
Anxious! 2 kids burned one after another! This "culprit" is used by many Qingdao people...

Kopp Jun

Recently, only one medical institution in Xi'an Children's Hospital has received two children who have been burned by electric blankets.

One of the boys, one year and three months old, had been running an electric blanket when he slept at night, and he did not wear diapers, resulting in second-degree burns to his waist and lower limbs. According to the doctor's analysis, it is likely that the electric blanket line is broken, and the urine is heated, resulting in scalding the child.

There was also a 13-year-old girl who was also burned by an electric blanket while she was asleep. It is reported that on the night of the incident, the electric blanket has been turned on the constant temperature mode, and as a result, at more than 3 a.m., she was awakened by the shouting of the child, when the child's hands and feet had been burned.

The electric blanket was originally used to warm the quilt, but it burned people, and the doctor said that this was called low temperature scalding. Of course, not only the electric blanket, it is the snow season at the moment, the weather is getting colder and colder every day, warm water bags, warm babies and other warm artifacts have begun to show their skills again, and some friends who are weak and afraid of cold are inseparable from them every day. But with it, there are many low-temperature burn conditions.

Netizen comments

Anxious! 2 kids burned one after another! This "culprit" is used by many Qingdao people...

What exactly is a low temperature burn?

What damage does it do to the body?

What if I get burned by low temperatures?

Let's find out

What is a "low temperature burn"?

What exactly is a low temperature burn? Low-temperature scalding refers to the progressive damage to the skin and the tissues of the subcutaneous layers caused by physical contact with objects at 44 to 50 ° C for more than 30 minutes. Since the low temperature does not have a pronounced pain sensation, it is not easy to detect even if the skin is damaged.

Zhao Yi, director of the Department of Dermatology at Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital: The time of low-temperature scalding is very long, which may also cause deeper tissues to produce temperatures above 45 ° C, which can also cause deeper damage. The deeper the damage, the greater the harm. Because our large blood vessels and important tissues are in relatively deep tissues, its blood supply area and involvement range will be necrotic, so the damage is relatively large.

Experiments to detect which heating products are prone to "low temperature burns"?

Which "heating artifacts" in life are easy to cause low temperature burns, and our commonly used warm babies, warm water bags, etc., is there a danger of scalding people?

Experiments have shown that through temperature detection of several common heating equipment on the market, it is found that the temperature of the warm baby is about 50 ° C, the charged electric heating treasure and the hot water bottle filled with boiling water, even if separated by the knitted sleeve, the temperature is above 45 ° C, just in the temperature range of low temperature burns.

Experts said that in order to prevent low temperature burns, you can first measure the heating products with the back of your hand, if the back of your hand feels hot, it basically means that the temperature exceeds 45 ° C, and you must not directly contact the skin for a long time.

Why are hands and feet more likely to be "low temperature burns" on cold days?

Experts said that in the clinic, many patients have low temperature burns in the hands and feet, and the colder the weather, the easier it is to be recruited. Many people are obviously separated by thick socks and thick gloves, but they are still burned. What's going on here? Moving on to the experiment.

The tester puts the warm baby on the back of the glove in the cold outdoors, at this time the internal temperature of the glove is 41 ° C, and then the tester wears the glove. After 10 minutes, the experimenter took off his gloves, and although he felt that his hands were still cold, under the dermoscopy, a slight burn had occurred on the surface of the skin covered by the warm baby.

Zhao Yi, director of the Department of Dermatology at Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital: In a relatively cold environment, the hands and feet have not been so clearly perceived, at this time you put a warm baby, repeated hot and cold alternating, in this case, tissue damage is more likely to occur, tissue damage is faster.

In the alternation of hot and cold, slightly higher than the body temperature is easy to cause burns, and when it is cold, the hands and feet are more likely to be numb than other parts of the body, and it is difficult to feel the pain, so it is easy to cause deep trauma by using warm babies for a long time. Therefore, experts suggest that when the weather is cold, it is best not to stick to the hands and feet of the warm baby, if it must be used, every 10 minutes or so, it should be removed.

Is "low temperature burn" really less harmful than "high temperature burn"?

Doctors say that low-temperature burns also have symptoms such as skin burning, blistering, and discoloration. But many people think that since it is a low temperature burn, the injury is certainly not as big as being burned by high temperature. Is this really the case?

Wu Jun, a member of the "Source News" expert database of the China Association for Science and Technology and director of the Burn Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Shenzhen University: When it is high, the human body often reacts and is suddenly brought back. This kind of low temperature burn, often the temperature is relatively low, but it is enough to make our tissue cells, proteins disguised necrosis, equivalent to this piece of skin on the burn, can be scalded to the dermal subcutaneous tissue, to the dermis layer, if the area is slightly larger, more than 3 cm or more, often need surgical debridement, and even skin grafting. It actually doesn't grow well on its own and needs to be cut off with a scalpel to necrotic skin tissue.

What should I do in the first place when "low temperature burns" occur?

Because low temperature burns do not have obvious pain, skin damage is not easy to detect, so people who are burned will still be exposed to heat sources for a long time, which makes the burns caused by low temperatures often more serious than high temperature burns.

So in case of low temperature burns, what should we do in the first place?

Wu Jun, member of the "Source News" expert database of the China Association for Science and Technology and director of the Burn Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Shenzhen University: If you save yourself, it is recommended to use cold water and tap water, do not use ice water, ice water will aggravate the damage, that is, tap water, room temperature water simply rinsed. After rinsing, use a clean cloth, wrap it up, and be sure to go to the hospital to see it. Do not smear soy sauce, toothpaste, and pot bottom ash at home, do not wipe, easy to cause infection, be sure to go to a specialized hospital.

Use of heating products must remember to check regularly,

Especially the elderly, children,

Use with caution.

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Anxious! 2 kids burned one after another! This "culprit" is used by many Qingdao people...
Anxious! 2 kids burned one after another! This "culprit" is used by many Qingdao people...
Anxious! 2 kids burned one after another! This "culprit" is used by many Qingdao people...
Anxious! 2 kids burned one after another! This "culprit" is used by many Qingdao people...

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Source: Qingdao Daily, Xinhua News Agency client, CCTV news client

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