
Jurchen destroyed the Great Liao with fewer victories

Jurchen destroyed the Great Liao with fewer victories

Dream interpretation raid out of the river shop

Talk about winning more with less

That Sinology

After ordering the Tiger and Wolf Division to swear on the lailiu river, Ah Kuan won the battle of Ningjiang Prefecture. Not only did it capture some people and horses and a large amount of property, but it also inspired a group of Bohai troops to abandon Liao and invest in gold.

At the beginning of the Battle of Ningjiang Prefecture, there were Liao soldiers who quickly raised their horses and whips to report to Emperor Tianzuo of Liao, who was shooting deer at Qiushan in Gyeongju, and did not take it seriously after listening to the report, and several ministers and Emperor Tianzuo all thought that how could the Jurchen clan in a simple area shake me? Not enough to worry about. Therefore, he was assigned to lead the troops to fight with Shi Gaoxian, and was beaten by the Jin soldiers.

Emperor Tianzuo also appointed Sikong Xiao Sixian and the Jingjiang army to make Xiao Tobujia the commander-in-chief of the capital, and led the Xi people and the Khitan to fight against the Jin army again, and the result was also vulnerable, and the Jin army fled in the hope of being beaten by the Jin army.

The two liao armies were sent to fight and win the battle, and Emperor Tianzuo, feeling the severity of the situation, summoned the chancellor Zhang Lin and demanded that an army of 100,000 troops be immediately assembled to fight against the Jurchen army.

The "Dajin Guozhi School Certificate" is reproduced in the following volumes:

"Every household has an army, and the rich have one or two hundred troops." Non-economic talents such as Lin could not rule, and the armor obeyed people, often filling the number with guns and knives, and the bow and crossbow iron armor were incomparable. So they marched in four ways, and the army of the Dulailiu River Road went deeper, encountered Jurchen, fought a little, and returned to its wall. Du Tong's defectors thought that the Han army was in retreat, and the Khitan soldiers abandoned the camp and ran. The Han soldiers were still more than 30,000, pushing Wu Chaoyan to be the capital and then fighting with Jurchen. Yu Sanlu heard about it, and each of them surrendered to his city, and all of them were conquered by the Jurchens. ”

After several battles and several defeats, Ningjiang Prefecture fell again, and the Liao Dynasty was shocked. Emperor Tianzuo hurriedly summoned his courtiers to discuss countermeasures. In the fourth year of Liaotianqing (1114) lunar month, Emperor Tianzuo appointed the capital Xiao Zhili and the deputy capital Xiao Buye to gather 100,000 soldiers and horses on the north bank of the Yazi River (in present-day Zhaoyuan County, Heilongjiang Province), and this time dispatched such a large-scale military force not only to defend The river (located in Tahu Village, Balang Town, Former Golros Mongol Autonomous County, Jilin Province), but also to attack and eliminate the Jurchen military forces on the banks of the Lailiu River, and at the same time, to form a roundabout encirclement of the center of the Jurchen tribe led by Wanyan Akuta. It caused a huge shock to the Yan clan

The Jin Shi Ji (1) says: "In November, the Liao capital Tong Xiao Zhenli and the vice capital Tong Tart Buye would ride 100,000 people in The Yazi Hebei. Taizu struck himself. Before reaching the Duck River, in the night, Taizu Fang pillowed, if there is three who supports his head, he rises up, and says: (The gods warn me. The whistling drums are raised and walked. At dawn and the river, the Liao soldiers fought on the road, and the ten generations of heroes were selected to shoot them away. The army followed and landed. Three thousand seven hundred, one of the three supremes. When Russia and the enemy encounter a shop out of the river, they will have strong winds, dust will cover the sky, take advantage of the wind to hit them, and the Liao army will collapse. Rushing to the Pole Of Laws, killing the first captive and the chariot and horse armor soldiers to play invincible, giving officials and subordinates, Yan Yan Mi Ri. The Liao people tried to say that if the female soldiers were full of ten thousand, they would be invincible, and they would be full of ten thousand clouds. ”

The ancient texts in the above history books are narrated in vernacular, thirteen years after Ah Bone's fight, four years of Song Huizong Zhenghe, and four years of Liaohai Wang Tianqing (Jia Wu 1114) on the day of the eleventh month of the lunar calendar, Ah Bone hit the information that Liao Tianzuo's 100,000 troops were assembling on the north bank of the Duck River, and felt that the situation was grim, and if they did not take corresponding countermeasures immediately, they were afraid that they would be surrounded and suppressed by the Liao army, so they decided to act immediately, take the initiative to attack, and personally lead 3700 Female Zhen Iron Horsemen to speed upstream on the south bank of the Songhua River. When we reached the south bank of the Duck River, it was already dark, and all the soldiers of the army camped on the spot.

Jurchen destroyed the Great Liao with fewer victories

After inspecting the barracks, Ah Kuanda returned to the tent, and after lying down, he couldn't sleep, thinking, Liao Tianzuo gathered 100,000 troops this time, this is to lay a cruel hammer on me! Trying to encircle and annihilate my Jurchen clan in one fell swoop. My 3,700 soldiers are 100,000 men and horses, and as the saying goes, a good tiger can't stand a pack of wolves.

What tactics can be used to win this battle? He thought about the last battle of Ningjiang Prefecture, when I made a surprise attack with 2500 cavalry and won a big victory with fewer victories. Yes, the soldiers are fast, and only when the enemy army is not ready to assemble, it can only be won by carrying out a surprise attack, taking it by surprise and attacking it unprepared. He thought of the shaman praying for God's blessing again, and then his eyes lit up, and the plan immediately came to mind.

Jurchens all believe in shamans, and if the shaman Afo Kaenduli (the god of heaven) gives you good luck or guidance, then you will be like a fish in the water, what to do. pregnant! Don't delay for a moment, act now. Ah Kuan suddenly stood up and put on his armor and boots and shouted, "Come to the people, pass on my instructions, and the whole army will immediately be fully armed and quickly assemble in front of my account to obey the order." Ah Kuan jumped on his horse and stood in front of the big tent with the reins of the horse tightened, and the guards held torches next to him. He watched the soldiers riding on their horses, with torches, shivering one by one, their mouths and noses breathing, and in a moment the edge of the armor hung white frost, and the cold wind seemed to be wrapped in ice slag, fluttering across the face and hands, the swelling of the wood itched, everyone's spirit was low, and some were weak. The war horses shook their noses from time to time, and some of them were still straight to the ground.

Some soldiers whispered, "These three are so cold in the middle of the night, they have frozen everyone to death, can they still fight?" This kind of scene, Ah Kuan looked in the eyes and listened to the ears. He no longer hesitated, and shouted loudly: "Generals, listen, after I lay down tonight, I pondered how to win this battle, thinking about what tactics to use, alas, thinking about it and falling asleep, and after a while, an immortal shook my head and said to me: 'Your opponent is not in place, and if you strike quickly, you will be able to win.' I was woken up by the immortals, and when I saw that there was no one there, I thought about it, and I wondered how I could win the battle, and eighty percent of the children fell asleep and had such a dream, right? After a while I was asleep again, Hey! Which immortal came to shake my head again, or said, 'Your opponent is not in place, strike quickly, and you will be able to win.' I thought about it, thought it was strange, thought about it and fell asleep again. After a while, the immortal came to shake my head again and said sharply, Soldiers are fast, while your opponent is not yet in place, you must strike quickly to win. If you don't strike again, you will perish!" He woke me up when he said this. Once it was a dream, twice it was a dream like this, three times it was still the same dream, isn't this not the god worrying for us, and the left three times warned us twice! ”

When Ah Kuan said this, the generals talked a lot, saying that this was really a warning from the gods! Ah Kuanta then said in a loud voice, "Liao Tianzuo is dispatching troops and preparing to gather 100,000 soldiers and horses in an attempt to encircle and eliminate us." In the last battle of Ningjiang Prefecture, we only had 2500 soldiers to defeat them, this time we have 3700 iron troops, and we have the will of the gods, as long as we are firm in our confidence in victory, establish bravery and tenacity, and in the spirit of one hundred, the narrow road meets the brave to win! Strike now, destroy the enemy, and once again create a miracle of winning more with less! ”

Ah Kuan Ta is not only the Great Hero of the Jurchens, but also the supreme commander of the Jurchen Army, or the Great Shaman, his prestige among the Jurchen clan is very high, and the words he says are absolutely convincing. He explained to the soldiers the dream of the gods warning him, and the soldiers were immediately indignant and scrappy, "Strike fast and destroy the enemy!" Strike fast and destroy the enemy! The slogan resounded through the clouds.

Jurchen destroyed the Great Liao with fewer victories

At this time, Ah Bone was full of confidence, turned the horse's head, swung the iron gun, slammed his legs on the horse's belly, and shouted: "Attack!" "Take the lead in rushing towards the enemy. War drums rumbled, torches were bright, killing sounds were tremendous, and 3700 iron troops pounced on the enemy like a flock of tigers descending the mountain.

Arriving at the north bank of the Yazi River at dawn, dozens of Liao soldiers demolished the bridge, and after discovering the Jin army, they panicked and picked up their swords and guns to fight, and the brave soldiers of the Jin army, who were several times larger than the enemy, wielded swords and guns, and three times five divided by two beat the enemy soldiers to death and fled. Ah Kuanta led the army to continue to advance, just rushed to the river shop, a large number of Liao troops were assembling, did not expect at all, the Jin army would come so quickly, panicked, like locusts moving to the ground to pounce on the face, Ah Kuanta led the iron horse into the enemy line, he brandished an iron gun, like a grass target man, one after another enemy soldiers fell to the ground under his iron gun.

At this time, the wind was fierce, the dust covered the sky, and the Jin Army completely ignored it, and with the overall tactics of the team, the regiment was slashed and killed, and the more they killed, the braver they became. The Jin army destroyed the decay, the momentum was like breaking bamboo, the wind swept away the remnants of the clouds, people rode on the wind, the wind helped people to threaten, with one hundred, bravely fighting. The generals of the Jin Army dealt with the Liao Army, and as long as they could see it, they could kill it.

For more than an hour of the great war, the Liao soldiers suffered countless casualties, and some of the remaining remnants of the defeated soldiers were also defeated and fled in all directions. The Jin army killed the first moth and the chariot and horse armor soldiers to play invincible. The Jin army returned triumphantly, and in the Emperor's Village, Ah Kuanta presided over the Zhujie Assembly and rewarded combat heroes and meritorious personnel. Ah Kuan interpreted the dream to stimulate the combat effectiveness of the Generals of the Golden Army, and won more with less, and the surprise attack to obtain the great victory of the River Shop became a beautiful talk.

The victory in the raid on Chuhedian was the most typical example of a small victory in the history of the Song, Jin, Liao, and Xia dynasties, and it was also a crucial and of great significance victory for the Jurchen clan in the White Mountains and Black Water. It created extremely favorable conditions for the establishment of the Golden State and the ascension of Ah Kuanta to the throne and the realization of the goal of destroying the Liao.

Since then, the Liao kingdom has been in a slump, and the Tianzuo Emperor is about to begin to flee and run to the road of no return; the Great Golden Kingdom, with Taizu Guanyan Akuta as the commander, has begun to prosper and flourish!

(Yan Shujun: In fact, this story contains two of the most important Jurchen cultures, one is shamanic culture and the other is hunting (fighting) culture.) Shamanic culture is amazing and has been explored many times before. The culture of siege (hunting) is indeed a cultural phenomenon that the Jurchens cannot ignore. )

(Finish yan shujun: The Jurchens are fishing and hunting peoples, and they use some of their experience in hunting to the military, forming a unique formation of jurchens. )

References: 1. Zhonghua Book Company published the "History of Jin" [1].

2. Zhonghua Bookstore published the "Dajin Guozhi School Certificate".

Author that Guoxue

After solving Yan Shujun

Manchu Culture Network

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