikong Lang Khotan and forty-eight other people honored Ran Min as emperor, Ran Min insisted on ceding to Li Nong, Li Nong resolutely asked Ran Min to be emperor with his death, so Ran Min took the throne in the southern suburbs, pardoned the prisoners in the world, changed the era name to Yongxing, the country name Was great Wei, the historical name Ran Wei, and restored ran surname.

The historical killing of Hu Ling

The origin of the killing of Hu Ling was that at that time, the Longjun generals Sun Fudu, Liu Ba, and others gathered three thousand soldiers to secretly ambush in the area where the Hu people lived, and also wanted to kill Ran Min and others. At that time, Shi Jian was in the middle stage, and Sun Fudu led more than thirty people to attack if they wanted to take Shi Jian hostage on the stage. Shi Jian saw that Sun Fu was destroying the Pavilion Road and asked why. Sun Fudu said, "Li Nong and the others have already gathered at Dongye Gate for rebellion, and I am leading the guards, so I would like to inform you first." Shi Jian said, "You are a meritorious man, and you serve the officials well." I watch you from the stage, without having to consider that you have not yet reported it to me. So Sun Fudu and Liu Ba led the soldiers to attack Ran Min and Li Nong, but failed to win, and garrisoned Fengyang Gate. Ran Min and Li Nong entered the palace with thousands of soldiers who destroyed the Jin Ming Gate. Shi Jian, fearing that Ran Min would kill him, quickly summoned Ran Min and Li Nong, opened the palace door to accept them, and said to them, "Sun Fudu is plotting rebellion, and you should immediately attack him." Ran Min and Li Nong attacked and killed Sun Fudu and others, from the Fengyang Gate to the Kunhua Hall, with corpses everywhere and rivers of blood. Ran Min issued an order informing both inside and outside the court that all those who dared to use weapons would be killed. Some of the Hu people broke through the city gates, some went beyond the walls, and there were countless escapees. Pai Shangshu Wang Jian and Shaofu Wang Yu led thousands of soldiers to watch the Shoushi Jian at the Royal Dragon, and the food was hanging for him to eat. In the city, an order was issued: "Those who share the same heart with the officials stay, and those who do not have different hearts are allowed to leave." "The gates of the city are no longer under martial law. So the Zhao people within a hundred miles came into the city, and Hu Xian, who had left the city, also blocked the city gate. Ran Min understood that the Hu people did not want to be used by themselves, and issued an order to inform the Zhao people inside and outside that if a Hu person was sent to Fengyang Gate with the first rank, all civilian officials would be promoted to the third rank, and all military posts would be appointed to Yamen. In one day, tens of thousands of Hu people were killed. Ran Min personally led the Zhao people to kill Hu Xian, regardless of the noble men, women and young elders, all of whom were killed, and the number of dead reached more than 200,000, and the corpses were outside the city, all eaten by wild dogs and jackals. The Hu people, who were concentrated in the four directions, were killed by the local army according to Ran Min's orders, and half of the people with high noses and beards died of indiscriminate killing. In the same year, when Shi Qi heard that Shi Jian was dead, he took the throne as emperor in the Xiangguo (襄国, in present-day Xingtai, Hebei), and the leaders of various Yi counties with troops in Shouzhou County responded. Ran Min sent emissaries to the banks of the Yangtze River to report to the Eastern Jin Dynasty: "The rebellious Hu people have disturbed the Central Plains, and now they have been eliminated. If you can fight together, you can send troops. The court did not reply. Ran Min killed Li Nong and his three sons, along with Shang Shuling Wang Mo, Shizhong Wang Yan, Zhongchang Shi Yan, zhao Sheng, and others. Yuan Zhen, the Taishou of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, attacked Hefei, arrested the Southern Manchu colonel Santan, and moved the people away and returned.

Everyone asks that it is not true that the order to kill Hu was not preserved, and then Ran Min and his people were ungrateful, and Li Nong supported him as emperor and did not want to be killed by him. Asking for help from the Eastern Jin Dynasty only went to the Yangtze River, but it is conceivable that he was bent on claiming the emperor, not for the Han people. Besides, the Northern Han People still have a regime

Northern cool

During the Sixteen Kingdoms period, the regime was divided

Beiliang (397-439), one of the sixteen kingdoms, the capital city of Guzang, passed on the second lord. The pioneer was Duan Ye. In 401, Mengxun of Frustrated Canal slandered The Male Of Depression Canal for rebellion, and Duan Ye beheaded the Depressed Canal Male Cheng, and the Depressed Canal Mengxun used this as an excuse to attack and kill Duan Ye, still calling him Liangzhou Mu, changing his name to Yuan Yong'an, and inheriting the land of Liangzhou Wang.

In 412, Mengxun of the Depression Canal was made the capital of Guzang, known as the King of Hexi, And liangzhou mu. At this time, Northern Liang controlled parts of present-day western Gansu, Ningxia, Xinjiang, and Qinghai, and was the most powerful force in The Liangzhou region. In 421, Xi liang was extinguished. In 433, Despondent Mongxun died, and his son Muqian of Depressed Canal took the throne. In 439, Tuoba Tao led the Northern Wei army to besiege Guzang, and The Depressed Canal Muqian surrendered, and Northern Liang perished.

Frustrated Canal Mu Qiandi Depressed Canal went west to Gaochang to re-establish the state, known in history as Gaochang Beiliang, in 444 Depressed Canal Died Without Shame, and his younger brother Depressed Canal An Zhou took the throne. In 441, taking advantage of the civil unrest in Shanshan, he occupied Shanshan and was made a lieutenant of the Western Regions, the Assassin of Liangzhou, and the King of Hexi. In 460, Rouran attacked Gaochang, frustrated An Zhou was killed, and Gaochang Beiliang was killed.

So don't move Ran Min saved all the Han people, there are northern Liang southern Jin Han people in the north, the fire seed of the Eastern Jin Dynasty han people is preserved by them. Don't be maliciously rhythmic by some people.

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