
The development standards for newborns from January to October are baked, and your baby is up to standard? Beware of stunting

From the first cry of the newborn, the parents have a sweet responsibility, that is, to raise this little one given by God happily, not to let him suffer any harm, the parents have a kind of psychology that even if they are tired and hard, they can't let the child suffer, which is the selflessness and greatness of the father's love and mother's love. Baby in the newborn period, more need the companionship and care of parents and mothers, many parents know that there is stunting, but do not know what the standard of reference is, so Xiaobian will come to science about the development standards of newborns from 1 to 10 months, I hope that parents can be saved in the brain, timely control the baby's development status, see if he has reached the standard!

Developmental criteria for newborns from 1 to 10 months:

The development standards for newborns from January to October are baked, and your baby is up to standard? Beware of stunting

1 month, develop a good law of eating and sleeping: the newborn baby may be because in the fetal period, pregnant mother living habits are not very good, resulting in some difficult to bring, sleep and diet are not regular, it can be said that the mother the heart, when the baby is full moon, this situation will be improved, it will be better to bring some.

2 months, will laugh: the sooner the baby will laugh the smarter, some babies just full moon will smile, two months will laugh is the standard of normal babies, will laugh indicating that the baby's brain development has entered a certain stage, can simply express their emotions, with joy and sorrow.

3 months, sustained sleep time increased: when just born, the baby's sleep time is very short, because his stomach capacity is relatively small, a moment will be hungry, so to wake up frequently to feed, to three months, the baby's sleep time will be extended, because in the sleep state of the baby's development is the fastest, if your baby sleep time does not change in the slightest, then the development will become sluggish.

The development standards for newborns from January to October are baked, and your baby is up to standard? Beware of stunting

4 months, recognize people: as the saying goes, three months to know the mother, basically the baby to about three months can know who the parents are, to four months the mother will find themselves around him, the baby will be very happy, if the baby is 4 months old, or do not know who the parents are, in addition to indicating the developmental delay, but also can explain that in the baby was born to the present in a period of time, parents do not have enough company.

5 months, turn over: the baby to 5 months, under normal circumstances is the ability to turn over, because some babies can turn over when they are three months old, which requires parents to imitate this action with the baby in the usual time, the baby will follow the learning, it is still difficult to turn over in this month, then you have to go to the hospital to do a check-up.

6 months, understand their own name: half a year old baby can understand the mother to call their own name, this point many mothers should have some resonance, when the baby plays alone, you call his name, he will immediately look back at you.

The development standards for newborns from January to October are baked, and your baby is up to standard? Beware of stunting

7 months, sitting: the baby to seven months, spinal development is basically mature, with the ability to support their own head, so they can sit up independently, of course, when sitting should not be too long, we hold the baby this month, do not hold for a long time, otherwise it may cause harm to the baby.

8 months: read adult emotions: The last time I heard a mother say that she was crying, my half-year-old son also knew to cry, in fact, our little guy is particularly sensitive and smart, he can read the emotions of adults, happy or sad He can feel, which is why parents are happy to tease him, and the baby is also very happy.

9 months: stand up with the help of external forces: Some mothers often show off that their babies can stand when they are four or five months old, but standing too early is not good for the baby, because the bones have not yet developed well, and it is best to help the baby stand up at seven or eight months, and the baby at 9 months has been able to stand up with the help of external forces.

The development standards for newborns from January to October are baked, and your baby is up to standard? Beware of stunting

10 months: stand alone for a moment and be able to say some simple words: at this time the baby can make some "baba, mama" harmonic sounds, but also master some simple words, the baby's speaking time sooner or later in addition to the development of the company, and the language environment is also very related, this parents should pay special attention to.

The development standards for newborns from January to October are baked, and your baby is up to standard? Beware of stunting! It is not that not meeting this standard must indicate that the baby is stunted, but parents must have some vigilance, after all, before the age of one is the golden age of the baby's development, timely detection of problems and solutions is the top priority! Your little cute has reached the standard or exceeded the task

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