
Qin Figurine No. 3 pit found 30 "strange sticks", looking murderous, expert: lost in 2000 years

In fact, over the years, many foreign experts have always attacked us, saying that ancient China is a world ruled by literati, and there is a serious lack of force, in fact, this is naturally foreign experts talking nonsense, there are many first-class military dynasties in ancient history, such as the famous Yuan Dynasty, when China's territory was the first in the world, and there were super powerful Qin Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, etc. These dynasties are undoubtedly not brave and good at war.

Qin Figurine No. 3 pit found 30 "strange sticks", looking murderous, expert: lost in 2000 years

Before the Qin Dynasty, in fact, ancient China at that time was good at using bronze, the bronze manufacturing industry at that time was very developed, and the bronze smelting technology was even more advanced in the world, and whether it was the shape or quality, quantity and other aspects, who in the world dared to compare with us at that time?

Qin Figurine No. 3 pit found 30 "strange sticks", looking murderous, expert: lost in 2000 years

In the ancient Chinese Bronze Age, there was a very famous "five weapons", which five are, does anyone know? They are the Bow, the Bow, the Go, the Spear, and the Spear. Among them, known as the "head of the five soldiers" is the famous bronze, it is estimated that many people have not seen the bronze, bronze is an extremely complex weapon, refers to its production difficulty, because the structure is really too complicated, the lower body is the main body is a long bronze stick, and the upper body is a bayonet full of barbs, a look at it makes people shudder, the lethality of this bronze is very amazing, for this reason it is known as the first of the "five weapons"!

However, although the bronze yin is said to be very lethal, but its structure is too complex, which is indeed extremely difficult for mass production, after all, the productivity of ancient society at that time was far from enough, for this reason, once the bronze yin was used as the emperor's honor guard weapon, and the honor guard weapon of Qin Shi Huang was a bronze guard weapon.

Qin Figurine No. 3 pit found 30 "strange sticks", looking murderous, expert: lost in 2000 years

We know that in the Qin Dynasty, the iron smelting technology at that time began to develop rapidly, coupled with the fact that the Qin Dynasty attached great importance to the military, for this reason the bronze coffin was gradually replaced, such as becoming a wolf's tooth stick, stick and other weapons, in fact, it can not be said to have been replaced, perhaps it was simplified more appropriately, so that the Qin Dynasty can be mass-produced.

Qin Figurine No. 3 pit found 30 "strange sticks", looking murderous, expert: lost in 2000 years

After arriving at the Qin Dynasty, the production process of bronze was completely lost, but we have dug up a lot of bronze in the archaeological process in recent decades, such as in the Qin Shi Huang Terracotta Warriors No. 3 pit was unearthed, at that time people were confused, what is this thing, how to look so murderous?

Qin Figurine No. 3 pit found 30 "strange sticks", looking murderous, expert: lost in 2000 years

It was decades ago, when the Shaanxi Provincial Archaeological Team was excavating in the No. 3 pit of the Qin Figurines, but unexpectedly the archaeological team found 30 strange-shaped iron rods, after all, the level of natural archaeologists is limited, so they are very confused, what exactly are these 30 "strange sticks"?

Later, experts saw this "strange stick" but was shocked, because this is the bronze of the bronze age of the first of the "five weapons", which has been lost for 2000 years, which is far more shocking than the ancient books recorded, just the appearance looks murderous, worthy of the bronze weapons among the flower queen.

Qin Figurine No. 3 pit found 30 "strange sticks", looking murderous, expert: lost in 2000 years

However, the 30 bronze guns unearthed in the No. 3 pit of the Qin Figurines are not pure, because they are the honor guards of the Qin Shi Huang Guards, and the bronze guns of the truly pure Guards, we can refer to the excavations in the tomb of Marquis Zeng, and the killing qi of that is even heavier.

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