
The ancient Jin Dynasty initially had only more than 2,000 people to destroy the Liao's 1 million army! How?

Friends who know the history of the Song Dynasty may know that the Song Dynasty was divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, and the Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed by the Jin Dynasty that arose in the north, and the land of China experienced the shame of Jingkang at that time!

Since we Han Chinese ruled the Central Plains, there has been no such shame! The two Northern Song emperors were captured and imprisoned to death; many imperial concubines, many palace ladies, etc. were humiliated and killed by the Jin people; China became a vassal state of the Jin people; the emperor's sons became slaves, and the emperor's women became the playthings of the Jin people's concubines...

The ancient Jin Dynasty initially had only more than 2,000 people to destroy the Liao's 1 million army! How?

Moreover, in addition to Yue Fei and others in the Song Dynasty at that time, it was a golden change, and many wars were directly surrendered or fled before they were fought, and the fighting power of the Jin people was so strong

The ancient Jin Dynasty initially had only more than 2,000 people to destroy the Liao's 1 million army! How?

People who do not know the history of the Jin Dynasty may not know that the pattern of the Eurasian continent at that time was: the Liao state (Khitan people) in the north should be regarded as the first power in Asia and even Eurasia, with millions of soldiers; the Song Dynasty since the founding of Zhao Kuangyin, the economic prosperity was regarded as the world's first vassal state at that time; and the Jin Dynasty, at that time, the Jurchens did not have a state, could not be called the Jin Dynasty, they were still uncivilized tribes, barbarians in the eyes of our Han and Khitan tribes, and extremely ununified, serious division and conquest, no decent weapons and equipment, Why is it that such a nation was able to destroy the strongest Liao and Song states in East Asia in a state of destruction and decay?

Finish Yan A bone fight

After Yan A bone beat this person how do we evaluate, many people say that he is a generation of Haojie, in fact, I think he is a bit stunned! Why?

The ancient Jin Dynasty initially had only more than 2,000 people to destroy the Liao's 1 million army! How?

At that time, the Jurchens were subordinate to the Liao State and had to pay tribute to the Liao State every year, and the Jurchens were divided into mature Jurchens and raw Jurchens, and the Jurchens were the parts ruled by the Liao State.

Finished Yan Akuta is the leader of one of the Jurchen tribes, when the Tianzuo Emperor of the Liao Kingdom came to the Jurchen tribe, on a whim, let the various tribal leaders of the Jurchen clan dance to help, which is a great insult to the Jurchen clan, but the Liao kingdom can't afford it, so, all the tribal leaders have jumped, only the complete Yan Aku did not jump, when the Tianzuo Emperor almost killed the Jurchen clan! From this incident, it can be seen that Yan Ah Bone has courage and strategy to beat this person, and is not good at concealing patience!

Later, Yan Ah Bone unified the Jurchen clan, and openly confronted the Liao state and declared war!

What is the situation in the Liao state

The Jurchens rebelled, and the Liao state certainly could not ignore it, so the Liao state sent the first army of 20,000 people. You may think that 20,000 people are a little less, but do you know how many soldiers and horses there were after Yan Ah Bone unified the Jurchen clan? There were more than 2,000 people, often armed with hunting weapons, no armor, and covered in animal skins.

That's it! The first battle of the Liao Kingdom was lost! Why? Because the Liao state has not fought for a long time, it is no longer the Khitan iron horse in the "Eight Parts of the Heavenly Dragon", and the Liao people initially despised the Jurchens very much, wanting weapons without weapons, armor without armor, and the total strength of the army was only more than 2,000 people, and they also wanted to fight with the Liao people

The ancient Jin Dynasty initially had only more than 2,000 people to destroy the Liao's 1 million army! How?

The Jurchens are actually very fierce, they fight wars unlike our Han people who pay attention to the art of war, they just 2 words "charge"! Rely entirely on powerful combat power! In fact, seeing this, I think that the completion of yan a bone fight once again showed the temperament of the stunned head, more than 2,000 people dare to take the initiative to launch a war, even if it is a little more hidden, develop strength, of course, this may also be the place where the complete Yan A bone fight is successful, history is a lot of coincidences and unpredictable!

Finish Yan A bone fight on the side in order to gather the surrendered soldiers, the strength continued to grow, until the Liao State's Tianzuo Emperor 150,000 troops personally conscripted, completed Yan A bone fight only 1 year already has 20,000 elite soldiers. In this battle, the Liao state was defeated again, and from then on, the iron horse of the Jin people was not something that the Liao state could block, and the Jin people gradually encroached on the Liao state, and the liao state, the most powerful country in East Asia, was destroyed!

In fact, the oppression of the Jurchens by the Liao state is really too cruel, there are often Liaoguo people who bully men and women in the Jurchens, the taxes are very heavy, once the number of tributes cannot be completed, the Jurchens will suffer, so brutal, how can the Jurchens not resist, fight a war, how can they not fight!

What happened later was that the Liao State was destroyed, the Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed, and the shame of Jing Kang occurred! Shame on the Han People!

This incident tells us not to over-squeeze others, to treat others kindly, and at the same time never to let yourself lose your fangs, to keep in and beat you at any time, and to appease you when you retreat, so that you can be invincible!

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