
Unveiling the "factory cellar massacre" second only to the Nanjing Massacre, a history that should not be forgotten

For our Chinese, the most painful memory is nothing more than Japan's aggression and killing of Chinese people at that time. This is also a place where everyone is very sad and very sympathetic now, whether it is the veterans who were lucky enough to survive the war at that time, or the descendants who did not see the war at that time, they are very bitter about this history.

Unveiling the "factory cellar massacre" second only to the Nanjing Massacre, a history that should not be forgotten

Even in the present era of peace, we will never forget this tragic past. Many people still have a hateful attitude toward Japan, because Japan has not yet acknowledged the crimes they committed, but these are real in history.

According to statistics, in the War of Resistance Against Japan, the cumulative number of martyrs and brutally killed civilians in China was 35 million. Thirty-five million is such a huge number, which means that 35 million families are facing fragmentation, facing the loss of loved ones, and there are still many Japanese who intend to erase this history.

Unveiling the "factory cellar massacre" second only to the Nanjing Massacre, a history that should not be forgotten

But it always happened, and it wasn't just ourselves who remembered it so painfully. Even in other countries, many journalists at that time recorded the crimes of the war of aggression against China. When it comes to the massacre, the first thing that many of us think of is definitely the Nanjing Massacre, because in this one case, 300,000 compatriots were brutally killed.

In fact, there was another very tragic historical event, in which the death toll was only lower than that of the Nanjing Massacre, which was the "Factory kiln massacre".

Unveiling the "factory cellar massacre" second only to the Nanjing Massacre, a history that should not be forgotten

The event took place in Hunan, during World War II, when China was still in a dire situation in the face of attacks from all over the world and Japanese aggression. At that time, the geographical location of the town was very special, and the Japanese launched a war in order to rob our Chinese grain routes. The factory kiln town is a checkpoint, as long as the factory kiln town is opened, then they can invade China more smoothly.

Unveiling the "factory cellar massacre" second only to the Nanjing Massacre, a history that should not be forgotten

For this time, the Japanese were very well equipped, and the number of troops was very large, and our resistance was undoubtedly that of the mantis arm blocking the car.

At that time, the number of people in The factory kiln town had reached more than 50,000 people, including almost half of the local people, many refugees who fled from the outside, teachers, staff and so on. However, by that time they could not escape, because the Japanese had surrounded the town of Changyao. Not only that, but they even arranged bombers.

At that time, the town of Changyao was surrounded by water, everyone was facing a desperate situation, and the Japanese began a brutal massacre. From May 9 to May 12, in just three days, they brutally killed more than 30,000 Chinese. Not only that, but they also destroyed the houses and ships in the town of Factory Kiln.

Unveiling the "factory cellar massacre" second only to the Nanjing Massacre, a history that should not be forgotten

When the factory kiln town was a few days old, it became a purgatory on earth, and everywhere was filled with gun smoke. The family was ruined. And this massacre also allowed the world to record the crimes committed by the Japanese, but even now, they are still unwilling to admit it.

Their crimes will never be drowned out with the passage of time, but will only make future generations remember more and more in their hearts, remembering this humiliating history, when the massacre in Changyao Town not only shocked China and foreign countries, but even many Japanese later came up with evidence of the massacre at that time.

They also did not want to see Chinese brutally slaughtered, so they personally came out to testify. Even if other Japanese people don't want to admit it, many people around the world already know what happened.

Unveiling the "factory cellar massacre" second only to the Nanjing Massacre, a history that should not be forgotten

Not only in the town of Changyao, but also many people around the town of Changyao were also slaughtered, because there were many refugees at that time, some refugees fled to the factory kiln, and the remaining thousands of refugees fled to the reservoir near the factory kiln. But they still could not escape the brutal killing, and the Japanese sent troops to encircle and suppress it. According to records, the death toll reached more than 3,000 at that time, and the entire river was stained red with blood.

In the massacre in the town of Changyao, some of those who survived are reluctant to recall what happened. Because it was very cruel, in order to commemorate the dead compatriots, people in later generations erected stone tablets in the town of Changyao and carved the names of the victims of the incident on the stone tablets one by one. Let us always remember not to forget the sacrifices of our ancestors, and not to forget the sacrifices of our compatriots.

Unveiling the "factory cellar massacre" second only to the Nanjing Massacre, a history that should not be forgotten

So we should now be very fortunate to be able to live in this era of peace. Every day, we no longer have to worry about eating and wearing warmth, and we can live in a warm house and wear cotton clothes that can withstand the cold, which are all brought to us by our ancestors.

For us Chinese, we must know how to be grateful, so no matter what time, we must not forget this history, we must also treat history correctly, and we must always advocate peace and civilization.

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