
Charming and aromatic cinnamon has a wide range of uses, and it is something that needs attention when growing it, how to do it

author:A beam that loves to read

The fast-growing, straight trunk, thick and oily skin, and disease-free white bud cinnamon were selected as the mother tree, and the age of the mother tree should be 15 to 50 years old. If the purpose is to steam oil, the excellent single tree with dense branches and leaves, high oil content, strong germination force and age of 15 to 30 years is selected as the mother tree. After the good mother tree is selected, it is marked with red paint at the height of the chest, strictly protected, and pruned and shaped. When ripe, the berries are purple-black. It is advisable to harvest mid-ripening seeds, and the quality of seeds that mature too early and late is poor. When collecting seeds, you can collect them from trees or pick them up in time after landing. When the fruit is harvested, the outer peel should be removed immediately, the seeds should be removed, and the seeds can be sown after washing with water, and the germination rate can reach more than 90%. More than 2 months, the germination rate < 50%. The seeds weigh 370 to 385 g.

Charming and aromatic cinnamon has a wide range of uses, and it is something that needs attention when growing it, how to do it

Nursery nurseries should choose a place with deep soil, loose, moist, well-drained, and near the water source, and first prepare the ground as a bed, and the bed surface is flat. Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked with 0.3% formalin solution for 0.5 min, and then the excess liquid is poured out, put into a closed tank for 2 hours, and then washed off the liquid with clean water, and then soaked in water for 24 hours to ensure a better germination rate. The sowing amount is 60 g/m2, the soil thickness is 1~1.5 cm after sowing, and the cover grass is moisturized. Germination begins 20 days after sowing. After the seeds germinate and emerge from the grass, they are changed to a shed for shade and light transmittance of 40%. When the seedlings are 4 cm tall and have 2 to 3 primary leaves, they are moved into a container bag for cultivation, and continue to shelter, the seedlings are 15 cm tall, and the shade can be removed. When the height of the seedling is more than 30 cm and the diameter is 0.4 cm, it can be colonized in the nursery.

Charming and aromatic cinnamon has a wide range of uses, and it is something that needs attention when growing it, how to do it

Grafting with budding method before and after the Qingming Dynasty, select the 1 to 2 years old leaf buds on the southern cinnamon plant as full, robust branches as scion, use a sharp knife at 2 cm above the bud, and cut the 4 to 5 cm bud flakes to the next - knife, slightly xylem, requiring smoothness and smoothness. Rootstocks are selected from 2 to 3 years old, thick stems of cinnamon seedlings, 15 to 20 cm above the ground, from top to bottom vertical cut a knife, the size of the buds is equal, cut the phloem part about 2 cm. Paste the cut buds into the connector and wrap them tightly from bottom to top with plastic film to prevent rain infiltration and dehydration of the buds. After 20 days, the binding can be untied, and it can be cut at 1 cm above the anvil bud in time, and the shear is smooth and inclined to facilitate the growth of the scion. After cutting the anvil, it is easy to sprout multiple strips, which should be erased frequently and strengthen the cultivation management.

Charming and aromatic cinnamon has a wide range of uses, and it is something that needs attention when growing it, how to do it

Afforestation land should choose an acidic sandy loam soil with an altitude of 150 to 600 m, deep soil layer, loose soil, moist and fertile; slope to the southeast, slope 15 ° ~ 30 °, sufficient sunshine, no cold wind, good drainage, and no erosion phenomenon of the mountainside or mountain belly one-belt, to the level of the mountain belt preparation, or the whole reclamation of the mixed farmer planting is better, choose these soils to plant cinnamon, fast growth, good quality of cinnamon, cinnamon leaf oil content is also high. According to the afforestation density, the hole size is 50cmX50cmX40cm. First return to the topsoil and fertile soil, apply 5 to 10kg of decomposed organic fertilizer per hole, and then cover it with a layer of fertilizer mud to be planted.

Afforestation method: the plant spacing of dwarf forests is 1-1.2 m, and the row spacing is 1.2-1.5 m; the plant spacing of tree forests is 4-5 m, and the row spacing is 5-6mo The afforestation survival rate is high before the new shoots germinate in late March. The business purpose of the dwarf forest is to collect leaf steaming oil and grow guitong, guixin and other products, and after 3 years of seedling colonization, the first harvesting and peeling can be carried out: in the form of selective logging or zonal rotation. Each plant has more than 2 to 3 germinations, and the standard of peeling cinnamon can be reached in 3 to 5 years. The purpose of the tree forest is to cultivate cinnamon, cinnamon and seeds. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the management of care and fertilization.

Charming and aromatic cinnamon has a wide range of uses, and it is something that needs attention when growing it, how to do it

Nursery management should be weeded 2 to 3 times a year from May to November in the juvenile stage (1 to 4 years), and the weeds within 1 m of the plant should be uprooted and the soil layer should be loosened. During the young forest period, it is advisable to mix crops and apply grass and wood ash and organic fertilizer, and the large gui with a chest diameter of more than 15 cm should be applied more phosphorus fertilizer to promote the formation of cinnamon oil and increase the oil content of cinnamon leaves. At the same time, it is also necessary to prune 1 to 2 times a year, and the budding branches, diseased and insect branches, over-dense branches, delicate branches, and lower branches are pruned, which is conducive to light transparency, satisfied the height of the plant, and promotes growth. The pruned branches and leaves can be processed into products such as "cinnamon branches" and "cinnamon oil". Sprout renewal cinnamon planted 5 to 6 years, the tree height of about 3m,

Charming and aromatic cinnamon has a wide range of uses, and it is something that needs attention when growing it, how to do it

You can carry out the first update, peel the cinnamon bark at the base of the stem before and after the "Qingming", cut off the part above the skin, and sprout a number of new shoots about 30 days after cutting, and select 2 to 3 strong branches when it is slightly taller, and cultivate them into a forest. Every 3 to 4 years, peeling and cutting down once, so continue to renew, about 50 to 60 years, the germination gradually declines, that is, reforestation. Large meat Guilin, if the skin is Guitong, it will be renewed once every 10 years, and if the skin is a turtle plate, it will be renewed once every 20 years. About 70 to 80 years, the growth declines, the old roots should be dug up, and the main diseases of pest control are root rot and laurel brown spot disease. The former is often harmful to the roots in poor drainage and thunderstorm seasons, and should drain water, burn the diseased plants, and disinfect the bed surface with 5% formalin liquid: the latter develops yellow-brown spots on the new leaves of seedlings from April to May, and then yellowing and withering, and sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid. Insect pests include leaf curls and cinnamon brown cattle. In the summer and autumn of the former, the new leaves are often rolled into a nest, eating leaves, and can be sprayed with 1,000 times the liquid of marathon or enemy insects; the latter is harmful to the trunk of the tree with larvae, and can be poisoned by the degreasing cotton of Leguo into the worm hole.

Charming and aromatic cinnamon has a wide range of uses, and it is something that needs attention when growing it, how to do it

Harvesting and processing - Cinnamon bark is harvested 5 to 6 years after planting, but the older the tree, the higher the yield, the better the quality. Peeling season spring (April to May), autumn (September to October) can be, spring sap flow is exuberant, easier to peel off the branches, but also conducive to germination of new branches; and autumn peeling, medicine farmers believe that spring, summer long, foot drying autumn and winter, less water, good quality. It can also be peeled from large branches or from the base of thicker, thicker stems of young trees. Drying for 1 to 2d, rolled into a circle and simple shape, yin dry, that is, "Guitong": If the tree is born 15 to 20 years after planting, the skin of the base of the stem is peeled off in July to August, and sandwiched in the gui clip, dried into 90%, taken out of the vertical and horizontal stacking, pressurized, about 30 d completely dried, that is, the "cinnamon plate". In the processing process, the remaining edge strips are cut off the outer cinnamon bark, that is, the "guixin", and the pieces are "gui crushed". In October and November, the unripe fruit is harvested, called "guizi".

Charming and aromatic cinnamon has a wide range of uses, and it is something that needs attention when growing it, how to do it

These all have their own functions in traditional Chinese medicine. When steaming cinnamon oil, you can use cinnamon leaves, twigs and cinnamon chips, etc., and the cinnamon leaves are the mainstay, which can be picked in spring and autumn, and it is advisable to store more than 6 days after harvesting and then steam the oil. Cinnamon oil contains a lot of cinnamaldehyde, can not be steamed oil and storage with iron, otherwise it is easy to change color, and it is easy to oxidize into cinnamyl acid in the air, it is best to use tin containers to pack, and pay attention to airtightness, so as not to affect the quality.

Charming and aromatic cinnamon has a wide range of uses, and it is something that needs attention when growing it, how to do it