
Harry Potter Mobile Game: Dessert Master Reinforces Luna and survives to summon the strongest magical creatures in the later stages!

After the launch of "Harry Potter Magic Awakening" luna, the summoning stream gameplay is also very hot. The current strength of the Luna system is even more remarkable. In the spell summoning stream, Luna echoed a crucial role, but in fact, the new card dessert master also strengthened a lot. It can be said that this card increases the upper limit of the deck.

Harry Potter Mobile Game: Dessert Master Reinforces Luna and survives to summon the strongest magical creatures in the later stages!

The Dessert Master will have a period of guidance, and then will randomly summon a summon card in the card library, although it is said to be randomly summoned, but with the effect of Luna's echo, coupled with the setting of no summon card in the deck, it is basically to retrieve and summon a random magical creature that can be continuously upgraded. Therefore, there are many routines of dessert masters.

Harry Potter Mobile Game: Dessert Master Reinforces Luna and survives to summon the strongest magical creatures in the later stages!

Among the magical creatures at this stage, the strongest is luna's highest-level creature "Night Horse", which has an invincible effect and a monster gathering effect, which continues to deal damage within the range and will have a period of slash damage, which can directly kill targets with less than 30% health. The clearance ability is even more terrifying than Ron's, and the offense is good.

Harry Potter Mobile Game: Dessert Master Reinforces Luna and survives to summon the strongest magical creatures in the later stages!

Therefore, we can use the dessert master to match this effect, after brushing to the night qi, the dead dessert master, let him make at least twice, so that it is two night horses, take advantage of the opposite side to solve the card exhaustion, and then release the night qi in the hand, or have been kept, or two desserts together, under more idealized conditions, is the unlimited endurance of the night qi, the scene is amazing combat strength.

Harry Potter Mobile Game: Dessert Master Reinforces Luna and survives to summon the strongest magical creatures in the later stages!
Harry Potter Mobile Game: Dessert Master Reinforces Luna and survives to summon the strongest magical creatures in the later stages!

Dessert Master will be bloody during the production process, so we need more protection to give Dessert Master the opportunity to make more summons. All kinds of defenses are full of blood, the smoke screen must be brought, white fresh flavor, all protected, and all kinds of shield milk are pulled full. Also pay attention to the location, preferably the wizard standing in front, the dessert master in the back row, to avoid the situation of getting together, so that it will be completely cleared by fireworks.

Harry Potter Mobile Game: Dessert Master Reinforces Luna and survives to summon the strongest magical creatures in the later stages!

In addition, the partner card can also bring some more defensive cards, such as Harry's Guardian of the Gods, The Enclosure of The Card Sister, and various other companion cards with milk. In short, we are playing rogues, and staying in the milk is the key!

Harry Potter Mobile Game: Dessert Master Reinforces Luna and survives to summon the strongest magical creatures in the later stages!

The dessert master also has many magical creatures with matching, such as the egg stream that was very hot before, with the smoke screen to return to the blood, the dessert master raises three in one breath, and instantly moves, giving the opposite side a surprise! However, because Luna's mechanism is relatively random, so everyone still has to operate reasonably in actual combat, and the white dragon can also raise a few more, not necessarily a night qi. In theory, the night qi is the fiercest, but it is normal that it cannot be brushed.

The intensity of this happy breeding genre is also quite good, and you can try it in actual combat.

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