
Obviously, I don't feel hot, and I may also be burned! With warm baby & hot water bottles, be careful

Winter heating is absolutely indispensable for warm babies, hot water bottles, electric blankets and small suns. Where to warm up where to warm, it is really so easy to use!

For example, when you see a beautiful woman on the street wearing very little, she may have a warm baby all over her body.

But! These heating "artifacts" in winter may lead to burns. Many sisters woke up to find blisters.

In this article, Zhimei will tell you about how burns in winter are and how to prevent them.

Obviously, I don't feel hot, and I may also be burned! With warm baby & hot water bottles, be careful

Obviously not "hot", how can it be burned? This is because there is a type of burn called "low temperature burn".

Low-temperature burns refer to damage to the skin and even subcutaneous tissue caused by long-term and continuous contact with skin by injury factors at a temperature of 41 °C to 60 °C [1].

Moreover, the "low temperature" you think may not be low: the heating temperature of the patch-type warm baby can exceed 60 ° C, and the working temperature of the rechargeable electric treasure can reach more than 74 ° C.

In a TV show, a real evaluation was conducted: after the warm baby was pasted on the egg for 7 hours, the raw egg was "cooked" and became a "loose egg":

Obviously, I don't feel hot, and I may also be burned! With warm baby & hot water bottles, be careful
Obviously, I don't feel hot, and I may also be burned! With warm baby & hot water bottles, be careful
Obviously, I don't feel hot, and I may also be burned! With warm baby & hot water bottles, be careful
Obviously, I don't feel hot, and I may also be burned! With warm baby & hot water bottles, be careful

(Source: Litchi Network)

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In addition to warming the baby, warm water bags, charging hand warmers, "little sun" heaters, and even water soaking feet may cause low temperature burns.

In the range of 43 °C to 47 °C, short-term heat exposure only causes blister-type burns in the shallow dermis;

With the prolongation of exposure, it may gradually develop into burns on the deep layers of the dermis and the layers of subcutaneous tissues, skin atrophy, peeling;

In severe cases, ulceration can also occur and cannot heal for a long time [2].

Obviously, I don't feel hot, and I may also be burned! With warm baby & hot water bottles, be careful
Obviously, I don't feel hot, and I may also be burned! With warm baby & hot water bottles, be careful

(Source: References[3])

You don't think that "low temperature burns are small things", in fact, compared with high temperature burns, low temperature burns may be more difficult to be found and treated in time, and the consequences may be more serious.

If you get scalded by boiling water, or splashed with hot oil, you don't immediately feel "It hurts!" "It's hot!" Thus instinctively avoiding heat sources?

And if you are scalded by high temperatures, most people will immediately treat the place that is scalded, or seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Obviously, I don't feel hot, and I may also be burned! With warm baby & hot water bottles, be careful

However, low-temperature scalds are like "boiled frogs in warm water", not only the pain is not obvious, the burn area also looks relatively small, and it is difficult to find during the scalding process.

Many cases of low temperature burns are that they have been sticking to warm babies, and after taking them off, they found that they were burned.

Even sometimes even if you have been burned, you don't understand what exactly is scalding yourself, let alone seeking medical treatment or dealing with it in time.

Obviously, I don't feel hot, and I may also be burned! With warm baby & hot water bottles, be careful

(Source: Weibo @ I Su Feature)

When the pain is really unbearable, the low temperature burn becomes a "deep burn", which will be more difficult to heal. Many people even leave scars because of this.

Whether you're a "high-risk" group or not, it's never too much to keep an eye on it.

Obviously, I don't feel hot, and I may also be burned! With warm baby & hot water bottles, be careful

If you want to prevent low-temperature burns, the principle is actually very simple, just 12 words:

1. Don't get too hot

For "heating" behaviors that can adjust the temperature, such as electric blankets and small suns, take "not cold" as the principle, do not always drive at the highest level.

The water temperature of soaking feet and bathing should not exceed 45 ° C.

2. Don't get too close

Warm babies must not be in direct contact with the skin, it is best to stick to clothes such as leggings.

Electric blankets are spread under the sheets.

The hot water bottle is wrapped in a towel on the outside.

Keep warm with a small sun, keep a certain distance.

3. Don't take long

Don't open the electric blanket all night, and it's best not to let warm babies, hot water bottles, etc. touch the same body part for a long time.

The temperature of soaking feet is almost 30 °C to 40 °C, preferably not more than 45 °C, and the time should not exceed 30 minutes [4].

Compared with healthy young adults, the news of the elderly and children being burned for warmth appears every year.

Obviously, I don't feel hot, and I may also be burned! With warm baby & hot water bottles, be careful

(Source: Weibo @ Shaanxi TV News)

If you are one of the following 5 types of people, be especially careful when heating in winter and don't get burned.

1. Elderly: peripheral nerves are relatively sluggish;

2. Infants and young children: incomplete neurodevelopment, poor expression ability;

3. Diabetic and stroke sequelae patients: the extremities are not sensitive enough;

4. Patients who have not regained consciousness after surgery;

5. Some healthy people have low sensitivity to pain and temperature sensation in the skin under the conditions of deep sleep and drunkenness, and may not be able to detect low temperature burns [5].

Obviously, I don't feel hot, and I may also be burned! With warm baby & hot water bottles, be careful

If you accidentally get burned by low temperatures, or suspect that you are cold burns, don't panic.

Follow these 3 steps as soon as possible:

1. Cool down

To reduce the skin temperature as soon as possible, rinse with cold water for more than 15 to 20 minutes.

Then apply a cold compress with a cold towel or ice pack (be careful not to touch the burned area directly with ice cubes), which can help reduce pain, redness, and blisters.

2. Disinfection (if there is skin damage)

The damaged area can be disinfected with iodophors.

3. Keep the wound clean

Do not rub things (toothpaste, sesame oil, etc., all rejected), and do not break the blisters (this is one of the important bases for doctors to judge the depth of burns, otherwise it will affect the doctor's judgment and increase the risk of infection).

Even if it is a burn cream, do not rush to apply it, it is best to give medicine to the wound after the doctor judges.

Remind all sisters, while "fancy heating", we must pay attention to safety!

It is really too cold to do, you can exercise, diet, add clothes, etc., to make yourself "warm up", do not rely only on heating "external equipment".


Wei Guo | chief physician of the Department of Dermatology, The Second Hospital of Shandong University


Hu Ailing, Zheng Meichun, Li Weijuan. Clinical nursing practice of modern wound and inflostomy[M]. Peking Union Medical College Press, 2010.

[2] Arnold A W , Itin P H . Laptop computer-induced erythema ab igne in a child and review of the literature. [J]. Pediatrics, 2010, 126(5):e1227.

Fan Q, Wang Shishi, Huang Rong, et al. Characteristics and causes of skin lesions in patients with persistent low-fever burns[J]. Chinese Journal of Leprosy Dermatology, 2021, 37(5):4.

DONG Fang. The benefits of cold foot soaking are the heavy prevention of "low temperature burns"[J]. Family Medicine: First Half Month, 2020(2):1.

Jiang Yunshen. Warm babies should not be too close to the time is easy to be burned[J]. Family Medicine: First Half Of The Month, 2021(2):1.

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