
This "cold-resistant artifact", beware of children's "low temperature burns"!

To say what is the best heating "equipment" in winter, many people will say "warm baby"! It is small and lightweight, easy to carry, when you feel cold, stick a piece of it, it will make you feel warm and comfortable.

But do parents know? This thing that makes people feel warm and comfortable is likely to cause low temperature burns in children.

This "cold-resistant artifact", beware of children's "low temperature burns"!

What is a low temperature burn?

"Low temperature burn" refers to the body's long-term exposure to a medium temperature (generally refers to 44 ° C - 50 ° C) heat source, resulting in progressive damage from the superficial dermis to the deep dermis and the tissues under the skin.

When using heating items, because the temperature is not too high, the sensory nerve endings of the skin gradually adapt to the contact with the heat source temperature, there is no obvious pain sensation and even for some people do not cause pain, but in the continuous heating of low heat energy, the surface tissue of the skin will gradually dehydrate under the action of thermal energy, causing damage, so low temperature burns are often not easy to be detected.

The harm of "low temperature burns" should not be underestimated

Unlike "high temperature burns", the pain of "low temperature burns" is not obvious, only erythema, edema, blistering, peeling and other symptoms will appear, and the area is relatively small. However, because the temperature is not high, the wound is difficult to detect, and when the symptoms actually appear, the degree of skin damage is already more serious.

The data shows:

After 49 °C heat source continuously contact with the skin for 3 minutes, it can cause epidermal damage, and the epidermis will necrosis after more than 9 minutes;

44 °C heat source continuous contact for 6 hours, can cause irreversible damage to the skin;

At 44°C to 51°C, the degree of damage is positively correlated with the contact time.

This "cold-resistant artifact", beware of children's "low temperature burns"!

Seeing this, some people have doubts: is the data of warm babies accurate, and it feels that their heat preservation effect is also average!

No, the professional data of the Shanghai Municipal Consumer Protection Commission is coming! A few days ago, they tested the top 6 warm babies on the market:

This "cold-resistant artifact", beware of children's "low temperature burns"!

Note: The price marked is the price at the time of purchase (not used as a price comparison reference)

The testers attached 6 warm babies to two identical pieces of clothing, one without anything and one with a blanket.

Because warm babies are mostly used under the cover of clothing, two cases were tested.

This "cold-resistant artifact", beware of children's "low temperature burns"!

The main questions that everyone is concerned about are: the speed of heat, how long can it be hot, and how hot is the hottest? The tester recorded the temperature data of the first hour and the second, fourth, 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th hours, and chose 12 hours because the maximum heat holding time advertised by this test product was 12 hours.

The 12-hour ungammed test data is as follows:

This "cold-resistant artifact", beware of children's "low temperature burns"!
This "cold-resistant artifact", beware of children's "low temperature burns"!

The 12-hour blanket test data is as follows:

This "cold-resistant artifact", beware of children's "low temperature burns"!
This "cold-resistant artifact", beware of children's "low temperature burns"!

By reading the data, we can find out

The temperature of the blanket is higher, about 10 °C higher than the temperature of the unfraged blanket in the same period.

The maximum temperature of the 5 brands of warm babies when covering the blanket exceeds 60 ° C. Consumers who use only a thin layer of clothing separated from the skin should be careful of being burned.

The warm baby of the 5 brands heats up faster, the maximum temperature lasts for 2-4 hours, and the cooling rate is faster after the 6th hour.

Kobayashi held the heat for a very long time, and the actual results exceeded the publicity time. The rest of the products basically no longer have fever after 9 hours.

So, parents don't underestimate warm babies!

Do 3 points when using "low temperature burn prevention"


Scientific shopping

No matter what kind of heating items, they should be purchased from formal channels and used correctly according to the product instructions.

In general, the warm baby of regular materials should be certified by national quality testing. However, some inferior warm babies produced by small workshops may use industrial waste iron powder in order to reduce costs, which may bring risks such as radiation.

This "cold-resistant artifact", beware of children's "low temperature burns"!


Control temperature and time

Avoid direct contact with the skin by warming your baby, and avoid touching the same part of your warm baby for a long time.

Before the child goes to bed, parents must tell the child to remove the warm baby. Also remember not to warm your baby in front of the heater and on the electric blanket.


Strengthen caregiving

After using warm babies for children, as a guardian, you must take more care of them and observe the skin conditions of your children at any time.

Especially infants and young children, the skin is delicate, extremely sensitive to temperature, poor expression ability, if adults do not take good care, it is easy to cause burns.

Although children have the ability to express themselves, their attention is easily attracted to other things and needs to be used under parental supervision.

Correct handling of burns Remember the "five-word recipe"

If the child accidentally has a "low temperature burn", the skin appears red, swollen, blisters, do not think that the matter is small and do not have to seek medical treatment, let alone rub toothpaste, garlic, etc., or try to use needles to break the blisters.

These misuses not only increase the chance of wound infection, but also increase the difficulty of treatment during medical treatment, and affect the doctor's observation and judgment of the depth of the burn.

Correct handling Please remember: flush, take off, bubble, cover, medical 5 words.

Punch: "Cold treatment" immediately! Gently rinse or soak the wound surface in clean cold water (15°C-20°C) for 10-30 minutes as soon as possible.

Take off: carefully remove the clothes, but if the burns are serious, the skin adheres to the clothes, you can use scissors to carefully cut and peel off the clothes, retain the adhesion to the skin part, pay attention not to pick up blisters.

Soaking: If the pain is obvious, you can soak in cold water for about 15 minutes, but pay attention to the water temperature and avoid catching a cold.

Cover: Gently cover the wound with clean gauze, towel, cotton, etc., taking care not to break the blisters.

Doctor: Unless the slight redness and swelling can be treated on their own, they should generally be sent to the hospital for further treatment after the injury.

Parents and classmates

Do you like to use "warm baby"?

Actually, in this cold winter

The safest "cold artifact" is still

Dress more

What do you think?

Source: Jiangsu News

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